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Death [2]

It says in unequivocal terms in Ephesians 4:9-10, "(Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? [10] He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)" He went to the same place where Lazarus found himself –Abraham's bosom. God would not allow the argument of the wicked-dead 'rich man', borne out of Satanism, to thrive: by sending him back to earth –even if Abraham could.Read More

Death [1]

Adam, when he committed the disobedient, original sin of the Eden Garden, he died, not physically but spiritually. His spirit realm, sin-stained, failed to enter into the erstwhile sacred fellowship with the Creator. This is the truth about death. It was when he saw the sacrificial animals, one for him and the other for his wife that the gravity of the mark he had missed struck him. Dead animal friends of the pristine family told him: death was imminent. Every birth of Adamic progeny, as a result, became the accouchement of a walking cadaver. Death!Read More


Have they been laughing at you: calling you a failure; wretched poor; barren witch; useless idiot and even challenging your Jesus to do something about your predicament? Let the delay strengthen your faith. You will laugh last. Joy cometh in the morning. Jehovah’s delay is not a denial of your happiness. Amen. Have you been told that you can never be a million naira rich? Have faith in the workability of divine operations. They that used their mouths to rubbish your future will have to queue up to receive monetary donations from your hands when the LORD God eventually makes you a billionaire, not in Nigerian naira but in the USA dollars. With God nothing shall be impossible. “And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren”, the Bible reveals. The word 'honourable' is the Hebraic kâbad (kaw-bad'): ‘to be heavy; be weighty; be rich'. Jabez became a heavyweight financial controller. Are you still reeling in poverty? God’s delay is not denial.Read More


At this time, David was thirty years old, so, for thirteen whole, long years all he had was the anointing but not the emblematic crown of the majestic office of God’s word concerning his kingship. The good Lord who delayed David’s coronation did not deny him of the promised throne. At another time: 2Samuel 5:3, “So all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the LORD: and they anointed David king over Israel.” God eventually made good His word.Read More


For four gruelling days of mental discomfort, the family of the deceased Lazarus continued to ask, “Why us; where is Jesus, the supposedly Friend of our dear brother?” Questions that refused to supply some meaningful answers. God must do things in style. When He eventually showed up –God always shows up to people of faith—, Jesus told them what they never knew of Him, “I am the resurrection, and the life.” Verse 40 reads, “Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” The Author of soteriology took them back to the day of old, the day when as the Visitant He ask of Abraham’s understanding, "Is any thing too hard for the LORD" [Genesis 18:14]?Read More


The king had changed their Jewish names, which reflected the holy name of Jehovah. Hananiah was changed to Shadrach, which means ‘the servant of Aku (moon god); Mishael was given the foreign name of Meshach which has a probability of being a name in honour of the sun god. Azariah was named Abednego (servant of Nego, Nebo or Ishtar i.e. "the morning star" and "the perfect light" to Babylonian idolatry). They refused to hoist the infamous flag of their idolatrous tags. They stuck with Jehovah. Did the Lord God try to help them by making Nebuchadnezzar change his mind? Faith was put on trial. God Himself showed up among His children of faith. Read More


Even though the judgment of Eli, the high priest, was garbed in atrocity of its pronouncement, it would not vitiate Hannah's potential faith in the God of Israel. Her faith had engendered in her the humility of a good Christian, raising her to the enablement which held back her tongue from lashing at the stupidity of God's servant. Thankfully, the emergent alloy of faith and humility from this woman of great fortitude saved Eli from absolute irresponsibility. An 'ascension' (for that is the English definition of the Hebraic Eli) to the celestial assizes had to be made available to Hannah's petition. The same Eli who had wrongfully accused her of an unladylike debauchery must change the lyrics to, "Go in peace." Pronounced on her is 'peace', a Hebraic shâlôm (shaw-lome') which means so many things: 'completeness, soundness, welfare, peace;Read More


The word ‘spoken’ in the first verse is dâbar (daw-bar'): ‘to arrange; used figuratively (of words) to speak; speech, word, speaking, thing.’ It is very important to note that the words ‘any thing’ of Genesis 18:14 and ‘spoken’ of Genesis 21:1 mean the same thing. Our business is to look into the Scriptures; get a word that answers our predicament; bind securely our faith to it; and God has just given you the desire of your heart. Forsooth, delay is not denial! Be wise not to drop your guard of faith. Can you afford to disappoint the LORD God? Selah!Read More


