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Ezekiel 18:4


The microcosm of the entire thirty-one thousand, one hundred and two verses of the Bible is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This verse, which sums up God’s mind and intent for mankind, touches on His love, His gift of the only begotten Son, eternal damnation and the soteriology. The death of the Son is substitutionary: the life of sinless Second Member of the Godhead for the lost Adamic souls. Sin is a curse as we understand Ezekiel 18:4 “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” And Wisdom, the personification of the Christ, makes it clear in Proverbs 8:36 “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.” Sin, for this scriptural reason, is truly a reproach. Not wanting to destroy sinful man, God designed redemption way out in John 3:16. When Prophet Muhammad began his Islamic campaign, one of the antagonistic teaching of the Islamic protocolary Qur’an against Christianity was an oppugnation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Read More

ADAM (3)

If by one man God’s word was successfully put to work and got truly protected, Adam, the man, would have brought to perfection, Christ’s soteriological role. She, who willfully sinned, would have been gathered together with the spirit behind the stealthy meandering evil who asked, “Hath God said 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” to hell, I believe, putting an end to Satanism. Adam, if you had just done that you would have been our champion, pristine father and the grand teacher of the express Word of God. Jesus Christ would not have had to go through the gruesome Golgotha crucifixion to save the world. Adam, the whole world would be cheering you as the king of earthly kings. The gold you could not lay your fallen nature on would be extracted with no sweat at all. Other rich minerals of the earth would be at our disposal for the good of all. Would there have been the mad rush for the selfish mining of the earth’s rich resources? I think not. The Adamic elevation of God’s intent would have commenced much quicker. Eden, the cradle of Adamic birth would be the capital of the entire globe. Your obedience to Jehovah would have banished Lucifer and his foul disembodied spirits from the world. Read More

No Condemnation (3)

It is the right of the redeemed. God’s purpose and oath guarantees it. The grace of God sustains this zōē. Faith and hope in the gospel give him the right of claim; most certainly the grace of God engenders the principle of eternality in the believing soul. The fullest of its satiation is the earnest of Holy Spirit. The condemnation of Jesus Christ on the cross brings Adamic elevation under the aegis of the Divinity. By the righteousness of Christ, though the redeemed comes before the judgment assizes of the Creator, his acquitment stands as sure as the existence of the LORD God, the ultimate Judge Himself. Whoever believes in Him, Jesus, shall not be condemned but saved, absolutely. Though the original sin, a perpetration of the Adamic pristine parents, which should utterly destroy: for it says, “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4), the New Testamentary initiation of the gratuitous zōē demands a ‘not guilty' acquittal. The blood that speaketh better things than that of Abel has cleansed the soul erstwhile heading straight to hell, and by the indwelling intervention of the Holy Spirit, a volte-face to eternal bliss is the tenor of the act of grace, made a possibility by the declaration of justification passed on the redeemed of the Lord; secured from the irredeemable journey of the second death. All it takes for divine operation of the soteriology is “obey the didacticism of divine utterance” and the resultant effect is “passing from the Adamic dead situation to eternal life.” Hallelujah! Read More


1)            The connectivity that exists between unrighteousness and its inseparable sinfulness throws up horrendous acridity of funk in God’s holy physiognomy. It is such a revulsion to the Divinity that Ezekiel’s vatic office declared his Master’s divine decree of “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of...Read More