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Didactic Incongruity With The Scripture (II)

Some teachers of Bible believe this modalistic position of Monarchian sect, which by the reason of its Scriptural baselessness, makes it an incursion of Satanism with ineluctable ternary motto of come to steal, kill and destroy. The first sentence of the Bible bespeaks the Trinitarian concept. The fourth word of Genesis 1:1, ‘God’, is Elohiym, a plurality of the Members of the Godhead. The Father spoke in commencement of creationism. The ipseity of the Second Member, Christ, the Light of verse three, manifested physically to consummate re-creationism. In verse two, it says, “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). Was God talking to two disposable faces in the divine decision of Genesis 1:26? This One, Who walked up to and took from the One Who sits on the throne, possesses the feet and arms of eternality, ergo, He could achieve that feat of taking from the eternal hand of God, Who Himself is very God of very God. Did the LORD God divide Himself into the Eternal Father and the Lamb, the Son of God? The Bible says, “And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb,” signifying the absolute ipseity of the Second Member of the Godhead, Jesus Christ. Will the angelic awesome foursome bow in latria before another, other than the Eternality of the seated Father? You know something? Hawkers of the teaching of Divine oneness anomalism will want to argue that it is only the Christ – one of the masks of the Godhead – that is being given the latria in this verse.Read More

Didactic Incongruity With The Scripture (I)

Lucifer sought to promote himself to the status of a member of the council of the Godhead, in conspicuous flagrancy that tended to make nonsense of the Creator’s decision in creating him a serving angel and not a member of the Godhead. This stray turned Lucifer into the Devil. It is quite easy to become God’s antagonistic evil of Satanism. The minute you veer yourself off God’s scriptural tandem, something happens: the author of Satanism, who has actually devised and wished for you to follow him, will begin to open other books to feed your new vagrant estate. Why do philosophers continue to struggle with life without Jesus? They think they are too wise to be spiritually driven by the Word of God. We should be very careful about what we imbibe into our spiritual system. You cannot think outside the box, as far as the Holy Bible is concerned. Someone dared to embrace the inimical invitation of Lucifer’s teaching, forgetting that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. That someone is a North African Sabellius of Libya, born in the early third century AD, decided, on account of his satanic indoctrination, to float an egregious anomaly known as Sabellianism, also known as modalistic monarchianism. According to Epiphanius of Salamis, Sabellius used the sun’s characteristics as an analogy of God’s nature. Just as the sun has “three powers” (warmth, light, and circular form), so God has three aspects: the warming power answers to the Holy Spirit; the illuminating power, to the Son; and the form or figure, to the Father. Sabellius used the term “prosopa” which is Greek for “faces” to describe how the person of God has three faces, this idea is found in 2Corinthians 4:6 “…God’s glory displayed in the face (prosopon – singular form of prosopa) of Christ.”Read More

Covenant Between God And Man (five)

The same LORD God Who took upon Himself the flesh of humanity did sit among His disciples for the inauguration of the New Covenant. Remember He told them in John 6:56 “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him”? Only if they knew this One present in their gaze was at once in heaven and very present before them – John 3:13 – is the Omnipresent Jehovah, would they have left Him, knowing that Jesus is the LORD of Sabbath? The Adonai Jesus entered into the physical covenantal transaction with them when He handed them the bread and the wine – elements of the communion. Do they understand what ‘communion’ means? Moses caught the serpent by its tail, the most dangerous part to hold a live snake of mortiferous venom. This victory of Moses over the serpent proved that as dangerous as Lucifer and his Pharaoh were, they would not overcome the prophet of God. The choice of Moses could not have been a reality without the covenant. Exodus 4:22 “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:” how did Israel become God’s son? Was it through the biological modus of the Adamic matrix? No, it was through the covenant God entered into with Abraham, the father of faith, faith that alone ignites gregarious rapport between Divinity and His creature, made in His image and likeness. Praise the LORD!Read More

Covenant Between God And Man (four)

