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Christian Doctrine


If you have to marry, understand that the man, first of Adamic creation, is the head of the family and he is in control of family matters according to divine fiat! Reverend Chris Okotie was his recondite self when teaching on the relationship between Adam the man and his wife. He said, “Adam, as a worker for God, has the entire earth as his platform; and Eve, his wife, has Adam, her husband, as her own platform.” How so abstruse, this exegetical establishment. Does the Scripture agree with the erudition of Reverend Chris Okotie? Genesis 2:15 “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” The man, Adam, is the first worker for God and the earth is his platform. Superintendence over an entity lies with the namer of the object. In naming the woman, he proved to be her superintendent husband. In her creation, she was taken out of the existing Adam, her husband. Her husband is her source. Do we all not know what happens when one is cut off from one’s source? One begins to malfunction. When the husband withholds his duteous love of commitment, or and when the wife decides to jettison God’s submissive mand, the home experiences malfunctioning. If the man’s platform is the earth, based on his scriptural formation from the dust, the wife’s platform of her duty to the Creator is the man, out of whom she came into existence. As far as the family organization is concerned, the husband – the one who has God’s oracle – seeks direction from God; and God expects the wife to look up to the husband for her own direction. You cannot change God’s protocol. Coming from the LORD God, His command is eternally in order and in vogue. So, you see, if you cannot abide by divine rules, just forget about marriage.Read More


The reason why the woman happens to be the recipient of this hupotasso cautionary counsel of Divinity takes us back to the Eden commission of the original sin. Being the first to taste of the fruit of Satanism, she is very likely to see her husband as one beneath her as carnal propensity will allow. The only way to tame her satanic exposure is to bring her, as the wife, under the subjection of the man. God is so wise! Amen! The hatred borne out of cultural differences does not, in any way, have any place or any role to play in the Divine instituted matrimony. You cannot tell me you are a Christian and allow mundane culture to garb you in a benighted colouration. I, honestly, do understand the known medical hara-kiri involved in the marriage of a courting couple having genotypes of AS and SS or worst still SS and SS, considering a couple of AS and AS. Will I advise medically incongruity of a couple not to marry or to marry? Truly, my advice will be, “Are you sure of what you’re plunging yourself into? Because the danger is giving birth to children who’ll ask you why you brought them into this world only to suffer from periodic excruciating pains from childhood till the day of death.” I will not tell them it is wrong and scripturally sinful to enter into marriage. What if they have enough faith to avert the abnormality of genotypes for every offspring that comes from the wife’s womb? What if in the course of their marriage they are able to pray themselves into their change from abnormal genotypes? Will the man of God who had vehemently opposed the union not be seen as one having no knowledge of what the LORD God is capable of doing and who also is deficient in faith, without which no man pleases the LORD God? What if their conjugation has no intention of bearing children, but just to partake in God’s institution, to show forth an adumbration of Christ and His body? Theologically, carnal sentimentalism shoved aside, will such couple be stupid idiots to enter into marriage? Most definitely, I think not! Read More


The first thing of note is that marriage is expected to be contract of legality between two children of Jesus. I have always made the firm reiteration of the fact that marriage is truly an act between only Christians. It is God’s institution to propagate the earth with His covenantal people. The first marriage between the two Adams never experienced termination. Why? God will not involve two people who will destroy His institution. What did God do when the first humans committed the sin of death? He brought forth the lamb of propitiation, which is an adumbration of the Golgotha substitutionary death. The Golgotha phenomenon reestablished the marriage to the Lamb – a marriage that will never suffer termination. Are we ever going to have idiosyncratic differences with the Lord Jesus when we meet in heaven? It will never occur! The two marriage stabilizing verses, being God’s injunctions, have eternal consequence. Will two true Christians marry, the husband ready to shower the commitment of agapē, and the lady is duly, with all willingness, eager to hupotasso to the husband in all things as Ephesians 5:24 “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing” reads, and all other things will not fall in beautiful places? The word ‘subject’ of Ephesians 5:24 is also the Greek hupotasso. What are we to understand from this is that the wife’s submission is not intended to glorify or pamper the proclivity of the man’s idiosyncratic ego. I did not write the Bible, so I cannot be seen as being biased or chauvinistic. The husband, the man of the house, must bring the woman under his submission only according to the word of Christ so that his headship of the family will truly resemble the will of Jesus Christ for the Church.Read More


