Who is the Shepherd of the 23rd psalm? The Psalm calls Him LORD (in capitals). This is Jehovah! Study Psalm 80 contextually and you will find out that the Shepherd of Israel is none other than Jehovah! The 'I am' of John 14:11 is ego eime in the Greek. Mohammedan Quran's inability to see Jesus in His truthful light most definitely makes him a thief and a robber. Mohammed of Allah is a desecration of the scriptural Sonship of Jesus.
There is something readers of the Bible hardly see in John 13:13 which reads, "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am." It is quite impossible to phantom why God will decide to delve into certain matters: for the untutored mind. Two truths worth mentioning here are the virtue of humility and that of deity. Contextually, a prima facie act of humility of Jesus is unravelled. Jesus made it clear that He was not just their master but, in sincerity, their Lord as well.
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