The covenant must be brought to the historicity of Adamic acquiesce. As it was an event in the eternal past of pre-creationism, so must it receive a historical compact between the Author of grace and the Adamic recipient of God’s soteriological beneficence – fulfillment of Scriptural pattern. God had decided to take full responsibility for the creation of Adamic free moral agency. There is a good reason in the heart of the Divinity for the creation of Adam. The historically first sinner, called Lucifer, before God, the eternal Judge, must be brought to judgment. The cup of Luciferian shenaniganry needs to be allowed to become full to its devilish overflow; proving fairness of Divine judgment. God looked into the world and found people whose hearts desire to worship the true God. His Omniscience saw that their sincerity was worthy of trust. The Members of the Godhead could not be wrong, so, man was privileged to enter into covenant of salvation with the gracious I AM THAT I AM. It was of utmost concernment that the I AM Whose existence, before the matrix conceived Abraham, had been in the eternality of the past, must sit in the presence of the Adamic recipient of the covenant for the codification of Luke 22:19-20.Read More

Covenant Between God And Man (three)

Indubitable is the facticity that the Godhead did sit to determine soteriological actuality for Adam, before he is eventually created. It had been agreed between the Father and the Son, not without the acquiescent nod of the Holy Spirit, however. This is why the Church is God’s most phenomenal business venture. Divine security has been established for her – the Bride of Christ. Is the Adamic being not in free moral agency existence? He must be given the opportunity of choice. So, God, no doubt, did ask Adam to be made to fall asleep for Divine surgical operation of taking a rib: a rib to build His Church. It must be the rib by his side for two reasons. The rib looks like the rainbow which stands as the object of the covenant – between God and Noah – of not destroying the world with water again (Genesis 9:13). It must be the rib: for Israel, of which there is no other nation closer to God, is ‘a prince by the side of Jehovah.’ Man, a free moral agent, must be taken into consideration, except you do not understand that free moral agency went into his creation. God, being the Gentleman of eternality, must acknowledge His own terms of creationism. On account of Noah’s free moral agency God did approach him, “Build an ark: for I must preserve you: my expensive treasure.” I wonder where Dr. Abel Damina plucked his idea that, “God never told Noah to build an ark!” To prove that the ark was God’s idea, the Bible records the architectural specifications in Genesis 6:14-18.Read More

Covenant Between God And Man (two)

From where comes the understanding of Damina’s and Oyakhilome’s didacticism: that “God does not have any covenant with man”? Some verses in this chapter lay credence to the reason for this compact. Berı̂yth shows that God did enter into a compact with Abraham.The circumcision, having an Old Testamentary economy of predominance, is a teacher of the New Testamentary disposition when the circumcision will no longer be of the flesh but very spiritual in that the Holy Spirit’s indwelling of the redeemed Church effects the much better circumcision of the heart. The circumcision, like the rainbow, is the token of compact between God and man: Christians. Covenant and Light have salvific essence, ergo, properly Messianic. There is only one Messiah. Jesus is the Light that lights the life of everyone coming into the world. His Last Supper New Testamentary enactment, definitely, makes the entity of God’s call a person of righteousness in Jesus Christ. Through the Christ God’s covenant with man got an establishment.Read More

Covenant Between God And Man (one)

I watched two well-known pastors teach on ‘covenant’ and the seated congregation of each auditorium, no doubt, believed, as each pastor taught, “God does not enter into covenant with any man.” Hear one of them, “Rubbish! They’ve lied to you for so long. No Christian is in covenant with God. I’ve thought so, for so long. But, suddenly, in the Scriptures I’ve found that it’s hogwash,” says Dr. Chris Oyakhilome. This man has PHD in theology. If he had struggled with the fact that “no Christian is in covenant relationship with God,” then his doctorate degrees in theology should come under serious scrutiny. This same Oyakhilome taught that it does not constitute a sin for a Christian to smoke cigarette. Of course, there is no documented scriptural legislation against smoking, but we understand that God expects every child of the Divinity to take good care of his health. Any person of Christianity who decides to take a puff of the lighted tobacco does that, definitely, without the joyous consent of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells not in the lungs filled with the nicotine and tar. The Spirit of God dwells in the inner most spirit of the regenerated Christian, but the puff is sacrilege to His occupation of the redeemer’s person. A smoker is evidently suffering from unholy addiction. Will the Holy Spirit lead one to the habit of smoking? Looking at Dr Damina going through eisegetical faux pas, what I see dancing on his mug most times is maniacal enjoyment. Abel Damina is happy spreading biblical didacticism à la esotericism. The kind of people who blatantly engage in eisegetical teachings of the Bible are those under the employment of arcaneness of Satanism.Read More

