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Church doctrine


Remember what the Spirit led Paul to write in Romans 8:15, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Grace has successfully ushered us into a most enviable status of divine progeny. Thank God for Christianity; it enables a room for an adoption, even by the Divinity. What a fabulous favour! What happens to be abhorrence to Islam, for lack of the knowledge of theology, the Lord has bequeathed to His faith wielding born again Christians, most privileged to address the Most High as, “Father!” Hallelujah! Many times when we go into the Spirit inspired glossolalia, we attract divine influence, calling the Most High, “Dear Daddy!” In the light of this revelatory truth, the phenomenal rhetorical enquiry is, “If the Almighty God be our empyrean Father, who can be against us?” Selah!Read More


Phenomenal facticity, deeply stemmed in incontrovertible reality is termed ‘the truth.’ You, most definitely, do not have to believe the prevalent elementality of the subject to enhance its credibility. Whether there is an agreement or not the inalienable toga of the truth cannot be vitiated. There are truths and there is another particular incontrovertible truth. This particular truth is eternal. Biblical couch reads, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” [John 14:6]. The word 'truth' is the Greek aletheia (a-lee'-thei-a), defined as ‘verity; figuratively reality.’ Jesus, according to this verse, is the physical reality of the Almighty. His being is the actuality of the Divinity. Everyone who follows Jesus comes to the very essence of eternal righteousness of Jehovah. Amen!Read More

Faith Versus Empirical Veridicality [1]

The very second you try to rationalize God’s protocol, you, most definitely, call His Divine sapience to question. That is why I view lack of faith as the biggest sin, in that, your faithless proclivity calls Jehovah God “a Liar!” You call, most definitely, His claim of, “But with God nothing shall be impossible” to microscopic scrutiny, asking scientific empiricism to decide on the truth! Do you realize that when you suffer the existential phenomenon of man’s experience to swing your reasoning a la empirical slant in total disregard of faith in the word of God, you have just dropped the ball, hindering your eternal walk with the Creator? Genesis 3:6 quotes the LORD God, telling His story, to Moses: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” The woman pushed faith aside, believing the phenomenality of the calculative pleasantness seen on the cursed fruit!Read More


Covid19 has not only robbed us of the gregariousness that God’s creatures are to enjoy, it has made it an impossibility to evangelize the salvific word of Jesus according to the mand of the great commission. God is gregarious: for He is surrounded by a mammoth host of angelic intelligent beings. Corona-virus has made it an anathema to go from house to house and from street to another street to teach the gospel of regeneration. Did God not know that this pandemic will come before He spoke? Is it a possibility for the Devil to spring a heinous surprise at the Eternal Author of creationism? Selah.Read More


God’s instruction told Israel, “Keep the Sabbath day holy,” and for this grace dispensation, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,” is the ritualism for the holy Church of the Almighty. But the government orders, “Keep away from the Church,” they also state categorically, “older ones of age sixty must stay at home,” and the children, when the church is reopened after the first wave? “Let them stay at home.” In addition, “Church services,” they maintain, “cannot exceed one hour!” Now, it is quite pellucid that it is the Holy Spirit who by Himself appoints one into the Church service. The Holy Spirit is the Director of Church affairs, not the spiritually insensitive political leadership. The government wants older people, medically believed to be more susceptible to covid19 attack, to stay at home. What if the head of God’s covenanted assemblage is over sixty? Are they saying that that Pastor is no longer qualified to perform his ecclesiastical functions, for which God Himself ordained His own man? Call me a Christian bigot, no wahala –problem (in Yoruba language)! Is the cosmic government of Satanism not giving corona-virus a pre-eminence over God’s instruction? Should a pandemic stop God’s child from Christian assemblage? God said, “Attend congregational service.” The government declines. His protocol warns, “…and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” The rulers command, “Shorten your time with your God.” Who should I believe covid-19 or Jehovah? So, what stops the governments from advertising a life debilitating Covid-19 vaccine, knowing fully well that strings pulling juggernauts are the actual rulers of the world? And I expect the people to go for it the same way they will ask to receive the 666 mark of the Beast. Read More