What we fail to acknowledge simply is that these lofty ideals could be fashions of Satanism, just to throw us off the true course of marital bliss. If it is not strictly in conformity with the Scriptures and you fail or refuse to jettison it, you may end up entangled in irredeemable confusion. When you take the dose of Divine prescription, it is unwise and evil to add your own ‘supplementary vitamin’ for more effectiveness. God’s dosage is eternally the accurate solution. On God’s prescribed solution to marital bliss hang other resultant facts. These facts emanate from God’s divine perception. Chasing after those resultant production is merely spending your hard earned resources on symptomatic issues, leaving the fatal ones to increase in evil strength. Symptoms are mere smokescreens intended to keep you far, far away from the true cause of insalubrity. Strict adherence to scriptural wisdom is what one should stick to, stubbornly, if you would. Of course, it is quite evident that their conjugal prescriptions tend to be sourced from God’s protocol, but their counselling are mainly on the trivialities of symptomatic issues like: make sure you kiss everyday; hold hands very often; know when to ask questions; you must sleep together on the same bed; do not keep secrets; wait for one another at meals; be frank with one another et cetera. What is wrong with these exhortations? Nothing. But they fail to address the two indubitable factors of marriage success. Read More


The death, resurrection, ascension and session of Jesus has totally redeemed the born again Christian. He cannot go back to the ‘flesh', a metonym for ‘human efforts'. If you are truly born again, Christ is your righteousness, not through the efforts of your moral rectitude. We cannot, for one second, take our eyes of faith towards God off Jesus, and like Paul, should count those things we used to pride ourselves in, things we have lost, because of Jesus, as dung. Patience becomes the test of our unwavering faith in the One with Whom we have to do. Abraham died, not walking, as the landlord of Canaan promise. His unwavering faith in Him Who had promised, earned him a big position in the Hebrews chapter eleven Hall of Faith. His faith earned him an enviable “Friend of God!” Like Adam – before his fall – we can be perfect. Like Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Job who stood firm in the word of God, we can be perfect. This essence of perfection, however, is not of our own.Read More


It is true that those days of your ignorance, God brings not to His divine judgment, having cleansed you from all unrighteousness when you got born again; but is it not disturbing to the mind to find a Christian masquerading in the garb only fit for idolatrous beings? The injection of demonic polarization has torn the Church into fragments of diverse views of doctrines. We do not speak the same thing. We lack the perfection of being joined together. Some stress the fact that so long as they lead people to Christ for salvation, there is nothing to really worry about. What such people do not understand is that wrong teachings will weaken believers spiritually. Those weaknesses make one lose heavenly crowns. We run so contrary to one another when it comes to the exegetical didacticism of Scripture. Satan has successfully made sure of this. It must be understood that when Christ, our life, appears true children of God will “be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” Amen!Read More


The love of a parent does not permit him to twitch his nose when cleaning up his child of the putridity that comes from emptying the bowels. Commitment. The wife toils tirelessly to make the husband and the children comfortable. Commitment. Selflessly, the politician does everything to take care of the needs of the hoi polloi, the middle and the upper classes of the population, knowing that that is what the LORD God expects of him: he is committed to his political job. The love of Christ enables us not to perceive God’s commandments as being grievous. Having been graced with the attributes of love, the Holy Spirit has fortified us to live seamlessly in our walk with Jehovah. What constitutes perfection before God is doing His divine will. The LORD God is an economist when it comes to the use of words: verbosity cannot be found dancing on the lips of the Divinity. Adamic perfection is attainable. If not, He would have misused the words of Genesis 17:1 “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” Abraham’s integrity before the LORD his God was indubitable. His faith in God, unwavering, was absolute. Yes, one can be perfect before God. What does it take? Strict adherence to His instructions and commandments is all it takes. The perfect LORD God has made it less arduous for those whose hearts seek Him to attain unto perfection before His scrutiny. Malicious thoughts are constantly running through the minds of people through the agency of Satanism. In order to get this evil from man’s system Jesus taught in Matthew 5:24 “Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” You cannot serve two masters, spiritually speaking, God understands this facticity. To help you get freed from the contamination of malice: a sowing of Satanism, the Word of God tells you never to show yourself in the presence of the Most High Jehovah with Lucifer as your companion.Read More


