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December 2019

The Christmas Story (Part four)

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‘Creature’ of 2Corinthians 5:17 is an interesting ktisis (ktis'-is) ‘1. original formation 2. (properly) the act 3. (by implication) the thing.’ Jesus has created an original creature the likes of Adam’s original sinless existence. You cannot be held of any sin again. This is what the excitement of the story of Christmas is all about. We are no longer sinners; we are righteous people, who are called born again Christians. 2Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Our righteousness is not of our making. We cannot maintain this new creaturehood. Christ maintains the righteousness. No man can be trusted with it. Too precious before the thrice holy God it is.Read More

The Christmas Story (Part four)

‘Creature’ of 2Corinthians 5:17 is an interesting ktisis (ktis'-is) ‘1. original formation 2. (properly) the act 3. (by implication) the thing.’ Jesus has created an original creature the likes of Adam’s original sinless existence. You cannot be held of any sin again. This is what the excitement of the story of Christmas is all about. We are no longer sinners; we are righteous people, who are called born again Christians. 2Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Our righteousness is not of our making. We cannot maintain this new creaturehood. Christ maintains the righteousness. No man can be trusted with it. Too precious before the thrice holy God it is.Read More

The Christmas Story (Part three)

The Christmas story is of heaven reinstating Adam to his dominion role. Power must change hands. And seeing an imminent abscission of the spiritual power (i.e. of spiritism) that protects the global political hegemony of Satanism, Herod became very jittery. An arrangement to surcease God’s intention preoccupied Herod’s demonic stance. God is always steps ahead of His enemies. The wise men who had by then come to the understanding of the incarnation that must precede the practicality of soteriological design had no problem, whatsoever, obeying the instruction of Matthew 2:12 “And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.”Read More

The Christmas Story (Part two)

Herod is the Greek Herodes (hay-ro'-dace) meaning ‘heroic.’ This king is Herod the Great. His heroic greatness is of man, the labour to which greatness is wood, hay and stubble (1Cor. 3:12) which profiteth nothing (John 6:63). Jesus is the true Hero of our miserable life of sinfulness. Herod’s political heroism cannot be compared to the soteriological kerygma of the Lord Jesus which says of Him, “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). The geographical ‘east,’ from where the wise men or Magi came from is anatole (an-at-ol-ay') ‘1. a rising of light 2. (figuratively) dawn 3. (by implication) the east (also in plural).’ Man had been looking esoterically at the sun in the worship of the sun god, Baal or Nimrod. The true Light shone into the cogitations of these astrologers and they decided to seek the Truth even Jesus. They forsook idolatrous Nimro-Semiramic assistance, turned to Jesus, the King of kings, and the Saviour of mankind.Read More

The Christmas Story (Part one)

Professionally they were star and moon gazing astrologers of the Spirit offending Nimro-Semiramic order. It was very apropos to necessitate the visit of the Magi. They represent the spiritual powers of Satanism, which must bow before the LORD God, because it says, “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him:” [Matthew 2:11]. Baby Jesus, the central of attraction, is the nonpareil Adam. The seemingly weakling of His infancy is the humanity of ‘which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. The swaddling-clothed infantility is the Bishop of our dying souls (1Peter 2:25).Read More


The usual outpouring psalmodic Spirit-infusion of Davidic scripting is of crystal clarity in, "For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee" [Psalm 5:4]. Evil is a component of Satanism. It has its dwelling home with Lucifer, in whom the activism of iniquity was first a discovery. I just do not know why people would not see the eternal destruction it portends if God should bring Himself to an inconsequentially tiny taste of evil. He will cease to be the Almighty: simply because He stands to be judged for wrongdoing. For the sake of His eternal goodness, the LORD, my God will never drink of evil. Hallelujah! The wisest individual poured it forth so beautifully in Proverbs 12:20, "Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy." Pregnant with arcanum is this Solomonic scriptorial ingenuity. Is God not too real to toy with a soiling deceitfulness? Jehovah is not the liar known of man, neither will He ever seek for repentance, having committed a sin. Read More


Is it not very interesting to note that this humongous space of the universe excludes the very third heaven abode of Divine Majesty? The minutest of evil, the size of the least of the fraction of an office pin poke cannot find its containerising incursion into the Holy One of Israel. It is quite germane to quote Scriptures to betoken theological didacticism. Isaiah 7:14-15 reads “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 15) Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.” Read More


I cannot understand how God could author moral evil and not be guilty as well. What kind of Being will God be, if for instance He should plan and orchestrate the sinful fall of Adam and his wife and made the soteriological arrangements to go alongside it? He most certainly will be the giddiest of all in existence. Why would He toy with innocent lives? I can hear a statement like, "Well, He is God Almighty." Then the concluding rhetoric, "Who can challenge Him if He should decide to do just that (sin)?" Is God like a man? They simply do not know the kind of Person, Jehovah, the God of the Bible is. He is Love. In absolute readiness to shower all pleasantness to all of His creations is His divine volition. He is the true Light. Full of knowledge and grace. Jehovah is full of goodness and to an overflowing ineffableness. The LORD God is absolutely faultless –the ultimate perfection of goodness from eternity to eternal existence. Amen.Read More