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Is it not quite interesting to note that centuries before the advent of Islam the persuasive John 3:16 was all that Christians needed to populate the Kingdom of God, spiritually? Suddenly, God decided to start killing the unbelieving people with the sword of Prophet Muhammad, such that, "Paradise has one hundred grades which Allah has reserved for the Mujahidun who fight in His Cause," is all a die-hard Muslim needs to understand, and he is ready to destroy unbelieving lives. Isis of Syria, Boko Haram of Nigeria and the globally infamy: Al-Qaeda of Osama bin-Laden etc. thrive on verses like this to inflict the mayhem of terrorism on those who want nothing to do with Islamism. They will be beheading a victim as they all chorus, "Allahu akbar!" Why not? Is it not the gateway to Mohammedan Paradise? The core of Islamism is definitely jihadic. It is so crucial to Mohammedanism that he himself said with so much gusto that: "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! I would love to be martyred in Allah's Cause and then come back to life, and then get martyred and then come back to life again, and then get martyred and then come back to life again, and then get martyred." [Sahih Al-Bukhari, 4/2797 (O.P.54)]. Jihadists are the true Muslims! Most certainly! They do the striking strives very religiously and to the utmost joy of Allah! Read More

Is Christmas Of Idolatry? (1)

By 350 A.D. Christ Mass celebration had received global institutionalisation. The initial paganism slant of Christmas, ergo, is a facticity. It is a scriptural truism that an echt worshipper of Jehovah will come to his Creator with the sincerity of the heart. Those who approach the Lord on a Christmas day in truth and in Spirit will definitely be received of the Lord. I do understand that that particular day of sol invictus is the spiritual disgust many churches shrink from. The question now is does the sun god own any day of the week, month or year? Was it not the proclivity of religiosity that goaded humans to give up that 25th for the worship of the sun god?Read More


Quite a scatological mind of an individual it will take to disdain the faith and exemplary character of Mary, the mother of Jesus; but when one peruses the Pauline hall of faith (Hebrews chapter eleven), Mary is not accorded a mentioning, neither as the Catholicism engendered 'mother of God.' The Holy Spirit did not even direct Paul to do an insertion of her name somewhere in-between verses 39 & 40 to produce a couching like: "God having provided some better thing for us, through the divine matrix of Madonna of the blessed perpetuity of virginity, that they without us should not be made perfect." Mary, to Catholicism, would have been the co-Perfecter of the faith of Christians if Hebrews eleven has an inclusion of her name. Read More