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ISRAEL (3rd part)

Only the tribe of Israel has a soteriological covenant with Jehovah. They alone know the SOS code to bring His help down to the earth for He had promised, "I will never leave nor forsake thee…” (Deuteronomy 4:31, 31:6; Hebrew 13:5). This is the last enemy of Israel, so, He will come in Person. Unless Israel, to whom pertaineth the dispensation of the law cries out to Him, Christ will not come to save the world from the Satanic clutches of the Antichrist. Read More

ISRAEL (1st part)

Israel is Jehovah's involvement. Israel is God's personal invention. It is God's child, son and wife. God's investment on Israel is too huge to become an abandoned, white elephant project. Israel is the actualization of His reconstructive dream of the epitome project of creationism - mankind. Who or what can kill God's own nurtured eternal dream? Read More

TOGA (part 2)

                                                       Noah’s toga of drunkenness   A very sad toga was sewn for Noah who made the unnecessary trip into the sordid act of drunkenness. Noah could not reason with the word of God found in Galatians 5:21. Samson fell when the toga of inebriation was donned on him by the hired Delilah. Satan gets...Read More


Christmas tells me that Jesus is the Governor of the nations, the King of all kings, the last Adam who came to quicken the lives of the redeemed. He will remove the enslavement of mankind by the evil rule of the Antichrist. His eternal Priesthood ensures our perpetual guiltless stand before the throne of God.Read More

THE CHURCH (concluding part 2)

                                                                                                 Church Service The priceless value of the Christian is played up by Jesus in Matthew 13:45-46. We are so priceless it took God all His power, so to speak, to settle the sin question in Ephesians 1:19, “And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the...Read More