The truth is a personage. It is the reality of Divinity. The Divinity is the Almighty Author of creationism. Nothing, absolutely, comes close to Him in power, authority, wisdom, supremacy and senescence. The physical personality of the truth comes to manifestation in John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” The Greek for ‘way’ is hodos (ho-d̮os') ‘1. a road. 2. (by implication) a progress (the route, act or distance). 3. (figuratively) a mode or means.’ How can Jesus be the mode, means, road or the progression to the celestial bliss and not be very God of very God? As the ‘Truth’ (aletheia), Jesus is the physical ‘reality’ of Divinity. ‘Life,’ in this verse, is zoe: ‘God’s immortal kind of life.’Read More