For days, weeks, months or years of scriptural unaccountability the Adamic prototypical couple existed in a lifestyle of perfection. They were perfect until they allowed themselves into smearing their consciences with the ways of Satanism, leading to the break away from divine connectivity. If it was not possible to be perfect again the Bible will never make mention of Genesis 5:22 “And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:” where the verbal 'walked’ is hâlak (haw-lak’): ‘to go, walk, come, depart, proceed, move, to die, live, manner of life (simply put, ‘lifestyle’)'. Walking with God means doing the things pleasing to the Creator. The only way to the physical practice of this walk is to place each of your own feet of tread exactly on the footprint of the LORD’s walk. The word of God says, “because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers”; which proves that this love is just not mere palpitations of the affection that the heart is often experiencing. ‘Âhab with its Greek cognate agapé is a lifestyle of commitment.Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (3)

God meant what He promised in Genesis 12:7, ergo, a repetition in Genesis 13:15 “For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.” Did Abraham walk together with his progenies into the Promised Land? He did not, physically speaking, but the Bible tells us 9) “By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: 10) For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:9-10). The Promise was given to Abraham and his progenies, biologically or by faith, faith, especially, in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Amen. Of course Abraham prepared the sacrifice of various elements but he could not bring perfection to the oblation. The One that Adam and his wife heard and saw; the same One that appeared to Moses, Who did present Himself on Mount Sinai before the congregation of Israel; and the very One that stood before Joshua to receive the latria is the same One who walk through the covenantal elements of Abraham’s sacrifice. Why? He alone can judge oppressors of His people while walking His own people into victorious encounters. This promise He made personally with father Abraham – not with Abel, Enoch or Noah. Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (2)

Only the beguiling will of an eisegete reads literary couch of metaphorical innuendos into the verses of the two prophets' discussion. There is not a smidgeon of doubt that Damina will definitely find any level of incongruity to fix his eisegetical ways of teaching the Scripture. Dr. Damina will not fail to disappoint me by saying something like, “You see, Jeremiah (or whoever he decides to be the author) used figures of speech to tell his story;” (as if the Holy Spirit has no hand in its scripting). Just because we find it very difficult to understand what we would not, out of laziness, and consequently allow the Spirit of God to direct us into an understanding, does not mean that they are couches of figurative language. Then one should not find it scripturally difficult to believe that the entire Bible is the writings of imaginations of literary works. The meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words, coupled with the contextual stances of the revealed Scriptures allow serious students of the Bible to come to the understanding of God’s protocolary documentation. This unreasonable assumptions goad many so-called theologians to say, “God created this present world in seven years,” awfully using 2Peter 3:8 as scriptural reference! Some will teach, without any scriptural care, “Lucifer slept with Adam’s wife to give birth to Cain,” while others believe that it was Cain who slept with his mother to produce the female of his own marriage! Take one millimetre away from the express understanding of the Bible, and you are a feeder of heresies!Read More

Dr. Abel Damina Taught That Enoch And Elijah Did Truly Die (1)