I Will Build My Church (Five)

Adam could never have experienced an alien loneliness for many reasons. He was surrounded by a breathtaking environment, a divinely crafted landscaping excellence. The beauty of the sky, the variety of plants and very friendly animals of various sizes of intricate fashioning all held the lord of the earth in sheer captivating wonder to last years. Adam had not even espied the coolness attraction of large yellowed dusky sun. Neither had he gazed enraptured on the millions of twinkles of the night stars and the silver moon; how could he be suffering from boredom, so too soon, when he was not even up to the age of one earthly day? Adam, in the light of Divine plan, was different from what the Church is to offer the LORD God: latria. The Church is a congregation of individuals, whose focus is on which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty, Jesus Christ. If Adam must exemplify Jesus, in whose stead he stood as the lord of the world, he must take on a help meet for him, a wife. Why do you think God rated the completion of Day Six, “very good,” and for other days, “good”? None of the accomplishments of Days One to Five met the excellent requirement of the Church. When it comes to Divine interest, the Church remains His paramount enterprise. Because of this enterprise, God built a house for Himself, Garden of Eden, and put Adam and his wife there to the perfection of the latria on earth. Read More

I Will Build My Church (Four)

God does not, technically speaking, lose things. Every born again Christian has come back to life eternal, sustained and maintained by the Author of salvation. The enemy will introduce these acts of sinfulness, definitely, but children of God ought to live up to the regenerated life in Christ Jesus. Satan, I have always made it clear, works twenty-five hours everyday; he knows what buttons to press in the mortality of our flesh to cause us to sin against the LORD God. All we need to do is to remember and to use God’s word to counter demonic operatives. Render satanic advancement inoperative by ignoring inordinate fleshly propensities: this is how to mortify our members when Satanism tries to control our emotions. We must mortify our members, not for the reason of keeping our salvation intact, but to prove the essence of our soteriological actuality. The Author of creationism Who also fashioned salvation is the One Who preserves the salvation of mankind. The essential reason for the rapture is to ensure the safety of Christianity when the Antichrist must, as a matter of justice, be allowed to have his day (one week or rather seven years). What is more, it will be unfair to allow the Church of the living God to remain on earth during the seven years, with the turbulence of the second half when Satan’s son must unleash brutality as never seen. The unfairness is that many Christians who know the God they serve and are full of the Holy Spirit will thwart the evil designs of Satanism. Jesus gave Christianity the power that surpasses that of Lucifer. Our steps are ordered by the King of glory, ensuring the words of Romans 16:20.Read More

I Will Build My Church (Three)

Prophet Isaiah expressly gave the description of beards covered cheeks of the expected Messiah in the vaticination of Isaiah 50:6 “I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” Is this not a Messianic prophecy Honestly, it is astounding that the General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church majors on holiness and righteousness as if that is the only thing the born again Christian needs. When Jesus made the affirmation, “I will build my Church,” there is an addendum to that asseveration, “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it;” making it known to all and sundry that the Church He will build will be divinely protected by Him of Whom all things consist. The Church is made up of saved souls of Christianity. There, most certainly, is an unimpeded divine security of salvation. Who can help me reach out to Pastor Kumuyi that the life of Christianity dwells no more in the free moral agency of individual child of the Most High? It has moved into the custody of the Godhead. The Father instituted the call; Jesus covers every Christian in His righteousness, while the Holy Spirit takes eternal abode in the spirit realm of every child of God. This is how serious God treats the soteriology. Three times divinely insured is the zōē the born again Christian exists in. God is the Insurer; He has settled every financial commitment of the insurance; what can go wrong if the LORD God is the faithful One? Nothing! The Church is God’s biggest deal. Will any father allow anything evil happen to any of his one thousand children, especially if that Father has the triune essentiality of Omnipotence, Omniscience and an incredibility of Omnipresence? “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” These pastors do not understand that if anything should terminate the true salvation of man, Jehovah’s credibility is called to question! Not that it will amount judging God, but, “Why go into a business You cannot successfully consummate?” that will be on the lips of intelligent beings against the LORD God. Read More

