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December 2020

Is Christmas Of Idolatry? (2)

His birth drew highly notable intellectuals from the East. Now, what day of the week it turned out to be –for the Bible is silent on it— we cannot tell. We are, however, not unmindful of this facticity: that this Personage, who has historical backing of His earthly existence, also owns all days. Regardless of the stolen days of idol worship, there is no observed day commemorating His birthday by His mystical body, the Church, which should bring dishonour to the Person of the Lord our Saviour. Amen. On the seventh or the Sabbath day He rested, commanding us to honour that Sabbath. Rising from the dead, Christ suffered us to name Sunday as the ‘Lord’s Day (Revelation 1:10). The same Creator who did rest on the seventh comes to the first day of the week to rest. What has He done? The Lord of creation has bracketed the nucleus of time! Every day is now a Sabbath day -of His worship. Christmas of the 25th December of every year is the Lord’s Day. It comes between the first and the seventh day of the creation week. Praise the Lord! Read More

Is Christmas Of Idolatry? (1)

By 350 A.D. Christ Mass celebration had received global institutionalisation. The initial paganism slant of Christmas, ergo, is a facticity. It is a scriptural truism that an echt worshipper of Jehovah will come to his Creator with the sincerity of the heart. Those who approach the Lord on a Christmas day in truth and in Spirit will definitely be received of the Lord. I do understand that that particular day of sol invictus is the spiritual disgust many churches shrink from. The question now is does the sun god own any day of the week, month or year? Was it not the proclivity of religiosity that goaded humans to give up that 25th for the worship of the sun god?Read More


What is ‘www’ [world wide web]? Is it not believed to be the gulag of Satanism? You have to belong to it, that which is controlled by the powers that be –of Satanism— to be globally recognized. The first thing that got me angry with this internet connectivity is that you must comply, and very strictly too, to whatever is programmed, when you want to sign up for any of these connections. What does that imply? They are in perfect control of your internet life. Facebook programmed ‘www’ declined to let me fill H.O. Ojewale, as if it is not my name. I had no choice but to make do with H.o. Ojewale (with a small letter ‘o’ as my initial).Read More


The children of this day are desirous of absolute freedom. Freedom from paternity; from constituted laws; ethical morality. Having been tutored by the silent lectures from demonism, the evil ways of Satanism has become so attractively desirable. All Satan has to do is just take them back on a journey to the nudity of Eden manoeuvre. The progenies of Eve have consistently fallen for this same satanic beguilement, over and over and again. All the devil has to do is a pad and a crawl into the unsuspecting heart; deposit the verbal script of his chicanery in it; work on it. The wicked one: he knows how to wait. He waits to see the fruitfulness of what he has successfully sowed in the hearts of unsuspecting souls. The truth is that Satan cannot force anyone to accept his insidiousness. Everybody has the spiritual strength to say, “No!” to Satanism.Read More


The youth and the older generations love to sag the garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately. The womenfolk are never comfortable stepping out in a dress that covers the cleavage. Why should a very sensitive organ of the mammary gland be a thing of witless flaunt? The beauty of the breast is meant for the hubby’s view. Showing it to others is an enticement into prostitution. The crazier things are, the better they are suiting to them these days. Horrendous! This present one, is a world of sex. Rape has become the order of the day. The demons of concupiscence are mad at work. Prostitution puts huge amount of money in the bank accounts of the operators of sex business. Where are the virgins of these days? Many were unfortunate to lose their hymenal seal of virtue before the age of five, all because one crazy, pachydermatous idiot must push himself somewhere inside someone’s vagina.Read More


Awanting Jesus, more and more women believe the incursion of Satanism has rendered them truly lonely and unloved by their male counterparts. Washing themselves in an unreal abashment, they walk into an unnatural act of lesbianism. What they think gives them enjoyment is a ‘vile affection’ in the sight of the LORD God. Taking their eyes away from Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of the enabling faith, resulting in their ungodly ratiocinatio, is the bane of their divine ostracism. The scriptural truth is that God has taken the woman (Jesus’ Bride). There is no place for a Second Woman –spiritually. Lucifer has perfectly designed a derogatory existence for the adherent and lost Adamic female. Lesbianism is unbecoming in the sight of the Creator! Most definitely, Romans 1:26-28 is nothing short of the homosexualism of Satanism. The word ‘use,’ of the 27th verse, chresis, has to do, specifically, with the pudenda. The only use of the pudenda, in reference to the opposite sex, is coition. This, being an undeniably facticity, makes the burning of the male towards another male a case for an ungodly practice of homosexuality. This inordinate lust is a revelation of the slough engendered by man’s decision to slough the native disposition, allowed by the protocol of God’s constitution, regarding lawful coition.Read More