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The Incarnation came with a foetus coming into existence for the first time in the matrix of Mary. The fleshy humanity of Him is Jesus, ‘born’ unto us. Inside the foetus is the eternal Christ, very God of very God, the ‘gift’ from the Eternal Giver. Christ can only be given; He cannot be born. What is very clear is that, for every parturitive reality there is a maternal existence that is always an older entity. The maternal reality, being older, nurses the infant till the weaning period, and guiding the child into adulthood. These Mary did in bringing up the Jesus, the humanity of Immanuel. What could she or Joseph have done to nurture the eternality of a Member of the Godhead to adulthood? A baby is characterized by physical, mental and spiritual weakness; is God ever weak? What knowledge or wisdom has Mary to impart to the One of Whom it is written, “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3)? Who taught Mary that she could teach the Christ, “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3)? Read More


Every machination of the Antichrist must be designed to accept God's protocol. Control! Satanism cannot, dares not operate outside God's sanction of his evil games. The Bible says he will give the number representing his name (666) to the people he will lord it over. He must do that. His hegemonic Satanism is just seven years. He cannot exceed this. Control. The Church must experience the eschatological rapture a la Enoch's 'translation' and before then the Antichrist son of Lucifer cannot set up any earthly governmental machinery over born again members of the body of Christ -the true Christians. Impossible! "Impossican't!" (My Pastor, Rev. Chris Okotie will jocularly asseverate).Read More

The Christmas Story (Part three)

The Christmas story is of heaven reinstating Adam to his dominion role. Power must change hands. And seeing an imminent abscission of the spiritual power (i.e. of spiritism) that protects the global political hegemony of Satanism, Herod became very jittery. An arrangement to surcease God’s intention preoccupied Herod’s demonic stance. God is always steps ahead of His enemies. The wise men who had by then come to the understanding of the incarnation that must precede the practicality of soteriological design had no problem, whatsoever, obeying the instruction of Matthew 2:12 “And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.”Read More

The Christmas Story (Part one)

Professionally they were star and moon gazing astrologers of the Spirit offending Nimro-Semiramic order. It was very apropos to necessitate the visit of the Magi. They represent the spiritual powers of Satanism, which must bow before the LORD God, because it says, “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him:” [Matthew 2:11]. Baby Jesus, the central of attraction, is the nonpareil Adam. The seemingly weakling of His infancy is the humanity of ‘which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. The swaddling-clothed infantility is the Bishop of our dying souls (1Peter 2:25).Read More

The Birth Of Jesus

From its Hebrew origin, David is dâvid or dâvı̂yd (daw-veed') meaning: 'beloved or loving.' The Greek calls it Dabid (dab-eed'). The Incarnation is the product of God’s unfeigned love for the fallen man. So it must involve David. If Jesus is the prophesied King of kings then it is germane that His human ancestors should come from a majestic lineage. Jesus will be the conqueror. His lineage must be of a military conquering David. As David replaced the first king who failed to please God, so must Jesus replace the first Adam whose spiritual inadequacy plunged us all into sin. Jesus is truly about God’s expression of an eternal love. Amen! Read More


Who would have known Mary if she had just as made the mistake of committing just one seemingly innocuous sexual act in her life, before marriage? One act of fornication would have broken her virginity, rendering her absolutely ineligible to conceive the Saviour of the world! One illicit sex would have disqualified her womb from the actualization of the Incarnation! “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any;” says Paul in1Corinthians 6:12. So many useless, inconsequential habits and deeds have ruined humanity. Too bad!Read More


It is a well-known fact that Job was, personally, guiltless of the predicament he found himself. He faced his trials with a certain equanimity. Tribulations are good for us. They teach us how to wear the fitting robe of patience. It is getting worse these days after six thousand years of Adam's unfortunate act that has plunged man into this quaggy state of depravity.Read More

An Ambassador (For Christ or Lucifer) -5th part.

Joseph, with the words, "...because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" [Genesis 39:9], refused the ambassadorial post of Satan in Egypt. His refusal made him an ambassador for Christ. Amen.Read More