Will it be God, the Creator, unleashing this virus to punish the disobedience of Adamic populace? I, categorically, will not accept it: for a scriptural reason. Who, then, is responsible for covid19 pandemic? In Ephesians chapter two, Paul makes a comparison between regenerated souls of Christianity and those who are still dwelling in the disobedience of Adamic sinfulness. Verse two is a reminder of an entity of immense manipulative power over the affairs of Adamic existentiality. This verse is a proof of the fact that the said entity is authorised by the Eternal God, to engage in atmospheric acts of pestiferousness. Why is this entity so authorised? Adamic progeny sold his authority to the spirit of the ophidian meander of Eden Garden. “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” [Ephesians 2:2]. Read More



                The question Mohammed should answer is, whether God will destroy the One who is both His Word and Spirit, as revealed in the hadith: Sahih al-Bukhari, Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh)) Book 65, Hadith 4516. Mohammed, most definitely, had no iota of understanding, whatsoever, what it entails to be the Christ. It is the Hebraic mashiyach (maw-shee'-akh) meaning: 1. Anointed 2. usually a consecrated person (as a king, priest, or saint) 3. (specifically) the Messiah, the Anointed One.’

                The Messiah is the expected Saviour of the world. If Mohammed refuses the saving grace of the Christ, he, Mohammed is doomed and forever. Christ Jesus is the only link to the Divinity to all mankind. Speaking of this most enigmatic personage to tread the surface of the terra firma, John 1:9 reveals of Jesus, That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.Satan knows who and what Jesus is, ergo, no mentioning of the truth concerning Him should be allowed! Jesus is the truth that sets one free from satanic hegemony.

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Take a good look at John 1:1, there are two that are of the Deity. How can there be two, each of Whom is God, in verse one? Simple! We have to go back to Genesis. Chapter one of verse one reads: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The sobriquet ‘God’ in Hebrew is 'Elohiym (el-o-heem'): ‘1. gods in the ordinary sense 2. but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God 3. occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates 4. and sometimes as a superlative.’ If it is plural, then the Trinity was involved in creationism. Is there a singular form of the Hebraic 'Elohiym? Yes, it is 'Elowahh (el-o'-ah; rarely (shortened) >eloahh {el-o'-ah}) ‘a deity or the Deity.’ 'Elowahh appears 56 times in the Old Testament, 51 of it are in reference to Jehovah God.Read More


Many years back in my teenage years to the mid-twenties, I believed that both God and Lucifer were equally matched in power and wisdom or probably that Lucifer would do too much damage to Jehovah’s creation if they should engage in any physical war. Now that I know the Bible so well, I can say, categorically, that Satan, the Devil, is not in any conceivable way a match for the LORD God. Quoting Jesus in Luke 10:18 is, “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” Also, in Matthew 28:18, we have, “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Satan is a conquered foe.Read More


The sin question: that is what needs to be addressed first. One must come to the realisation of his spiritual cadaveric stand before God. Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" ushers one into the cadaverous reality. The genesis of man's misery is this, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" [Romans 5:12]. You do not have to kill anyone or spread lies to receive the spiritual tag of sinfulness. Adam passed it to his progeny: mankind. It is a spiritual phenomenon. Misusing his moral agency, Adam gave the world away to the evil one, Lucifer. Jesus came to address the sin question. He is the One of the soteriological focus.Read More


