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The LORD God

Two Dimensions Of God’s Nature (Four)

God never goes into any business and loses because He, the LORD God, does not commit errors. This is the huge picture Bible readers fail to acknowledge: it is all about Jesus and the salvation of mankind. The right person must occupy the Israeli patriarchy that must produce the Saviour of the world: this is the biggest theological deal. The blessings of the first born, having been given to a manipulator, and ostensibly having the hand of God, what should a reasonable Esau do? Congratulate his twin brother, of course, for receiving favour of God. He should be ready to work with him to make things easy for the next in line of divine mission. Marriage to ungodliness is unacceptable; Esau married from Ishmael simply to spite Isaac, the man of God. The things God hates, He knew beforehand, Esau would love. God, ergo, hated Esau, an Antichrist ambassador of Lucifer. How can one be so consumed in audacity and fail woefully to acknowledge that there is no way anyone will disrespect the Holy One of Israel, Who indubitably wields the unconquerable Omnipotence, is also the matchless Omniscience and is the unimaginable Omnipresence as well, and the offending idiot will go without punishment?Read More

Two Dimensions Of God’s Nature (Three)

Grief is not, in reality, a part of Him. He brings out a damning emotion for us to see, so that we should show an earnest need for His compassion. This readily obtainable compassion Cain tragically rejected. Pauline exegesis on Mosaic wilderness experience couch explains God’s emotional discharge in Hebrews 3:10 and 17. As the LORD, God, Creator, Owner and Controller of all things and beings, His laws remain sacrosanct forever. Adamic creation received dos and do-nots. He was very angry with the antediluvian age to the point of its extirpation; but He must preserve humanity to actualize Genesis 3:15, therefore, after keeping the eight antediluvian saints in Noah’s ark, it was time to destroy those who defiantly oppose the Rainbow Administration and of the Owner of all lives: as if He had not warned them of the impending annihilation. Noah preached to the dying world for one hundred and twenty years! God had been gentlemanly enough in warning them.Read More

Two Dimensions Of God’s Nature (Two)

The hand that was worthy of recipience must be equally eternal. The eternality of worthiness cannot be found in any other save Jesus Christ. Another mind-blowing awesomeness of this celestial drama was that at this material moment Jesus, the man of Nazareth, had fused – in the hypostatic union – into the eternality of the Christ. Adamic elevation also stretched that arm in the empyrean assizes to take the scroll. God did not just decide to make Adam to look like Him anatomically, Jehovah had decided to elevate man to the status of God as well. Ponderous, if you see this phenomenon. In anthropomorphic terms, God the Father stretched His eternal hand, holding the scroll, and the eternality of Christ received the scroll. The LORD God first had hair on His Divine head before applying similar fine tiny strands in anatomical adornment on Adamic caput. Why did God not decide to make man a headless entity? If He had created Adam without an anatomical caput, mankind will be incomplete as far as ‘in Our likeness' is scripturally concerned, in fact, the anthropopathic extension to Adam will suffer a setback. It is that head that accounts for “and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” of the same verse. Hallelujah!Read More

Two Dimensions Of God’s Nature (One)

Genesis 1:26 validates the anthropopathism and anthropomorphism of God. While the anthropopathism of God shows that the LORD God is never without empathy, which He poured forth on mankind, the Person of the Second Member of the Godhead, Jesus, is the Actuator of God’s compassion to save Adam. Anthropomorphism of the Creator is evidentiary when one looks at Adam’s head, limbs and torso. How, tell me, can His proximity to the sculptural piece of Adam in Eden be so pellucid, and the human mind will only see Him as a mere Potter and not apprehend the soteriology? The use of the nose shows the human likeness of God; but it should also be noted that God does not depend on the nose to supply Him with life supporting oxygen. God is the very essence of life. He is too complete to need air through organic lungs. It is, ergo, absurd to think of Jehovah in a respiratory act, as He sits on the throne. Scriptural documentation tells us that God has ears.Read More


The magnetic pulchritude that the femininity of this newly created one, in God's hand, created an electrifying effect that turned Adam, the man, into the first rap artiste. He could not hide the euphoric ecstasy as he rapped, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man" of Genesis 2:23. 'Bone,' in this verse is ‛etsem (eh'tsem): 'a bone (as strong); by extension the body; figuratively the substance, that is, (as pronoun) selfsame; essence.' Adam saw an essential part of him in this oomph of an extraordinary being. 'Flesh' is: bâśâr (baw-sawr'): 'flesh (from its freshness); by extension body, person; also (by euphemism) the pudenda of a man.' Adam saw himself afresh in this woman, which brings us to 2Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" where 'new' means fresh. She prefigured the Christian vessel of redemption.Read More


How more paternally can one be? God knew that Moses was still existing in the carnality of human sinfulness. Jesus had not yet died for man's spiritual emancipation. A look at him from His magisterial stance, as Elohim, will not spare even the meekest adjudged moral quality of Moses. Jehovah is the true Protector. It was the same palm that formed Adam and his woman that was made readily available to get entwined adorably around Moses, His servant, prophet and leader of His chosen Israelites by the oath of His divine mouth.Read More