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When they tell you that salvation of Christianity can suffer loss, they hardly know the source of this eisegesis. The Apostolic Fathers never taught it. A hint of this unbiblical spread came from Saint Augustine of Hippo (354–430) who believed “in a specific gift of perseverance given to some baptized Christians.[123] Augustine did not believe that someone can in this life know with infallible certitude that he is in fact among the elect, and that he will finally persevere. Thus, those who didn't receive the gift of perseverance can reject justification and lose baptismal regeneration. [124][125] (Apostasy in Christianity: Wikipedia).” An extensive didacticism of this belief was carried out by Jacobo Arminius, after whose death his friends came up with their famous soteriological Five Points of the Remonstrance, which included “perseverance”, meaning that “if a born again child of God does not continue to bear good spiritual fruits, he may lose the salvation.” One indubitable fact I have found out is that there is not one single verse on salvation that comes with a string of “if not, you lose it”. What many Christians do not realize is that what St. Augustine taught forms what serves as the bulwark of Catholicism, which includes baby baptism and the latria that Mariology receives in Roman Catholic Church. What influences Jacobo Arminius cannot be trusted. Loss of the soteriology is disturbingly eisegetic. These are some of the verses of eternality of salvation: Genesis 3:21; Romans 8:1; John 3:36, 6:40 & 14:23; Romans 5:8; Romans 6:2-11; Romans 10:9-13; Ephesians 2:5; Colossians 2:13; 1Peter 1:3-5 and 1John 5:11-13. Read More


The strength of the Christian belief which is of Scriptural facticity is that “the saving of the soul” is based on the substitutionary death of the Golgotha cross which purchased the redeemed. The cost of this redemption is too expensive to make an availability of a repurchase of the redeemed soul of the Christian – it is absolutely God’s property –; also because God will not change His mind concerning the intent of His divine pronouncement. In this purchase, the good thing about it is its eternality – “that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. The reason why we, the true Christians, cannot ‘draw back’ is the eternality of the purchase. The cost of this redemption is too high to allow the object of this salvation to be lost. Love without measure. What is the cost? God Himself! Acts 20:28 “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” The active word ‘purchase’ is peripoieomai (pe-riy-poi-ye'-o-mai): ‘to make around oneself, i.e. acquire (buy).’ Read More


If the creation of Adam (made from an unconscious gathering of dust) came with the bestowal package of righteousness, which he did nothing to earn, it should follow that the righteousness of his progenies of regeneration, through the sacrificial Lamb of God, cannot be earned as well. In the Eden he fell as the lord of the earth, because he could not save himself, cutting his supposedly immortality short. As a born again Christian, Adam is no longer his own lord, the eternal LORD saved him, bringing him into the eternality of his Divinity and righteous Lordship. Amen.Read More


God, as a Businessman, will never lose His capital. He always makes sure of that. He knew that, unlike the progenitor of the antediluvian miscreants, some of the Adamic stock would come to Him for salvation. Those ones would ignite the soteriological gene in them, and make their way to the Saviour, Jesus Christ. They will see the Light, after having believed the word of the saving grace. To them is the reservation of celestial regeneration midwifed by God, the Holy Spirit. Amen. Romans 1:17 “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”Read More


Everyone is born into sin. “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me” [Psalm 51:5]. So, when the prayer of salvation is said with all of one’s heart, God goes back to the Garden of Eden to resuscitate the life of a born again. To get born again, the Holy Spirit returns into the purified spirit –to remain there eternally. The existential righteousness known of the created Adam is what returns to the regenerated soul. This is the reason why you cannot be afraid to lose the spirit of soteriological regeneration. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!Read More


At the Eden Garden fall, did man not try to get himself equitably garbed? His foliated garb was absolutely an unprepossessing falsehood. Probably a pool of still waters helped to mirror the insane design of his chosen apparel. As the unmistakable voice of His Holiness pierced through the atmospheric serenity of the Garden of Eden, unrighteous instinct told them to run for cover. Right-standing impaired!Read More


1)            The connectivity that exists between unrighteousness and its inseparable sinfulness throws up horrendous acridity of funk in God’s holy physiognomy. It is such a revulsion to the Divinity that Ezekiel’s vatic office declared his Master’s divine decree of “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of...Read More

