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Man's free moral agency had led him through the vehicular path of his ratiocinatio. Hegelian dialectics had propounded, à la philosophy, logically. Science had endorsed all the calculations. They had, for mundane reasons, concluded to jettison the Personage of the eternal trine: Way, Truth and Life. Go out of the Way, and you are a lost soul. Jettison the Truth to wallow in the gulag of delusion. Hate Life: kiss death.Read More

Coronavirus (2)

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Keeping Christians out and away from their holy assemblage is a joy that knows no bounds in the malefic heart of Satan. Keeping them away from the effusive glossolalia is a huge accomplishment for the Antichrist. One of them kills a thousand, while through the miracle of inexplicable equation of mathematical theory, two of them will kill ten thousand! He knows what a thousand Christians will be capable of, not to mention the annihilating outcome of what a million of us will definitely do! He has been able to keep Christians quiet. “Pray where tens of you will not do our kingdom any harm,” is the stance of the enemy. How did he accomplish this? Simple.Read More


Every machination of the Antichrist must be designed to accept God's protocol. Control! Satanism cannot, dares not operate outside God's sanction of his evil games. The Bible says he will give the number representing his name (666) to the people he will lord it over. He must do that. His hegemonic Satanism is just seven years. He cannot exceed this. Control. The Church must experience the eschatological rapture a la Enoch's 'translation' and before then the Antichrist son of Lucifer cannot set up any earthly governmental machinery over born again members of the body of Christ -the true Christians. Impossible! "Impossican't!" (My Pastor, Rev. Chris Okotie will jocularly asseverate).Read More


Today, as we know, in the United Kingdom where the best Bible version of the King James Version came from, the best teachers of the kerygma in that country are proudly Nigerians! Amen! It is quite apposite that some Nigerians should be versed in biblical exegesis. The impressive dexterity of Rev. Chris Okotie's pedagogical erudition pertaining to exegetical didacticism of Scripture should not be unexpected. It is all about Nigeria's Hamitic eschatological missionary commitment to the coming of Jesus. Ham must of soteriological ground warn the world of the inexorable emergent of the wicked son of perditionable Satanism. Read More


To the whole world Nimrod, the first globally accepted Antichrist, spread another deistic falsehood. The great Deluge destruction notwithstanding, satanic hocus-pocus prevailed over the lives of humanity. The evil elementals of idolatrous worship, in conjunction with Nimrodic sun-worship, was firmly established. The unholy chains of esoteric involvement globalised the religion of Satanism. Each State is headed by an esoteric sectary. Religious firm grip runs through the local government to the communities, right into every facet of family lives. Read More


It was a huge masterstroke for Lucifer to goad the woman, emblematic of the body of worshipping congregation, in making a speech that offers a legalistic feet for the fatuity of Satan's religious establishment. Sadly enough, Adam, the male, stupidity acquiesced. They did receive divine pardon, though, thanks to Jesus (it was part of God's plan to trap and bring Lucifer, who has no second chance, to judgment for his misuse of his free moral agency). Adam's transition into this risk, lamentably, did engender an aphonic proclivity in his characterisation, for the rest of his recorded, scriptural life. Read More

Tenability Of Global Peace

1Thessalonians 5:3 reads, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." This is the prophetic revelation uncovering the event of the second three and half years of the seven, satanic years rule of Satan's son. An unprecedented evil will be unleashed upon the people of the entire earth. The tenability of global serenity will continue to exist as a mirage until the true Governor of the nations comes to rule. Read More


The Holy Spirit still occupies His rightful place of the holy of holies i.e. the spirit of every believer – man’s third compartment. The spirit of an individual is his third compartment; the first being the visibility of his physiognomy and the second of which is the soul.Read More


Those who know Him are expected to come without delay. The woman with the issue of blood trailed her Destiny, having the prerequisite faith. Faith spurred her on. Destiny is the distance between point A of the commencement of the journey and the eventual point B of your destination.Read More

LET NOT THE SUN SET… (part one)

"If it were you, what would you do when after counting he should ask you, 'what are you doing with so many twenty-four toes and fingers', please, tell me?". Seeing her implacable stance, I knew that what I thought would not placate her so I told her God's own story.Read More

ISRAEL (3rd part)

Only the tribe of Israel has a soteriological covenant with Jehovah. They alone know the SOS code to bring His help down to the earth for He had promised, "I will never leave nor forsake thee…” (Deuteronomy 4:31, 31:6; Hebrew 13:5). This is the last enemy of Israel, so, He will come in Person. Unless Israel, to whom pertaineth the dispensation of the law cries out to Him, Christ will not come to save the world from the Satanic clutches of the Antichrist. Read More

ISRAEL (2nd part)

The mantic seventy weeks was not demystified until 70×7days=490 days produced no realization of Daniel's vatic pronouncement. They came to the understanding that each of the 490 days was actually a year, hence, four hundred and ninety years was Prophet Daniel's actual prediction! It may be of immense interest that when one does careful scriptural calculations from the day of Daniel's prediction to the day of the ascension of Jesus in the book of Acts of the Apostles, in the first chapter, it is exactly 483 years. Where is the remaining seven?Read More

I KNOW WHY THE CHURCH IS IN DISARRAY (3rd and concluding part)

I have searched the scriptures and the plurality of this God, according to HIS protocol, the Bible, there exist only THREE PERSONAGES, in the Godhood (the original word for Godhead). I searched further on and I found that the singularity of Elohiym which is Elowha, appears 56 times; fifty-one times in designation to Jehovah and the remaining five in connection with an idol. If the scripture has in this wise explained the Trinitarian conundrum, it then follows that the possibility of a fourth member of the Godhead must, as of a necessity, be a created one. Four, is the scriptural number for creation. The Church, the new created people of God, the Bride of Christ, sharing a common Holy Spirit with God is the fourth that shall be the apocalypse.Read More