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sin lieth at the door


Entities of creationism, no matter how perfect in creation, are still under the sovereignty of the Divinity. The same sovereignty over creation explains God’s right to beam probationary light on the existence of beings. The LORD God does not put anyone on probation because He wants to know the hidden dwelling evil in the heart. He knows and sees beings, living, nonliving, animate or inanimate – all the centillions – at the same time and the intents of all, long before the existence of each one. Nothing, ergo, comes to the Almighty as a surprise. He has decided to probe us so that we will know that He is the LORD. The eternality of God’s juridical office makes the Eternal Father the Judge of all things. The judge is only known to swing into adjudicatory ukase after an act of legal interest is brought before the assizes. God made man a free moral agent, having the right to choose any course of life; the free moral agency does not becloud the mind not to know that there is an ultimate Judge.Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (5)

Cain’s decision to dishonour God’s Fatherly advice led him to the first Adamic murder charge and guilt. Consequently Cain became the first Antichrist: for the LORD God of his encounter is the Christ in His pre-Incarnational manifestation. What happened to those who turned deaf ears to the one hundred and twenty years of Noachian evangelism? Did they all not suffer annihilation save eight, Noah and his immediate household? David made the ungentlemanly mistake of not taking his eyes off the nakedness of the bathing Bathsheba. What was the end result? Lust, adultery and deceitful cover-up which culminated in David’s guilt of treacherous murder of Uriah, Bathshba’s husband, were the eventual results. Could David have really done that evil? Better not make this mistake. Above all, the most nefarious commitment of sin is to live throughout your lifetime refusing to do John 3 verse 3, which reads, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Why should a man be born again? “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23); what brought sin to the world is found in Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Man was born a sinner, from the womb of motherhood. Spiritual progeny, midwifed by the Holy Spirit is what born again is about. Getting born again requires unequivocal faith in the finished work of the cross: believing that Jesus is the Son of God; that He died for your sin; that He arose from the dead; you must believe in His Lordship, on account of which, you have decided to receive Him as Lord and Saviour. Getting born again is a conscious effort on the part of an individual – to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. You cannot afford to make the mistake of remaining unregenerate spiritually. John 3:18 says, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” Selah! Read More