What happens to be the fashion nowadays is the throng emergence of the so-called “Apostles”. Definitely, they do not understand that an Apostle originally had pastors under his tutelage, based on The Acts of the Apostles understanding of the nascent Church nurturing into her adulthood. The Apostolic office was created to nurse the nascency of the Church in the days of Peter, John, James, Andrew, Paul and the rest. Check the Apostolic writings, they contain not a smidgeon of Scriptural error. They heard and learnt directly from the source of the Divinity: and taught flawlessly. By the time of their exits the Pastors had come of theological age to steer the vehicle of each local assembly properly. Pastors, from the day of the exit of John the Divine, author of the Revelation, had taken the pastoral mantle of every local assembly, independent of any so-called G.O.s, G.S.s, Bishops, Archbishops, Primates or the Pope. The Roman Catholic Pope actually began these scriptural anomalies of scriptural small-mindedness. As theologians of dissenting views broke away from Catholicism, they failed to do a clean cut off from the umbilical cord of the Pope’s Catholicism.
To be fit for the vineyard business of the Holy Spirit, you must be a born again child of God. Jesus breathed the Spirit into them who were about to do His work on earth.
You cannot work for God unless you speak in tongues.
It will surprise you that many church leaders are not “men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom.” To be full of the Holy Ghost is to have the ability to speak in other tongues otherwise called the glossolalia. Of course, many have perfected the mimicry of the glossolalia, just to deceive. Not all that effuses, “mamamama hehe lakaykay sakayna” are truly born again. Selah!Read More