Karma, according to Hindu religion’s belief, is not just merely retributive, it teaches reincarnation. If the atman is as old as the Creator, and it has always reincarnated then humans should know when Lucifer staged that putsch of celestial infamy. I am yet to make an acquaintance with anyone who died, came back to tell the story of heaven or hell in conformity with the revealed Scripture. The good Bible says categorically in Romans 6:6, “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” And in Hebrews 9:27,"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" The preposition 'as' is made up of two words kata and hosos. Kata (kat-ah') means: 'down from; throughout; according to.' Hosos (hos'-os) has the definition of: 'as (much, great, long, etc.) as.' The next word, 'appointed', is apokeimai (ap-ok'-i-mahee): 'to be laid away, laid by, reserved; reserved for one, awaiting him.' Paul is saying that: "Inasmuch as" (definition of 'as') it is 'reserved' or 'awaiting one', is a once-in-a-life-time death, there is Divine verdict that follows it." You do not meet with death and come back to life again; this is the Divine law.Read More


Who says good works take anyone to heaven? That teacher wallows in dearth of the knowledge of Scripture. He, most definitely, has never come under the prophetic pedagogy of Isaiah. "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." The needle-sharp words of the prophet pierced through the hearts of his Jewish audience who thought the good works of their hands were more than enough to keep their righteous stand before the thrice holy God, in the 6th verse of the 64th chapter of his Book. Many people read this verse without knowing that the Hebrew word for 'filthy' is ‛êd (ayd) meaning: 'menstrual flux.' If what Hindu religion calls dharma is the saving grace, how blind are they in not seeing that what they are taught by their gurus as righteousness is actually the sanguinary mess of a woman's cloth of monthly flow? Read More

YEAR 2021 A.D.

I am not going to leave anyone with the falsity that there are no calamitous days ahead of the Adamic race. Let it suffice, albeit, that the Holy One of Israel has promised, “.....for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Should the covid-19 vaccine be trusted? I, definitely, think not! Corona virus, I, believe, is real; international conspiracy to reduce human population is definitely a reality! No, the vaccine cannot plant 666 in you. Spiritual imbalance must be expected therefrom! Do remember that the first person to receive it happens to be a woman of ninety years eld. If you believe it was a mere coincidence, or out of sheer courtesy to the ladyhood, that a woman first got it, you are quite wrong! Satanism has the understanding that the Church is a woman of Jesus Christ. Lucifer, looking for his own counterfeit church, must give it to a woman first. 90 is made up of 9 in ten places. Ten is of trials. The Church must be ready to be shaken with satanic trials. Nine, pointing to pre-trial, should calm us down with the fact that the LORD has conditioned us prior to the onslaught of Satanism.Read More

Is Christmas Of Idolatry? (2)

His birth drew highly notable intellectuals from the East. Now, what day of the week it turned out to be –for the Bible is silent on it— we cannot tell. We are, however, not unmindful of this facticity: that this Personage, who has historical backing of His earthly existence, also owns all days. Regardless of the stolen days of idol worship, there is no observed day commemorating His birthday by His mystical body, the Church, which should bring dishonour to the Person of the Lord our Saviour. Amen. On the seventh or the Sabbath day He rested, commanding us to honour that Sabbath. Rising from the dead, Christ suffered us to name Sunday as the ‘Lord’s Day (Revelation 1:10). The same Creator who did rest on the seventh comes to the first day of the week to rest. What has He done? The Lord of creation has bracketed the nucleus of time! Every day is now a Sabbath day -of His worship. Christmas of the 25th December of every year is the Lord’s Day. It comes between the first and the seventh day of the creation week. Praise the Lord! Read More

Is Christmas Of Idolatry? (1)

By 350 A.D. Christ Mass celebration had received global institutionalisation. The initial paganism slant of Christmas, ergo, is a facticity. It is a scriptural truism that an echt worshipper of Jehovah will come to his Creator with the sincerity of the heart. Those who approach the Lord on a Christmas day in truth and in Spirit will definitely be received of the Lord. I do understand that that particular day of sol invictus is the spiritual disgust many churches shrink from. The question now is does the sun god own any day of the week, month or year? Was it not the proclivity of religiosity that goaded humans to give up that 25th for the worship of the sun god?Read More