Thinking that delay is denial, the scripturally unschooled and the one who runs into a dearth of God’s words of His promises lose all hopes, having gulped the satanic laden motivational calumny, as one downs huge draughts of spirited brew, the victim is ushered into the sottish inebriation of the Devil’s gulag. This is Lucifer’s bourne: for in this state suicidal attempts and perfections have continued to drown mankind. If delay is tantamount to denial there definitely would not exist in Scripture which says, "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" [Psalm 30:5]. Read More


APC’s stand against the phenomenal reality is a deliberate obfuscation. Truth is meant to illuminate minds constructively and progressively. Any man who resorts to tergiversation is an apostle of sheer cruelty. A truth hiding individual is a promoter of Satanism. Buhari has every buck of these atrocities stopping at his presidential desk. Buhari is guilty! Muhammadu Buhari, if you had done the right thing, no Sunday Adeyemo aka Sunday Igboho or the likes of Nnamdi Kanu would dream of seceding from Nigeria –a land flowing with milk and honey! If Nebuchadnezzar could change, so can Buhari. The absolute truth here is that the Lord God, the Governor of the nations, has begun to walk through Nigeria. So, I say to the Most High, concerning Nigeria, my beloved country, “Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee” [Numbers 10:35]. Amen!Read More


Some days after independence, this statement was credited to the first and only Premier of the Northern Region of Nigeria, ''The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We must use the minorities in the North as willing tools and South as conquered territories and never allow their future.'' -SIR AHMADU BELLO, October 12, 1960. And since then the North had believed, so erroneously, that the political governance of Nigeria is the birthright of the Fulani oligarchy with the full backing of Othman Dan Fodio’s spirit of jihadism.Read More


A conscious belief effort, on the part of an individual, in Christ, is never a mere act. It is a pleasing act of faith expended, based on the will of the Creator which magnetises a divine reward of eternal consequence. That person gets endowed with God’s very life of eternity. Minus Jesus, salvific actuation of empyreal ascendancy is unequivocally infeasible. This is the reason why people will go to hell (uncomfortable to my mind though) for all eternity: their rejection of the finished work of Jesus, on the cross. The truth is: when we get to heaven, we will know why. Read More


The truth is a personage. It is the reality of Divinity. The Divinity is the Almighty Author of creationism. Nothing, absolutely, comes close to Him in power, authority, wisdom, supremacy and senescence. The physical personality of the truth comes to manifestation in John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” The Greek for ‘way’ is hodos (ho-d̮os') ‘1. a road. 2. (by implication) a progress (the route, act or distance). 3. (figuratively) a mode or means.’ How can Jesus be the mode, means, road or the progression to the celestial bliss and not be very God of very God? As the ‘Truth’ (aletheia), Jesus is the physical ‘reality’ of Divinity. ‘Life,’ in this verse, is zoe: ‘God’s immortal kind of life.’Read More


My understanding of this Scripture [Jeremiah 23:6] is that, it speaks of the Christ being the righteousness of Christians, ergo, His Divinity. Even if I have to agree with Adam Clarke, in that Christ is designated “Our Righteousness” by Yahweh, what does it bespoken? Yahweh’s use of the possessive ‘Our’ makes the Christ, the Divine Righteousness of both the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit! Now, which is more awe inspiring, that Christ is the righteousness of Adamic humans or the righteousness of the Divinity of the Father and the Holy Spirit? So, Adam Clarke, whether this Jeremiah 23:6 says Christ is the righteousness of His body, the Church, or that of the Eternal Ones, it means the same: for Jesus Christ, by the understanding of this Scripture, is very God of very God. Amen!Read More


The facticity of baraminology fingers an irrevocability of creationism. In the hands of the Adamic blunder, baraminic haecceity suffered a defeat, causing the baramic Designer to a further establishment of the soteriological reality, aimed at the redemption of the lost souls of Adam that would walk the humble path of the parabolic son of prodigence. Is the Christ the divine Author of creationism? He must of necessity be the One and the only Founder of the salvific Providence: for, forsooth, Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things –visible and invisible.Read More