All Damina does is to pull out, “These all died in faith,” from Hebrews 11:13 “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” The members of his churches, learning from a pastor fraught with biblical false teaching cannot see the simple defect in this man’s teaching. Let us navigate through the Bible to unearth Dr. Damina’s flaw or otherwise a perfection of his excogitation. Reading from Hebrews chapter 11 from verses 3 through to the 8th verse becomes scriptural eye opening that Damina is wrong. How can a lettered individual as Dr. Abel Damina be so impervious of the facticity of this translation when the first words of Hebrews 11:5 reads, “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death? The Greek for ’translated,’ metatithemi (me-ta-tiy'-thee-miy) means: ‘1. to transfer. 2. (literally) to transport. 3. (by implication) to exchange. 4. (reflexively) to change sides;’ while ‘death’ is thanatos (tha'-na-tos): ‘death {literally or figuratively; properly, an adjective used as a noun}.’ Enoch’s faith has to do with his righteous walk with the LORD his Elohiym.Read More


It stinks of solecism, this Quoranic verse, when you put extant historical and archeological documentations together. The two cities are, historically, places in present day Saudi Arabia or Mecca. Is Muhammad not spoken of as the most honourable Arabian prophet? If this ayat wondered why Allah refused to place the responsibility of Islam’s prophetic office on an honourable man of Mecca and At-Ta’if, does that not mean that Muhammad was neither a man of honour nor whose origin is in Mecca? Does it also not prove that Muhammad was not an honourable man by Arabian standard? He is believed, according to an Arabic blogger, ChristianPrince, to have got the father of Khadija drunk, and in the wake of the morning, when the man enquired what he was doing with his daughter, Muhammad said to him, “You consented to our marriage and blessed it.” The man, furiously, “I did not!” was his denial. “Yes, you did,” countered Muhammad, and they were married, Khadija and Muhammad. Talk about honour: if this is true! Muhammad, as Qur’an consistently make us believe, was not from Mecca. Mecca, according to historical findings came into geographical knowledge only about 720 A.D., close to a century after his death. What does it say in the Muhammadan (Al-An’am) 6:92 “And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed and confirming what was before it, that you may warn the Mother of Cities [i.e., Makkah] and those around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they are maintaining their prayers.” Petra, up North of Mecca, is the city called “Mother of Cities” probably because of the civilization it gained for being an important territory of international trade. It has lots of water and reputably very agrarian. Mecca, on the other hand, was an aridity of desert crudity. Note the idolatrous totemism around the original Kaaba in the picture above. Muhammadan criticism of the Bible and Jesus Christ cannot be anything less than specious. Selah!Read More


The Third Member of the Godhead, is the Holy Spirit. He is essentially the LORD God of creation. He supplied the necessary energy to incubate an eventual actuation of a mere clay to emerge on his feet as a living soul! You cannot work for God as the priest, prophet, judge, leader or the king without receiving the presence of the Holy Spirit inspired involvement. He, Holy Spirit, is everywhere. Only the Divinity can be seen in Omnipresent involvement. In the holy of holies compartment of the Jerusalem Temple, the God of Israel that the high priest faced every year, with the sacrificial blood in his hands, was the Holy Spirit. Before one becomes a Christian the Holy Spirit must enter into him first. These were the instructional words of the Word of God to the redeemed, “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). The Divinity of Jesus is an unimpeachable facticity. God’s protocolary supports its asseveration. In abundance of spread is its Scriptural proof. Creationism having been perfected in Genesis chapter one verse one, what transpired in verse two is fittingly re-creationism. The first three verses present distinctive Personality of each One of the Godhead. Hallelujah!Read More


In the Trinitarian essence, One is called the Father, not in the erroneous sense of paternity or eldest among the Persons of deified involvement; neither is the Father a by-product of dialecticism, borne out of philosophical dribble of theoretical equivocations. He is the Father: for He sits eternally on the empyrean throne. The Second Member of the Godhead is the One visible to the beings of our sinful world. His goings forth has been from of old. He is older than eternity which is a product of creationism, creationism being the handiwork of the Second Member of the Godhead. He, the Second Member, receives due celestial adoration proving His Godhood. The Third Member of the Godhead is not, in any way, less in dignity, power, wisdom and Omnipresence. Why would God, Who does as He wills, decide to manifest in the Trinity? Inanimate objects and intelligent beings must not be the mode of schooling the Creator to experience plurality. God’s existence must be of every good and positive reality before creation of beings. Experience of phenomenality of plurality must first be of Him, in Whom all things consist. Therefore, before anything came into being, God had the manifestation of the Trinity, so that documentation of historicity will not boast of “once upon a time” when God could not truly apply the concept of, “I, You, We.”Read More