What is ‘www’ [world wide web]? Is it not believed to be the gulag of Satanism? You have to belong to it, that which is controlled by the powers that be –of Satanism— to be globally recognized. The first thing that got me angry with this internet connectivity is that you must comply, and very strictly too, to whatever is programmed, when you want to sign up for any of these connections. What does that imply? They are in perfect control of your internet life. Facebook programmed ‘www’ declined to let me fill H.O. Ojewale, as if it is not my name. I had no choice but to make do with H.o. Ojewale (with a small letter ‘o’ as my initial).Read More


The children of this day are desirous of absolute freedom. Freedom from paternity; from constituted laws; ethical morality. Having been tutored by the silent lectures from demonism, the evil ways of Satanism has become so attractively desirable. All Satan has to do is just take them back on a journey to the nudity of Eden manoeuvre. The progenies of Eve have consistently fallen for this same satanic beguilement, over and over and again. All the devil has to do is a pad and a crawl into the unsuspecting heart; deposit the verbal script of his chicanery in it; work on it. The wicked one: he knows how to wait. He waits to see the fruitfulness of what he has successfully sowed in the hearts of unsuspecting souls. The truth is that Satan cannot force anyone to accept his insidiousness. Everybody has the spiritual strength to say, “No!” to Satanism.Read More


Awanting Jesus, more and more women believe the incursion of Satanism has rendered them truly lonely and unloved by their male counterparts. Washing themselves in an unreal abashment, they walk into an unnatural act of lesbianism. What they think gives them enjoyment is a ‘vile affection’ in the sight of the LORD God. Taking their eyes away from Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of the enabling faith, resulting in their ungodly ratiocinatio, is the bane of their divine ostracism. The scriptural truth is that God has taken the woman (Jesus’ Bride). There is no place for a Second Woman –spiritually. Lucifer has perfectly designed a derogatory existence for the adherent and lost Adamic female. Lesbianism is unbecoming in the sight of the Creator! Most definitely, Romans 1:26-28 is nothing short of the homosexualism of Satanism. The word ‘use,’ of the 27th verse, chresis, has to do, specifically, with the pudenda. The only use of the pudenda, in reference to the opposite sex, is coition. This, being an undeniably facticity, makes the burning of the male towards another male a case for an ungodly practice of homosexuality. This inordinate lust is a revelation of the slough engendered by man’s decision to slough the native disposition, allowed by the protocol of God’s constitution, regarding lawful coition.Read More


Sex business is one of the most thriving illicit ventures of human degradation. A virgin, ergo, is ungraciously mocked for being so unexposed to quotidian ‘goodness.’ Sex between an unmarried couple is quite idolatrous. How? God invented sex for the legal couple. Any deviation is anti-God. Any anti-Jehovah tendency is of the Devil. Sex is therefore spiritual. Sex before a legal marriage is an adoration of the initiator of Satanism. A much more phenomenal one is that of homosexualism and its feminine lesbianism. Egregious absurdity. Lucifer has one opium of extreme desideration: to be worshipped. To receive this divine established phenomenon, the Devil must marry. A natural marriage must involve a couple, one a male and the other a female. The LORD God, preeminently has got the woman. Perplexed, Lucifer obstinately goes for the only available ‘male’ (Cain). This is the birth of homosexuality. Read More

JESUS: The WORD Of God (What does it betoken?) Part 5

Of what benefit this eternal Word is to us is couched here in Colossians 3:4 “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” Is Christ eternal? What happens to whoever finds himself in Him? He most certainly lives eternally as his Divine Host, is it not? Certainly so! Amen! Jesus knows that our life is hid in Him, ergo, He made the transpicuous statements of John 14:1 and John 6:40. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me” [John 14:1]. “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day” [John 6:40]. Christ is the Eternity of God’s thought, will, strength and verbalism. And that is ineffably ponderous!Read More