I Will Build My Church (Two)

Understandably, we agree that the ring speaks of authority, but, the thing is, if it reeks of idolatry, then it becomes not permissible. It is quite disturbing that the venerable W.F. Kumuyi will teach his congregation to do everything to disallow the growth of mustache and beard, which the General Superintendent sees as idolatrous. The beard is a mark of dignity whether Oriental, Semitic or Western. Psalm 133:2 “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;” the exegesis of which points to the dignity of the unity of the brethren, exemplified by the personality of High Priest Aaron, does not, in any way, exempt Aaron’s dignified beard. Why? His beard is God’s creation of Adamic accessory. Selah! David dignified his personality with the masculinity of beard, otherwise there would never have been the account of 1Samuel 21:13 “And he changed his behaviour before them, and feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard.” If it is idolatrous, which god did David serve with his spittle soaked beard? If the keeping of mustache and beard are marks of idolatry, then we should not allow any hair on our body: eyebrows, eyelashes and the one of our domes from ever shooting out the least of millimetre jut. When King David’s emissaries were forced by Ammon newly installed king, Hanun, to have half of their beards cut off, why did they not shave everything off?Read More

I Will Build My Church (One)

The New Testamentary Church of the living God commenced with official Apostolic headship that nurtured the nascency of the Church into adulthood. At the death the Apostles, pastors e.g. Timothy and Titus began to head each local assembly. The Devil relentlessly perfected his pollution pursuit of the Church. Under the Apostolic care of John, the last of the Apostles, Satan raised Cerintus to pollute the scriptural heart of Church members with his Docetism. Docetic catechizing of Cerintus targeted the debauchment of Christological quiddity. He taught people of the Church that the Christ is just a consciousness, with no real life. That the concept of Christ merely sits on a person and after it has achieved its usefulness leaves. He taught that the Christ came upon Jesus at the Jordan baptism and left him when He went to the cross. Reverend Chris Okotie, very careful not to dabble into faux pas of eisegetical anomaly, will tell you when teaching the Bible, “I cannot give you an Eleventh Commandment.” In one of the General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, W. F. Kumuyi’s teaching on spiritual understanding of wearing earrings, he said, “They knew that those earrings had become like a god, demigod, goddess,” referring to Genesis 35:4. Pastor Kumuyi also taught, saying, “The wearing of mustache and beard could become gods.” Male members of Deeper Life Bible Ministry, headed by W.F. Kumuyi, for this reason, will not allow any jut of beard or the upper lip hair to show.Read More


“Surely I come quickly,” are the words of Jesus. Time must, in reverential bidding of Jesus, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty, even the Express Word of God, hurry up to honour Divine interest. Should this alacrity rouse in us, apprehensive mindset or glorious hope of joy? Get much, more, closer to the LORD God, follow the Word of God, Jesus Christ, as the days get closer to the end of earthly rottenness. 2025 adds up to 9. Nine speaks of pretrial, which God, with Whom you are spiritually related, has taken care of because He loves you. 2025 also has 2 – number for testimony; and 7 – scriptural number for God’s perfection. Do the numbers of this year end with five? That is the grace of God: abiding with you throughout 2025.Read More


