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The Holy spirit


The Third Member of the Godhead, is the Holy Spirit. He is essentially the LORD God of creation. He supplied the necessary energy to incubate an eventual actuation of a mere clay to emerge on his feet as a living soul! You cannot work for God as the priest, prophet, judge, leader or the king without receiving the presence of the Holy Spirit inspired involvement. He, Holy Spirit, is everywhere. Only the Divinity can be seen in Omnipresent involvement. In the holy of holies compartment of the Jerusalem Temple, the God of Israel that the high priest faced every year, with the sacrificial blood in his hands, was the Holy Spirit. Before one becomes a Christian the Holy Spirit must enter into him first. These were the instructional words of the Word of God to the redeemed, “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). The Divinity of Jesus is an unimpeachable facticity. God’s protocolary supports its asseveration. In abundance of spread is its Scriptural proof. Creationism having been perfected in Genesis chapter one verse one, what transpired in verse two is fittingly re-creationism. The first three verses present distinctive Personality of each One of the Godhead. Hallelujah!Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (4)

Have we forgotten that Jesus, the Good Samaritan, took the injured victim to an ‘inn’ that is pandocheion (pan-dokk-i'-on): ‘a public house for the reception of strangers; all receptive.’ Remember also that the victim did not supply anything towards his recuperation. The Good Samaritan provided everything, including the payment for the place of rest. How much did He pay? Two pence; and in those days a penny is regarded as a day’s wage. Theologically, a day in God’s heaven is like a thousand years on our terra firma. According to Rev. Chris Okotie, the two pence is the payment of our rest in the Church, divinely presided by the Holy Spirit, for two thousand years. As long as the Church age functions on earth, the Christian is protected against any evil eventuality. Jesus has not performed His Second Coming, therefore, we must remain divinely protected from falling into any loss of salvation. It is just not possible that what Jesus paid for will suffer spiritual deterioration. The terms and conditions of this salvific transaction are absolutely in the hands of the Members of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit will never accuse the Lord Jesus, the Second Member of the Godhead, of defaulting in payment, and consequently throw out an erring inmate of ‘the Inn’ – the Church of the Living God. The belief in the loss of the salvation brought by Jesus is quite unscriptural.Read More


The Adamic pristine couple was not robed in the animal skins just for the thrill and fun of Christmas clothing purchased for the children. It was a grand connectivity with the soteriology. It was purely sacrificial. The Bible does not disclose how many lambs, goats or rams were slaughtered. But it is quite clear that it was for the Eden couple. The number two, being the Scriptural numerology for witness and of testimony, they stood in prognostication of the True Lamb of God – Adam being of His image. As far as God was concerned, salvation had come to mankind, even in his sinfulness. It is on account of this facticity that one Pauline couch reads, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And because it is solely the choice of Divinity, one should understand why it also says, “Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:9). One very good reason that called for the Adamic elevation was the need for God to give Himself the legality to put Lucifer away for good. When you read something like God 'being needy' for whatever it is, it is never in the sense of Divine bankruptcy or shortcoming. Jehovah has all He needs or wants from eternality of the past to the futuristic periods of eternity. In all aspects, God wields absolute perfection. Sitting under Scriptural exegetical didacticism of God’s need for anything simply points to the facticity that pictures the humble stance of Divinity, assuming the status of cognitive operational reality known of Adamic level. Read More


Most certainly, dominion got transferred from Adamic hegemony to that of the indwelling serpentine spirit. However, by the protevangelium of Genesis 3:15 the man, technically, was brought in to represent God, putting Him, the LORD God, in control. When God's breath, which He put in man's creation, mixes with the faith in God's word, man becomes his creator's oracular afflatus –office of a regnant prophet. The meaning of Seth, Adam's third son, is the Hebraic shêth (shayth): compensation; put, that is, substituted.' Having been put in place by divine authorisation, the Bible says, "And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD" [Gen 4:26]. The LORD never did lose control. Amen.Read More


In the year 1198, Catholicism gave Mary the titles: co-redemptrix, advocate, auxiliatrix, adjutrix, mediatrix, believing that as the mother of Christ, she should share in His official responsibilities. I have a question? Who decides who shares in divine attributes, man or the Divinity? Do we call this ecumenical decision an acute scriptural indigence on the part of Catholicism or a blatant gibe at Scripture? Do we not know whose job it is to distribute ecumenical offices in Acts 13:2 “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them?”Read More


The High Priest went in there to represent the entire nation of Israel for the forgiveness of the year's transgressions. He stood sacerdotally before the unseen Jehovah Elohim and the Holy Spirit duly accepted the oblational approach. Without Him there is no Church administration. God's thoughts came alive in the minds of Bible writers to checkmate any contradictory scripting of the word of God because He inspired them. Only God knows the mind of God. The Holy Spirit (i.e. the burning lamp of Rev. 4:5) is there in the celestial throne room to purify God's word seven times. He is the lamp to our righteous feet before the LORD. The fire wraps us up in the righteous zeal for the Lord's use. Read More


There cannot be four, two or a thousand of THEM: in the Godhead. Whoever thinks there are more or less than three should come with the proof of Scripture. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" [1John 5:7]. The word 'one' is heis (heis`) in the Greek, meaning: 'a neuter 'one' implying one in all things: essence, power, majesty, knowledge.’ Hebrews 12:24 reads, "And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel." The book of 1Peter 1:2 does strike the cord of the Divine accord found in the Trinity. It reads, "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.” There, most certainly, would not have been any Divine Mediation without the instauration carried out by the Trinity, through which we become recipients of the soteriological grace of the Most High. Amen! Read More


Isaiah 42:8, "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images" is an established fact that God does not share honour and worship. Why –have you ever asked yourself–- would attributes of Divinity be shared among the Trinity? What a perfect plan of Divinity is in operation: God, the Father, sits in the celestial assizes as the absolute Judge; God, the Son, is seated as the Eternal Advocate; the Divine Witness is none other than the Holy Spirit! Read More


The Truth does not run into any spasmodic jittery at the thought of being discovered. The Truth will remain seated, awaiting the crowd just as Jesus sat, to feed them who responded to the evangelism of the woman at the well of Sychar. One huge importance of truthfulness is to bring soberness into the mind inebriated with falsehood. At Sychar He taught a ‘must’ when He said, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth," in John 4:24. It was quite germane for Him to teach the Truth in 'Sychar,' which has the definition of 'liar or drunkard.'Read More


An intelligent and acceptable discourse with the Father in heaven can only be achieved with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:27, "And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God."Read More