God will never create another species of people better than Christians. We are His peripoesis. What is peripoesis? It is found in 1Peter 2:9, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” The word ‘peculiar’ is the Greek peripoesis, which makes us a purchased property of His Divinity. If God will ever buy anything, would He spend His resources in exchange for a perishable item? As sinful as humans are, no right thinking one among us would want to use our hard earned money on anything that is valueless. Jehovah sits in eternity. If He should love to purchase clothing, for instance, would the ETERNAL One buy raiment that will ever go out of fashion? Would the LORD God give out His bargaining strength for an acquisition that will see and be affected by corruption? Would a fabric that will be torn, as the time goes on, be God’s acquired possession? Peripoesis have definitions of: ‘preservation, safe keeping and a purchased acquisition.’ The preservation of the Christian is the sole preserve of the Trinity. How do I know this? It says in the Scriptures, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” [John 3:16]. Read More


Christianity, from this Petrine Epistle, is a selection reminiscent of God’s sculptural hands, as He picked a piece of clay from among the abundance of its enormous earthly deposit. If the Sculptor’s ingenious acumen had not gone any further, Adam would have remained just a mere masterpiece of sculpture. But the good Lord, Christ, the Second Member of the Godhead, desired more than a piece of clayey work of art. He breathed a personal and physical breath of life into the lifeless mould. “And Adam became a living soul,” so we have in the Mosaic couch of Genesis 2:7; the word 'man’ in this verse is actually ‘Adam’ of the Hebraic 'adam (aw-dawm'): ‘ruddy (from the redness of the colour of the earth) i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.). In sharing life with the Adamic nature, Christianity was ushered into the generational stock of empyreal reality. Adam became Jehovah’s next of kin! Kinsmen of the Godhead. Unbelievable it looked –to an onlooking Lucifer. There is more to being a Christian –regality of sacerdotalism. We are priestly kings –in the order of Melchizedek. It is a spiritual suzerainty that puts divine connectivity solely in the hands of Christianity. There is much more. Christianity, by the blood covenant of atonement, has metamorphosed into a saint, most holy, physically pure, morally blameless and ceremonially consecrated tribe of empyreal order. And what is more? The peculiarity of Christianity is absolutely of the Divinity. Our connection to the soteriological new birth is unto an acquisition of a tribe, eternally precious, a preserve of the Almighty Elohiym. No race –not even Israel—, at any point of historical time, is this elevated. Hallelujah! Read More


Through the children of God, great emperors have heard veracious vaticination of global events. Nebuchadnezzar even became a believer before his death. A most erratic Ahasuerus would give a most favourable attention to the prayer of queen Esther whose true Hebrew name, Hadassah, typifies the Christian. Hadassah is Hebrew for the myrtle tree. How is Hadassah the typicality of the Christian Church? It is 1) a lowly tree. 2) a fragrant shrub. 3) beautiful; and 4) happens to be an evergreen plant. Lowliness of the myrtle makes the Christian of an obedient and humble heart. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass” (Zechariah 9:9). The Christian Church gives off a pleasant smell to the nostrils of the Divinity. 2Corinthians 2:15 “For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.” Read More


Why do think Cain was stolen from the pristine parents and, what do you think is the reason for goading the first family into sinfulness? The Christian Church! To steal it, kill it, and to get it absolutely destroyed! Satan the Devil’s desiderative crave is to silence the Church –the vehicle of divine afflatus. Amen. Luciferian putsch à la Cain’s treachery resulted in the nascent world's dichotomous life. It is what I call the antediluvian saints –of Adam— and the antediluvian miscreants –led by the falsehood of Cain’s priesthood. Adam and his wife asked for it –by their disobedience. The Christian Church must move on. An antediluvian saint, Enoch, lived such an exemplary life that he spent just a very few three hundred and sixty years, and was taken away from the earth, undying –à la rapture. His own son, Methuselah, lived the longest, of 969 years, saved from the annihilation of the great deluge which took place just after he slept in the Lord, his God. Jesus knows how to take care of His Christian Bride. Read More


The Church is God’s tabernacle. It is the only sacred concourse of the redeemed in the fellowship with the Divinity. The first time the ‘Church’ appears in Scripture is in Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The call out of the Church makes the members of this assemblage a new species of humanity. The holy race of the Almighty Jehovah, it is. Anyone who desires to live eternally, a paradisiacal citizen, must crave an adherence to John 3:3. It is imperative to be a true member of Christianity. God’s gifts and calling, of Romans 11:29, are irrevocable. This unmodifiable decree makes Christianity the only eternal institution of soteriology observed by the Most High. God will not change His sacred mind concerning Christianity and its salvific role to mankind. Amen.Read More