The eternal Word became flesh to actuate the soteriology. Christmas points to just one thing. It settles Adamic and the angelic conflict with Divine justice. The sinful man has no locus standi before the empyreal court. One of the Members of the Godhead must represent the fallen creature of creationism. Divine greatheartedness looked at the helplessness of man; and knowing that some of Adamic free moral agency would have a heart panting after the Most High, Jesus came to the rescue. This is the quiddity of Christmas. It is by grace: this salvation of the soul of man; and Christmas took care of it. Hallelujah! Read More

Of Salvation (2)

Long before Arminius, Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) had taught the possibility of losing one’s salvation. Can Saint Augustine who upheld so many unbiblical teachings be trusted? “I should not believe the Gospel except as moved by the authority of the Catholic Church” (St. Augustine, Against the Epistle of Manichaean Called Fundamental, 5, 6). Can Catholicism be more authoritative than the Bible? In fashioning purgatorial establishment of Catholicism, “Temporal punishments are suffered by some in this life only, by some after death, by some both here and hereafter, but all of them before that last and strictest judgment. But not all who suffer temporal punishments after death will come to eternal punishments, which are to follow after that judgment” (St. Augustine of Hippo, Father and Doctor of the Church, The City of God). Purgatory runs contrary to Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” so, how can this teaching stand, biblically. Antagonism against security of salvation: it spread like wild fire with the teaching of Jacobus Arminius: he got it from Saint Augustine who also received it from Bishop Cyprian of Carthage (c. 210-258 A.D.), one of the so-called Church Fathers– a creation of Catholicism – of whom many of their teachings uphold the illegitimacy of Popery headship of the universal body of Christ. Cyprian believed in infant baptism and infant communion. Cyprian however spoke against the efficiency of baptism done by heretics and insisted on their rebaptism, and he believed that the Eucharist cannot be properly consecrated outside the church. The Catholic Church believes that at the water baptism is when one gets born again, quite contrary to Scripture. Who does one believe, Jesus or the Church Fathers of Catholicism? Has Catholicism more authority than Pauline epistles to the Church?Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Nine)

That which counterfeits other ways of salvation is the unresolved lacunary sin question issue in their teachings. The Incarnation of Christ absolutely addresses the annihilating sin question. “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3). Everything both unseen and those that allow attraction of perceptibility are the things of Christ’s creative hands. Most definitely, salvation of the soul of man cannot be authored by any other save Jesus. There is no doubt, given what the religious globe leans on, that Nimro-Semiramis (sun/moon worship) is prevalent, probably having more human adherence. It had its commencement in postdiluvian kingdom of Nimrod. After the death of Nimrod, Semiramis, his wife, apotheosized her late husband and she assumed the apotheotic state of the moon goddess; and together with Tammuz, her son, the global sun worship had its own trinity of Satanism. After the fall of Babel this Nimro-Semiramism metamorphosed into its Egyptian version of Osiris, Isis and Horus. Empires after empires that continue to rise up embraced the sun worship. Re is the Egyptian sun god; Surya in Hinduism; Helios among the people of Greece; Sol in the Roman Empire; Mithra in Persia; Utu among the Sumerians; and Shamash in Babylonian and other Semitic areas. As Sol Invictus its worship is the “Unconquered Sun” widely celebrated (globally) on December 25. A subtle acceptance of sun worship is prevalent in Catholicism and the Islamic adoption of the ‘star and the crescent’ religious symbolism (Please, visit my two parts post “THE STAR AND THE CRESCENT (part one)” by clicking on this link: https://hoojewale.wordpress.com/2016/11/22/the-star-and-the-crescent-part-one …).Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Eight)

Let us see Jehovah's reaction to all the sanguinaceous activities of the Temple. "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats" [Isaiah 1:11]. These slaughtering stem from the carnal proclivities of religious insincerity, as far as God is concerned. John 3:13 is laden with so much profundity; "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." There was no way Mohammed could have been what Jesus claims to be here in John 3:13. Only the unique Son of God could perfect this stunt of being present in heaven and on earth simultaneously! Muhammad could not go the whole hog of John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." It entails His Sonship, which Muhammad grossly lacked. An interesting point concerning this religion is that one is never really sure about his salvation. Muslims can do all the right things and still not be saved because Allah may decide to consider you deficient in some way or another that only he knows. With Islam, the only sure way to be in paradise is by inflicting death through jihad (killing, or dying in the defence of Muhammadan faith). It reads in Al-Baqara, the 2nd chapter of the Qur’an verse 62, “Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the Sabians; anyone who believes in God, and believes in the Last Day, and leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.” Where is Jesus in this verse? Is the Author of salvation not missing in Muhammadanism?Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Seven)

