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June 2024

The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil (1)

So, God had to warn them not to be associated with disobedience, fitly, the representation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In sincere veridicality, the eating of the fruit is not as wrongful as the disobedient act of “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:” instructional warning from the Divine lips of the LORD God. The grave essence of disobedience to the word of God is simply in the contention with the desire of God. It means you have no iota of respect for the Most High, the Creator. It means that you detest the instruction of God. In other words, you are more knowledgeable than God. God’s law will never become otiose. No philosophy, creed, change of events and time or power can successfully render the law of God obsolete. Going against the express word of God is a direct confrontation to Jehovah. Before God makes any law, He goes from eternity past, to the present time of this age, right through eternity to come, making sure it will stand the times of all existence; then He puts the law into words. It is sacrilegious to show disobedience to the word of God. The Word of God is Himself! When Adam took the fruit from his wife and ate it, he rebelled, like Lucifer, against the Supreme Being. How can one be stupid enough to rebel against the One who is altogether Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent? The one must be wallowing in state of egregious dummkopf. Is the LORD God not the Being of eternality? Anyone stupid enough to go against Him is guilty of eternality of damnation, no doubt. Read More

Èsù, the Master Dialectician (3)

How could Satan have dragged Jesus from the wilderness to the Temple’s pinnacle? Very simple; his dialectical mastery made him paint the flagitious picture, spreading the image of his deception before Jesus – right there, in the wilderness. For every temptation there is a scriptural solution, “And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Èsù, the master dialectician failed. Employ the word of God and the enemy’s stratagem comes to nought. The strength of the dialecticism of Èsù turns unwary hearts into stones of inexorability. King Saul was dribbled to the point of forgetting that the Jewish throne is the LORD’s doing. Desiring his son, Jonathan, to succeed him, David must be hunted and hacked to death. Just beware of this enemy and do everything scripturally possible to keep yourself away from the sway of Èsù, the dialectician. You cannot be too wise for him, as long as he is able to make you drop your spiritual guard. After all the dramatic afflictions, Solomon would wish they were all dreams. Under the persuasive goading of the master dialectician, Solomon married several poisonous wives. The enemy’s dialecticism is often aphrodisiac. The king was shown the beauty of Bathsheba and the dialectician’s words, mesmerizing amatorial indiscipline, brought David to his knees. The deceitful mastery of his persuasive words gain conquest just because we forget the instructions of the LORD God.Read More

Èsù, the Master Dialectician (2)

The LORD God did everything to make peace with Cain but the Devil had dialectically overwhelmed his mentality to goad his recruitment into the service of Satanism. God wanted to make peace with Cain. He told him, “Get a domestic animal; use it as a sin offering; and I’ll forgive you.” Catastrophically, though, the deceitful promises of Lucifer had darkened Cain’s heart to the point of ‘no return'! It would not surprise me if Cain had told the Creator, “To hell with your sacrifices!” Even those who brilliantly get nine correct answers out of ten in mathematics class exercise must do their corrections of the single sum. Cain hated to do his correction; he hated to even be corrected. Those who hate to be corrected are Lucifer-dangerous! Going through the rituals of corrections set you right with the LORD God who is all goodness without a scintilla of wrongness of evil. Shunning corrections is a metaphor that paints God with erraticism. Love to be corrected and get your ways mended; live happily ever after before the thrice holy Jehovah. Amen! Cain had been dribbled into the coven of Satanism. Like billions of cultists of this day, Cain believed the sweet talk from the lips of Satan would present him with comfort, convenience, fame and riches of the terra firma. The words of the evil dialectician had doomed him forever. The proof of Cain’s satanic sacerdotal official role is underscored in Genesis 4:8. Read More

Èsù, the Master Dialectician (1)

How the hypocrisy of this individual managed to infiltrate and subsequently overcome the mental reasoning of a number of fellow angelic beings; not one, four or ten, not even a hundred or a thousand, but an unbelievable whole one-third, grossing to about five billion celestial angels will remain a huge mystery till we get the full gist when we get to heaven. What bewitching stunt of verbalism could have accounted for his championing Satanism that made them to follow a fellow created being, in unfathomable rejection of the LORD God of the Rainbow Administration of the empyrean assizes? Mystery, mystery, mystery. All that I know is Satan’s reediting of God’s Word. When the instructions of God becomes boredom or out of fashion, know of certainty that Satan has perfected his pad and creep into an unwary mind with one motto: to steal, kill and destroy. Not a smidgeon of a doubt in my mind is that Lucifer would have told them an elevation he sought, which, with their support, enhanced their own spiritual elevation should they acquiesce to his independent break away from the Creator and set up a parallel apotheosis where he, Lucifer will receive the latria. The minute one’s perception hooks on another entity of worship, other than the empyrean Godhead of the Rainbow Administration, is a mark of spiritual insanity.Read More


Was it not after the creation of the female Adam that God scored His creation, “Very good”? The Woman is the icing on the cake of the Adamic creation, epitomizing the Christological quiddity, and from whose matrix comes the Incarnation. “In the Woman,” Reverend Chris Okotie observed, as he explained, from his theological studies, “Is a Divine investment much more than the Man.” Our marital love and submission will be tested. The woman of Eden did not submit herself to the revealed words of, Genesis 2:17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” In order to save the marriage from another death, submission is the antidote. The Man would rather offend God; Adam forgot Deuteronomy 6:5 “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” To bring God into a perfect picture of the marriage, the man must take on the responsibility of the definition of God: love. Let the man ever treat his wife with the love of agapé, and let the LORD’s submission commandment from the wife be a continuous exercise. Marriage is a theological exclusivity for Christianity. Why would God tell Israel never to marry outside the community of Jewry? The investment is strictly for those who are close to Him. The first woman was created from an existing congruity of the male Adam. The woman must have her ears close to the man, agreeing with him in all things according to the Word of God. Knowing quite well that she comes from this Adam, the good LORD knows that the woman should not find it difficult to bring her submission to her husband. Marriage is definitely not about sex and child bearing. It is about strict commitment and submission to the will of the Institutor of marriage: JESUS. Selah!Read More


If you have to marry, understand that the man, first of Adamic creation, is the head of the family and he is in control of family matters according to divine fiat! Reverend Chris Okotie was his recondite self when teaching on the relationship between Adam the man and his wife. He said, “Adam, as a worker for God, has the entire earth as his platform; and Eve, his wife, has Adam, her husband, as her own platform.” How so abstruse, this exegetical establishment. Does the Scripture agree with the erudition of Reverend Chris Okotie? Genesis 2:15 “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” The man, Adam, is the first worker for God and the earth is his platform. Superintendence over an entity lies with the namer of the object. In naming the woman, he proved to be her superintendent husband. In her creation, she was taken out of the existing Adam, her husband. Her husband is her source. Do we all not know what happens when one is cut off from one’s source? One begins to malfunction. When the husband withholds his duteous love of commitment, or and when the wife decides to jettison God’s submissive mand, the home experiences malfunctioning. If the man’s platform is the earth, based on his scriptural formation from the dust, the wife’s platform of her duty to the Creator is the man, out of whom she came into existence. As far as the family organization is concerned, the husband – the one who has God’s oracle – seeks direction from God; and God expects the wife to look up to the husband for her own direction. You cannot change God’s protocol. Coming from the LORD God, His command is eternally in order and in vogue. So, you see, if you cannot abide by divine rules, just forget about marriage.Read More