Who is Jesus Christ? He is the Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus is the Word of God, without Whom was not anything was made that was made (John chapter one). Jesus is the One: “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3); “set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2); the Saviour of the world (John 4:42); the Divine Shepherd (Ps 23 & 80); Lord from heaven (John 3:13 & 1Corinthians 15:47); “who is before all things, and by him all things consist” (Colossians 1:17); of Revelation 1:8, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” The question Muhammad should answer is this; will God destroy the Entity that is His Word, power, Counsellor, the Creator, all – without exception – treasures of His wisdom, the One seated on His right hand even the Almighty? Jesus Christ has no beginning and no end which explains His eternality, Whose goings forth has been from of old, from everlasting. Muhammad is oblivious of His status as the Second Member of the Trinity; why would God kill His express image (Hebrews 1:3)? Did Muhammad understand John 10:30 which asseverates, “I and my father are one” and that the word ‘one’ is heis (heis'): a neuter gender defined as ‘essence’. Will God destroy His divine essence as Muhammad is quoted in Al-Ma’idah, 5th chapter of Qur’an verse 17? Muhammad, you have no idea who Jesus is, no, you do not, not at all! Biblical incontestability of Scriptural documentations make Jesus of very God, the very God! Will God kill Himself? Selah! Read More


How can the recitation of “Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah” save the soul of the sinfulness of Adamic nature? Is the Islamic chant a theological substitute or better than receiving Jesus as one’s Lord and Saviour? Without being born again, one cannot access “the presence of the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” Prophet Muhammad must sift and try to edit the Bible to effect the acceptance of Allah’s Islam. Allah has no son; fine. Jehovah of the Christian Bible has an Only Begotten Son, and Islam cannot make that a heresy; the Bible that has been in existence for over two thousand years before Muhammad’s birth is superior to whatever Islam dreams of. The word of the Bible has the immutability of the Divinity. King Nebuchadnezzar threw three Hebrew boys into the furnace for refusing to worship his idol. A miracle took place. Daniel 3:25 “He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” The fourth One was actually the pre-incarnation manifestation of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. The angels of heaven, created beings, are called sons of God; how cannot it be possible for regenerated souls to be called sons of God as well?Read More


“I and my Father are one,” says Jesus. The word ‘one’ is heis (heis') with the English definition: ‘one – as a neuter gender.’ Heis, in this sense, is ‘essence’. Jesus and the Father are of the same divine essence. Muhammad’s philosophical stray sees the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Father breathing airs of divisionary disagreements once upon a time to emerge in Al-Mu’minun, the 23rd chapter of the Qur’an verse 91. This is quite ludicrous and smacks of puerility. The Members of the Trinity are in actual fact one God! They never think, will, act or know in diversity. They are actually what I call Them: one-like-three and three-like-one. They do not think like objects of creationism do. Each One of the Trinity has the Almighty distinction of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence; how can they ever disagree when they had already sat in counsel of the Trinity long before anything that is made comes into existence. Muhammad has not an iota knowledge of the God of the Bible. Obviously Muhammad heard countless tales of disagreements among gods of idolatry. Of truth Muhammadan prophetic office dwelt in egregiousness of incomprehension. It was never His tactility that made Him the Messiah. In Him dwells all the natures of Divinity, as attested to by Colossians 2:3 “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” The sobriquet, Al-Masih, is not of Arabic origin. It has its etymological acceptation in Hebraic lexicon. The true definition must, therefore, be sourced from the Jewish understanding.Read More