Righteousness (5)

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The first biblical couch of ‘righteousness,’ in Genesis 15:6, was Mosaic. Moses never saw Abraham. How did he come to know of Abrahamic life? It was dictated to him by God, (which was, and which is and which is to come), Jehovah who saw it all. Without doubt, I can hear God telling Moses, “Abraham believed Me -the I AM- and, opening a celestial account on his behalf, I calculated and entered the sum of ‘righteousness’.” Where did Abraham get the faith? From the Word of God. Abraham owned neither the faith nor the Word: for both are of God. Selah!Read More

Righteousness (4)

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Righteousness is not a visibility of a worn toga. It is the covering raiment for the regenerated soul. Not visible to the naked eyes, it becomes apropos for the corporeality of the redeemed to interpret the honourificabilitudinitatibus of the new man in Christ. Who is this new man? He is revealed in Colossians 3:9-10, which reads, “…seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; 10) And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” The new man is the creation of the Lord Jesus of whom the Scripture says, “…and without him was not any thing made that was made” [John 1:3]. The new man’s spiritual locale is found in his Maker. 2Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”Read More

Righteousness (3)

It is not our righteousness, as the Bible instructs in Ephesians 4:24, "And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true." The verb ‘put on’ is enduo (en-doo'-o) ‘to invest with clothing.’ The adjective ‘new’ is kainos (kai-nos') ‘new (especially in freshness);’ and ‘create’ is ktizo (ktid'-zo) ‘to fabricate, i.e. found (form originally).’ Righteousness is a toga, a state of being, as a matter of fact. It is a toga that remains ever fresh all because the eternal LORD keeps it an eternal reality. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." The truth is that one cannot hunger after these virtues without being born again.Read More

Righteousness (3)

It is not our righteousness, as the Bible instructs in Ephesians 4:24, "And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true." The verb ‘put on’ is enduo (en-doo'-o) ‘to invest with clothing.’ The adjective ‘new’ is kainos (kai-nos') ‘new (especially in freshness);’ and ‘create’ is ktizo (ktid'-zo) ‘to fabricate, i.e. found (form originally).’ Righteousness is a toga, a state of being, as a matter of fact. It is a toga that remains ever fresh all because the eternal LORD keeps it an eternal reality. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." The truth is that one cannot hunger after these virtues without being born again.Read More

Righteousness (2)

We have in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Our sinful nature, because it happens to be what we are innately guilty of, attracts the ‘wage’ of ‘death.’ We get paid for our wrongdoings. When it comes to ‘righteousness,’ however, it is not of our toil. Jesus toiled for it, so we can only be a recipient of it through the Divine generosity of being a ‘gift.’ A gift is not an original ownership of the recipient. ‘Gift’ of the above verse is charisma (khar'-is-mah): ‘1. a (divine) gratuity, i.e. deliverance (from danger or passion) 2. (specially), a (spiritual) endowment 3. (subjectively) religious qualification 4. (objectively) miraculous faculty.’ The Greek charisma comes from charizomai (khar-id'-zom-ai) ‘to grant as a favor, i.e. gratuitously, in kindness, pardon or rescue.’ Grace, as we understand it, is an unmerited favour.Read More

Righteousness (2)

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We have in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Our sinful nature, because it happens to be what we are innately guilty of, attracts the ‘wage’ of ‘death.’ We get paid for our wrongdoings. When it comes to ‘righteousness,’ however, it is not of our toil. Jesus toiled for it, so we can only be a recipient of it through the Divine generosity of being a ‘gift.’ A gift is not an original ownership of the recipient. ‘Gift’ of the above verse is charisma (khar'-is-mah): ‘1. a (divine) gratuity, i.e. deliverance (from danger or passion) 2. (specially), a (spiritual) endowment 3. (subjectively) religious qualification 4. (objectively) miraculous faculty.’ The Greek charisma comes from charizomai (khar-id'-zom-ai) ‘to grant as a favor, i.e. gratuitously, in kindness, pardon or rescue.’ Grace, as we understand it, is an unmerited favour.Read More

Righteousness (1)

