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John 14:6

Who Is The True Author Of Salvation? (Three)

Hodos establishes the facticity of “for without Me ye can do nothing!” So, what does “I AM, Way, Truth and Life” prognosticate? It undoubtedly establishes the Deity of Jesus. Hinduism treads on metaphysical approach. The thing is that, any attempt at metaphysical hodos that has not the foundation of the Bible is an absolute esotericism based on Satanism. “There is a way that seemeth right,” King Solomon warns. Zoroastrianism – Their idea of salvation is that if the individual struggles against evil and wins, they go into the place called heaven. Therefore, their concept of salvation: a winning struggle against evil in one's life. Zoroaster’s Ahura Mazdā is the personification of good. This God of Zoroastrianism is in constant struggle with the evil force of Angra Mainyu (also referred to in later texts as "Ahriman") for supremacy. Can Lucifer stand in contention with the God of the Bible of Whom it is written: “Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same. Our hope must continually lean on Jesus, the Author of salvation. Universalism is alien to Scripture. Origen grew up on the foundation of Catholicism, therefore, I cannot be surprised if he should mute the concept of universal salvation.Read More


“I and my Father are one,” says Jesus. The word ‘one’ is heis (heis') with the English definition: ‘one – as a neuter gender.’ Heis, in this sense, is ‘essence’. Jesus and the Father are of the same divine essence. Muhammad’s philosophical stray sees the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Father breathing airs of divisionary disagreements once upon a time to emerge in Al-Mu’minun, the 23rd chapter of the Qur’an verse 91. This is quite ludicrous and smacks of puerility. The Members of the Trinity are in actual fact one God! They never think, will, act or know in diversity. They are actually what I call Them: one-like-three and three-like-one. They do not think like objects of creationism do. Each One of the Trinity has the Almighty distinction of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence; how can they ever disagree when they had already sat in counsel of the Trinity long before anything that is made comes into existence. Muhammad has not an iota knowledge of the God of the Bible. Obviously Muhammad heard countless tales of disagreements among gods of idolatry. Of truth Muhammadan prophetic office dwelt in egregiousness of incomprehension. It was never His tactility that made Him the Messiah. In Him dwells all the natures of Divinity, as attested to by Colossians 2:3 “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” The sobriquet, Al-Masih, is not of Arabic origin. It has its etymological acceptation in Hebraic lexicon. The true definition must, therefore, be sourced from the Jewish understanding.Read More


When He said, “I thirst,” that was the humanity of Jesus Christ. God is never in want, as a matter of fact. When He experienced tiredness and had to sleep or rest, that was the human nature of the hypostatic union. How do I know that Christ does not fall asleep? It says of Him as the covenant Keeper in Psalm 121:4 “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” When He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life;” when we heard the scriptural, “…and the Word was made flesh,” and when He made the pronouncement, “I am the resurrection,” those were the utterances of the Divine nature of the Christ. How can He say, “…without Me ye canst do nothing,” if the nature of Divinity is not of the hypostatic union? When He looked at them and produced the express vocality of, “Before Abraham was, I am,” what irked their adrenaline convulsions was that, after He uttered the first three words, He concluded with, “I Am,” dramatically placing His wide spread hand on His chest, to claim the sobriquet of the covenant name, making Jesus the Jehovah. He actually called Himself, “JEHOVAH!”Read More

Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (four)

Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Alpha and Omega are words that meet with divine protocolary. Being the first and the last of Greek alphabetical characters of word productions, what it prognosticates is that every other letter in between those letters are definitely of Him. Is Jesus the Word of God? Then the conceptual intent of Alpha and Omega points to the fact that every word from or of the Divinity is definitely Jesus Christ. The Personage of Revelation 1:8 is the beginning and the ending, meaning that He has no beginning and no ending. He is the “which is” the Owner of the present time of creation. He is the “which was”, Whose existence goes beyond the eternality of the past. He is the “which is to come” the Master and the Lord of eternity to come. This Person of Revelation 1:8 is the Almighty, the Author of Christianity. Selah!Read More


Phenomenal facticity, deeply stemmed in incontrovertible reality is termed ‘the truth.’ You, most definitely, do not have to believe the prevalent elementality of the subject to enhance its credibility. Whether there is an agreement or not the inalienable toga of the truth cannot be vitiated. There are truths and there is another particular incontrovertible truth. This particular truth is eternal. Biblical couch reads, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” [John 14:6]. The word 'truth' is the Greek aletheia (a-lee'-thei-a), defined as ‘verity; figuratively reality.’ Jesus, according to this verse, is the physical reality of the Almighty. His being is the actuality of the Divinity. Everyone who follows Jesus comes to the very essence of eternal righteousness of Jehovah. Amen!Read More


An asseverative Scripture vindicates the veracity of Christ’s claim in 1Corinthians 15:45-47, “And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46) Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. 47) The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.” Who else is like Jesus? There is none who is born into this world. Neither is there any that is of creationism. If it says, "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them" (John 10:8); does it not make an illative inclusion of those who come after Him? Krishna did his coming before the incarnation of Jesus Christ. His claim of an avatar of the Most High Jehovah is sham. Mohammad came after Jesus had perfected the soteriological event, ergo, another sham. The word ‘thieves’ is kleptes (klep'-tace) ‘a stealer, a thief.’ In the Greek ‘robbers’ is lestes (lay"-stace') ‘1. a robber, bandit, armed thief 2. one who steals by use or threat of violence or by use of fear 3. (i.e.) the moneychangers in the temple robbed the people using the fear of God's disapproval.’ What does Islam do to increase adherents? It gives an option of the ‘sword’ or the ‘Islamic religion.’ Jihadism of Mohammedan Islamism is a robbery of souls. Period! Read More


Take a good look at John 1:1, there are two that are of the Deity. How can there be two, each of Whom is God, in verse one? Simple! We have to go back to Genesis. Chapter one of verse one reads: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The sobriquet ‘God’ in Hebrew is 'Elohiym (el-o-heem'): ‘1. gods in the ordinary sense 2. but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God 3. occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates 4. and sometimes as a superlative.’ If it is plural, then the Trinity was involved in creationism. Is there a singular form of the Hebraic 'Elohiym? Yes, it is 'Elowahh (el-o'-ah; rarely (shortened) >eloahh {el-o'-ah}) ‘a deity or the Deity.’ 'Elowahh appears 56 times in the Old Testament, 51 of it are in reference to Jehovah God.Read More


Isaiah 42:8, "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images" is an established fact that God does not share honour and worship. Why –have you ever asked yourself–- would attributes of Divinity be shared among the Trinity? What a perfect plan of Divinity is in operation: God, the Father, sits in the celestial assizes as the absolute Judge; God, the Son, is seated as the Eternal Advocate; the Divine Witness is none other than the Holy Spirit! Read More


The epithetic stance of 'I am' stems from its definition. It is the Septuagint rendition of ego eime, which is the same as the revelation of God's name -I AM or Jehovah. This is the facticity of the person of Jesus -the ‘I AM’ of the New Testament. It will be a usurpative act on His part to institute a new covenant had He not been the Initiator of the new: "For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" [Matthew 26:28].Read More

How To Get Born Again (part five)

Only Jesus, who had been before the beginning of creation, God's protocol, mighty God, the power, wisdom and righteousness of God can take us to heaven. Jesus is the only one who can bring your spiritual rejuvenation into a reality. He said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”Read More