Muhammad picked the wrong theological documentation of attack in his bid to hoist the Islamic flag of Allah. He should just have kept his long distance from the Bible. He had not the knowledge of Jehovah. Christianity, being so globally popular, Muhammad of Allah decided, like any other religion would, to use the Bible of Christianity to launch Islam to prominence. In the Book of John 10:30, Jesus makes the asseveration, “I and my Father are one.” The auxiliary ‘are’ is the Greek esmen (ez-men'): ‘we are’ [first person plural indicative of eimi (ei-miy'): ‘I am (i.e. I exist’)]. Eimi is exactly what God gave as His covenant name to Moses when He told him, “I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” (Exodus 3:14). The definition of esmen that Jesus used means: “WE ARE THAT WE ARE”. This same Jesus, when He was accosted by the Pharisees for plucking corn for consumption on a Sabbath day, declared, “For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day” (Matthew 12:8). This pronouncement takes us way back to Genesis; “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made” (Genesis 2:3). Let us not forget that the Eternal Father never vacates the celestial throne. One of the Members of the Trinity must have to come down to the earth to carry out the acts of creationism.Read More


The Oriental traditional kiss is a show of allegiance to the ruler. Had Muhammad received the verses of the Qur’an from the Jehovah of Christianity, Allah would never have allowed him to make anathematic pronouncement of, “may Allah’s curses, anger, torment and punishment be upon them” i.e. Jews, for believing in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Muhammad did not know that the Jews are still under covenant with the God of the Bible. Jesus, the Good Samaritan, gave the Inn Keeper, the Holy Spirit, two pence, translating to two thousand years of the Christian Age, telling Him, “Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee” (Luke 10:35). These earthly years, since the resurrection of Jesus from death, till the rapture is an intercalary age sandwiched into the Dispensation of the Law. Seven more years to the completion of the Dispensation of the Law, divine intervention paused the Law Dispensation and Jesus presented Himself as the Ark of human salvation. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). After the Christian Age, when rapture would have transported us to heaven for three and half years, the Antichrist will take over the world for the seven remaining years of the Law Dispensation. The Jews, who had been counting, were still counting. Seven years rolled by, and before the expiration of another seven years, it dawned on Israel that Jesus Christ had fulfilled all the prophetic quiddity of the Messianic office as was vaticinated by Daniel. The Church Age is an intercalation. Israel is still in the Divine calendar. Curse Israel – for the causeless curse shall not come – and be anathematized. Read More


Going to Church services from the day of birth to the age of a hundred and beyond does not make one a citizen of heaven. In fact, if you take part in evangelism with Christians and even lead hundreds in the prayer of salvation but your heart does not believe it, you are not born again; should you die not born again, your journey is straight to hell after death. Islam differs from Christianity by a gulf of the margin. It is bereft of the Christological soteriology, the only Divine solution to the Adamic sinful nature. Islam, like all other religions, belongs to the latitudinous path of the lost. The sobriquet Yehoshua or its abbreviated Yeshua has the soteriological essence of design. It means ‘Jehovah saves’ or ‘Jehovah is my Saviour'. Was Muhammad made to understand this fact by Allah’s intimation? Jehovah, being the covenant name of the Almighty – and forever –, as it is known of Mosaic couch, how could Allah, if the Arabic deity of Islam is also the God of the Bible, not acknowledge the significance of the name of Jesus? This, whether you like it or not, is serious food for thought! Jehovah and Allah are not on the same page of Divinity. Selah! This is what the celestial messenger told Joseph, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The puntuational colon reveals the true essence of the expected Messiah: “for he shall save his people from their sins;” Amen. The active ‘save’ is sōzō (sode’-zo): 'to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction.’ This sōzō is the divine solution to Adamic sin question. I have heard the argument that Jesus was not sent to the entire world but only to Israel. That is quite misleading. The Bible says, first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles, the Gentile nation being all other peoples of the world excepting Israel.Read More