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October 2020

JESUS: The WORD Of God (What does it betoken?) Part 3

(Continued from the 2nd part)                                                                                                                                                                                3)            The grand crescendo of John’s discourse was reached in this 14th verse. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” While ‘Word’ in Greek is Logos...Read More

JESUS: The WORD Of God (What does it betoken?) Part 2

The life which Jesus breathed into created entities illumed them. This light does not just endow with a visive authority. It creates a rational knowledge by which an intelligence is displayed by the individual. This True Light gave Adam the knowledge of what to name creatures such that every name he gave needed not be reviewed by the Creator. Every intelligent being thirsts for salvation. Many, unfortunately, reject the leading of this spiritual Light –into eternal damnation. The sole source of life celestial and mundane life flows from the Word of life, Word of God, even Jesus Christ. Only God can give life thus. Amen! Read More

JESUS: The WORD Of God (What does it betoken?) Part 1

There is only One Entity, only One Personage that goes by the sobriquet 'Word of God.' A word is a limning of the utterer of it. You are bound by the word of your utterance because you have verbalised it. It becomes your property, identity and true self. It takes the articulation of verbalism, often meticulosity allied, to effectuate a creation. Mark the trajectory projection of a prayer, praise, worship or a curse. Very effective. The Scripture of theological ventilation of, "And God said..." was commanded ten times to the establishment of creationism. Indeed, your word says everything that has to do with you! It is for this reason that Logos, the Greek for 'word,' is defined as 'the totality of God's mind, will and word.' Amen.Read More

Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come. [seven]

Christ, in Revelation 15:3, goes by the sobriquet Lord God Almighty, and Revelation 11:17 gives the same Lord God Almighty to the Father. Each of the two Divine Beings is: “Which is, and which was, and which is to come.” Revelation 16:5 says of Jesus, “And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.” The name or title “Lord” in Hebrew is most definitely LORD (in capitals) and which is none other than I AM THAT I AM –JEHOVAH. What does this say of those who are in Christ Jesus? They are in the safest hand of the Entity (whose immanent transcendentalism spans the eternity present, past and future), spiritually. Their (the Christians) eternal lives are inviolably secure. Their lives reside in the Saviour, Jesus, very God of very God. Selah!Read More

Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come. [six]

For your scriptural information, “which was,” ho en in Greek takes the age of Jesus to the ‘eternity past.’ If no creature existed in the eternity past, it follows that whoever has his existence from that eternal past has an essence of immutability. Living before time, Jesus is immutable: for time cannot affect Him. He is as old as the Eternal Father! In Proverbs chapter 8, verse 22 speaks of wisdom: “The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.” Verse 23 underscores the “wisdom’s” datelessness, “I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.” Verses 24 to 29 which continue to uphold the eternal existence of Wisdom is essentially Jesus in Colossians 2:3 “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Read More