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Zacharias pointed out the necessary outwardness of our piety, saying: "In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life" [Luke 1:75]. The reason for this show of the inherent 'righteousness' is simply that it is our duty to interpret righteousness for the beneficial digestion of what we are to their blind ocular perception. Our Christian lives are interpretation of the righteousness of Christ, our Dwelling. In Greek the word 'holiness' is hosiotēs (hos-ee-ot'-ace) 'piety towards God, fidelity in observing the obligations of piety, holiness.' From the heathen, with whom God had no spiritual transaction of any covenant, God expected no piety. To the Israel of His covenant, even before the parturition of the patriarchal twelve, God said, "....Be ye holy; for I am holy" [1Peter 1:16]; taken from Leviticus 11:44. God was careful not to say it to the Egyptian, Roman, Indian or Chinese. Only to one nation of Israel He had the covenant, ergo, Paul will often write, "First to the Jew then to the Gentiles."Read More



Show me a developed state that has no stable electricity! Who owns the Nigerian power distribution companies? Politicians! Who owns the gargantuan electrical generating concern of Mikano, in Nigeria? PDP presidential aspirant (Atiku Abubakar)!

Google to find out the huge chunk that left Nigeria immediately after graduating from Medical Schools just last year! Buhari's 'Next Level' of APC is an enemy to their professionalism.

Companies are in dire straits! Why? These politicians don't love Nigeria. They are dwellers in the gemütlichkeit of their enthroned malversation.

One aspirant who loves Nigeria is Reverend Chris Okotie! Vote him if you love Nigeria. Allow righteousness to exalt Nigeria. Amen!

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Whoever gets born of His divine Being ceases to be labelled a sinner. The same can commit sins though. When or if he does 1John 1:9 takes care of his demeaning act. This means that it is not only when you prayed for the salvation that you are covered. Jesus continues, as the Advocate you never solicited for, to keep your righteousness intact. Amen! When or if you find yourself being spiritually distracted by a certain gravitational pull towards an untoward sinfulness I recommend you go for a cleansing deliverance.Read More


Check out the Pauline Hebrews 4:10, "For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his." All the works of righteousness He had already perfected on our behalf. Note that the entrance into the rest is in the aorist which serves as a voucher to the perfection of the act of rest that the Lord entered on our behalf. The word 'rest' is katapausis (kat-ap'-ow-sis): 'reposing down, that is, (by Hebraism) abode.' Katapausis comes from katapauō (kat-ap-ow'-o): 'to settle down, that is, (literally) to colonize, or (figuratively) to (cause to) desist.' Is there any need for additional work, from a born again child of God, to keep him in this rest engendered by the grace of God, according to scriptural didacticism? Selah!Read More


What is the connection between the ‘I am’ and the shepherd? Psalm 23 opens with “The LORD is my Shepherd” where the title ‘LORD’ is Yhovah (yeh-ho-vaw') ‘1. (the) self-Existent or Eternal 2. Jehovah, Jewish national name of God.’ In Psalm 80 the first verse reads: “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.” If the Shepherd of this verse is not Jehovah God, then Jesus never trod upon the surface of this terra firma. So, when Jesus declared, “I am the good shepherd” the definite article points in the direction of the One no Israelite would feign not to know: the Almighty LORD God of Israel! Amen!Read More


2Corinthians 5:21, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” The auxiliary ‘hath’ perfects the main verb ‘made’ which in the Greek is poieo (poy-eh'-o): ‘to make or do {in a very wide application, more or less direct; properly refers to a single act}.’ The Bible does not use another differing ‘made’ prasso (pras'-so) meaning: ‘to practice, i.e. perform repeatedly or habitually.’ The righteousness which the Lord ‘made’ for us is a once and forever righteousness. No one needs to do anything about this righteousness again, in fact any human righteousness will only pollute what Jesus has perfectly made.Read More


"For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4) When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory" [Colossians 3:3-4]. The word 'hid' is kruptō (kroop'-to) to conceal (properly by covering).' The righteousness that marks us out as Christians is veritably a clothing and Jesus is essentially the covering. We do not have in our possession any inherent righteousness. And the reality on the scriptural ground is that only this same Jesus has the capability of the competence to keep us in this state of Godly righteousness. We have the same life as Jesus for we are, in the strictest sense, in this righteous journey together for it says that: "Christ, who is our life." Amen. Read More