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1Corinthians 15:47


The Messianic reality of establishment coming from the given Son further establishes the Incarnation. The birth of the child underscores the emergence of the Second Man – the second six or twelve –, the Last Adam, being the most enigmatic One to tread upon the surface of terra firma. The Lord from the Rainbow Administration of the empyrean assizes cannot be born: for a being of Adamic procreation begins life in the womb. The Christ, Whose goings forth is from eternality of the timeless past, can only be given, ergo, the Incarnation. Amen. His Incarnation brought the timelessness of the Christ into the time of our world. Seven days for a week accounts for the perfection of His being. Twelve number of months for every year makes Him the Owner of our days. In the heavenly assizes, there are twenty-four lesser thrones forming an arc round the empyrean Majesty. The twenty-four elders represent the perfect Church that does not fail to give the true latria to the Most High Jehovah, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. The first time the number twelve appears in Scripture is in Genesis 14:4 “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” This number of soteriological significance easily translates service. Chedorlaomer’s tyranny forced five kingdoms under its domination for twelve years. They failed to stay liberated because they bypassed Christ, the true Owner of the number twelve, believing in their physical warring strength. It took the number of grace – five – for Abraham, friend of Christ, the LORD of Psalm 24, to redeem Lot from Chedorlaomer’s grip. They were five kingdoms only in physical numeration, denying the power of the grace of God, hence, they failed to break successfully from the tyrannical grip of Chedorlaomer.Read More
Moksha of Hinduism


The first member of the Hindu Trinity is Brahma. He (Brahma) has a wife in the heavenly assizes, right? Stories about the concupiscence of Hindu gods abound. We know that Jehovah does not engage in amatory pleasure. You would not even hear of Him (Jehovah) stretching out or lazing about in any celestial chamber. Brahma is definitely not the same person as the God of the Bible. Exodus 20:3 quotes God as commanding, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Psalm 73:25 makes it clear with, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.” God Himself told Moses in Exodus 34:14, ”For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:” There is no doubt, judging from eons of Hindu religion existence, that Mohammedan Qur’an got the formlessness of Allah from Brahma’s incorporeality. I wonder how an asomatous Jehovah would, at creationism, command in Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: ….” God’s anthropomorphic dimension is seen in the word, ‘likeness’ which in Hebrew is dmuwth (dem-ooth') meaning: ‘1. resemblance. 2. (concretely) model, shape. 3. (adverbially) like.’Read More