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doctrinal issues

No Condemnation (1)

This salvific pursuit is strictly the responsibility of the Godhead. The word of God, preaching the substitutionary death of Jesus, one is left with whether to obey the Holy Spirit’s divine testification or not. Those who believe immediately become – by an abstruse wrought of the Holy Spirit – the children of God and the Holy Spirit enters their spirits, permanently, for spiritual rejuvenation; they open their mouths and out of them pour the filial “Abba, Father,” to God the Father. If Jehovah is the Eternal God, then the spiritual procreation is eternally a security. The Father gave His only begotten Son. The Son perfected the soteriological facticity. The Energizer, the Holy Spirit, ceaselessly energizes the willing hearts into the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit makes the cleansed spirit an eternal place of abode, making the hearts of recipients the holy progeny God’s Church forever. No condemnation comes to the redeemed. Amen.Read More


The Incarnation came with a foetus coming into existence for the first time in the matrix of Mary. The fleshy humanity of Him is Jesus, ‘born’ unto us. Inside the foetus is the eternal Christ, very God of very God, the ‘gift’ from the Eternal Giver. Christ can only be given; He cannot be born. What is very clear is that, for every parturitive reality there is a maternal existence that is always an older entity. The maternal reality, being older, nurses the infant till the weaning period, and guiding the child into adulthood. These Mary did in bringing up the Jesus, the humanity of Immanuel. What could she or Joseph have done to nurture the eternality of a Member of the Godhead to adulthood? A baby is characterized by physical, mental and spiritual weakness; is God ever weak? What knowledge or wisdom has Mary to impart to the One of Whom it is written, “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3)? Who taught Mary that she could teach the Christ, “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3)? Read More


Most times God will not come personally to stop you from the mismanagement of your free moral agency. He created you. He put His fear in you, expecting you to comply with what is right. In every individual’s heart is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The Creator is waiting for you at the end – to face His judgment. Each one of Vladimir Putin, Ibrahim Babangida, Adolf Hitler, Muhammadu Buhari, Idi Amin, Emperor Nero (political leaders), Delilah and Jezebel used his or her endowed free moral agency as he or she deemed fit, albeit, wrongly. After all said and done it will be God’s judgment seat that everyone has to face. Be wise. Be a good moral agent. Read More