The desire to create ways of divine life as envisaged by man’s philosophy points to having received initiation into Satanism. Ophidian creep and pad, into an intelligent mind, is responsible for human philosophical inventions. Without Jesus, one can do anything, absolutely. “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” are the express words from the mouth of Jesus in John 15:5. Confucianism believes in the gregarious paradise attained by human good doing without the needed mighty hand of Jehovah, by Whose covenant Abraham became God’s friend, Jacob metamorphosed to Israel – the Prince by the right side of the empyrean Majesty –; and by Whom also the New Testamentary order put zōē (dzo-ay') back into His children of Christianity. Amen. Confucianism believes in the gregarious paradise attained by human good doing without the needed mighty hand of Jehovah, by Whose covenant Abraham became God’s friend, Jacob metamorphosed to Israel – the Prince by the right side of the empyrean Majesty –; and by Whom also the New Testamentary order put zōē (dzo-ay') back into His children of Christianity. Amen. Laozi is the founder of Taoism. Taoism or Daoism is a type of belief, or a way of thinking about life. It is at least 2,500 years old and said to be a philosophy traditionally founded by Lao-tzu that teaches conformity to the Tao by unassertive action and simplicity. It is a religion developed from Taoist philosophy and folk and Buddhist religion and concerned with obtaining long life and good fortune often by magical means. Instead of spending a lot of time trying to explain what the Tao is, Taoists focus on living a simple and balanced life in harmony with nature. It is a religion that strives for balance in life. One of the main ideas of Taoism is the belief in balancing forces, or yin and yang. These ideas represent matching pairs, such as light and dark, hot and cold, action and inaction, which work together toward a universal whole which is the main goal of this practice. Taoists have no deity or worship rituals. The main activity is the effort to be in harmony with the Tao and thus live a balanced life.Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Six)

The ninth and final consciousness, known as the Buddha nature (or Namu-myoho-renge-kyo[3][14]), forms the foundations for one’s life. It is the amala-consciousness, meaning the “purest”,[4] and cannot be tarnished by any of the karmic energy from the previous eight levels. I know what the Bible says concerning man’s philosophy. “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Yes, man robed himself in an inordinate crave to miss the mark of Divine standard in Eden. It was an act of disobedience to the express word of the Creator and not because of an imperfect Eden. There in the Garden, God performed the ritual of salvation. “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21). Divine prescription for a spiritually ailing Adamic creature is the use of a recumbent animal for sin offering. We have a corroborating verse in 2Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Human philosophy fails to address the sin question. Romans 3:23-24 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Confucianism believes that virtuous living fostered by conformity and harmony will give you heaven on earth. When people conform to the right way of living they will create a society that works well - a social paradise. There is no formal worship of a Deity or belief in the afterlife. Without “Me” – Christ – there is no harmonious conformity between heaven and earth. Read More

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Five)

Mankind is too fraught with sinfulness to appear before God unaided spiritually. Without Jesus, the Second Member of the Godhead, there is no justification at all before the thrice holy God, the Almighty. Pauline Holy Spirit – the Third Member of the Godhead – inspired teaching continues in the next verse with: “Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith” (Romans 3:27). Religious self-afflictive ritualism of asceticism tends to puff up egoism, making one to believe that one is capable of doing something about Adamic fall. What saves an Adamic fallen creature is the finished work of the cross. “Where,” as Paul asks, “is boasting?” The law of absolute faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, renders it faux pas. Amen! According to Buddhism teachings, what is stopping attainment of happiness are unconscious attachments to a lesser self.Read More