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Galatians 4:7


The eternal Son must place Himself under the law that He gave to Moses. In order to rewrite the law of 'sin and death,’ the LORD God had to promulgate another law called 'Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' (Romans 8:2). By this new and living way, hitherto unknown, but now fully understood, the spirit of our elevation cries out to the Eternality of the Father, calling Him, “Abba Father!” Jesus being the ‘only begotten Son,’ who says Jehovah has no ‘begotten children’ as well? Whoever voices that has no knowledge of God’s word of Adamic elevation. Adamic elevation calls Jehovah, “My Daddy.”Read More


If the creation of Adam (made from an unconscious gathering of dust) came with the bestowal package of righteousness, which he did nothing to earn, it should follow that the righteousness of his progenies of regeneration, through the sacrificial Lamb of God, cannot be earned as well. In the Eden he fell as the lord of the earth, because he could not save himself, cutting his supposedly immortality short. As a born again Christian, Adam is no longer his own lord, the eternal LORD saved him, bringing him into the eternality of his Divinity and righteous Lordship. Amen.Read More