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Better Not Make The Mistake (2)

Is one night stand not fashionably accepted way of ‘catching fun'? You call it ‘one night stand', I tell you the truth, it is actually ‘one wicked night with Satan, the dark lord of evil’. Has it not resulted in millions of blackmailed victims? You think your manhood is free to traverse the fleshly privacy of all femininity you come across? Kings, military generals, teachers, pastors, evangelists, politicians, great men and women of industries have fallen under the corruption of sex. You do not even know how demonic your illicit sex partner is. One sex can invoke demons into the destruction of your person. You think you are making money out of sex, but do you know that you could actually be dining with demonic principalities? The man had rubbed fetish substances of demonism on his penis. His entrance makes way for the destructive elementals to feed mercilessly on you. Your home becomes the playground for evil occupation just because you had sex with that beautiful, innocent looking, young girl. You did not know that she was on an annihilating mission.Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (1)

If the Word of God is strictly “marriage before sex” and you think you can circumvent that divine clause, do have a second thought; and if you happen to be a person of impervious heart, then take yourself through to the tenth thought: better not make this stupidity of mistake. The stupid alibi I have always heard from illicit coition is the protectiveness of, “…we had a consensual sex.” The LORD God, the Creator, hates fornication – sex before marriage. What is outlawry? It is simply lawlessness! Fornicators are outlaws. How many fornicators are expecting pregnancy? Negligible few, I believe, are in this business of Satanism. The logicality of pregnancy pricks not the impervious conscience of fornicators. Pregnancies have scuttled or destroyed educational pursuits; and what about shame? It has brought untold stories of obloquy. Okay, you want protection from unwanted baby. But the pills can either do chemical damage or just fail to yield the desired result! Oh, you want to opt for the condom? Is it not possible for the rubber to have a faulty tear or hole? It is better not to commit this error.Read More


Even if there is no scientific proof against this fleshly propensity, a child of God ought to know when the enemy points to another forbidden fruit. The stark reality, here, is that anyone who deems it fit to resort to masturbation is sick, spiritually. He or she needs to seek help. Such a person needs spiritual aid. The truth is that those who overcome this problem a la therapeutic sessions must have utilized faith: the inevitable ingredient of obtaining success, as far as God Almighty is concerned!Read More


An influential Pastor, Dr. Chris Oyakhilome, founder of CHRIST EMBASSY, once taught his congregation that there is nothing wrong with masturbation. Was Oyakhilome’s teaching correct or misleading? Let us consult the holy writ, God's own protocol, to unearth the truth.Read More