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Doctrinal Issues

Death [1]

Adam, when he committed the disobedient, original sin of the Eden Garden, he died, not physically but spiritually. His spirit realm, sin-stained, failed to enter into the erstwhile sacred fellowship with the Creator. This is the truth about death. It was when he saw the sacrificial animals, one for him and the other for his wife that the gravity of the mark he had missed struck him. Dead animal friends of the pristine family told him: death was imminent. Every birth of Adamic progeny, as a result, became the accouchement of a walking cadaver. Death!Read More


A conscious belief effort, on the part of an individual, in Christ, is never a mere act. It is a pleasing act of faith expended, based on the will of the Creator which magnetises a divine reward of eternal consequence. That person gets endowed with God’s very life of eternity. Minus Jesus, salvific actuation of empyreal ascendancy is unequivocally infeasible. This is the reason why people will go to hell (uncomfortable to my mind though) for all eternity: their rejection of the finished work of Jesus, on the cross. The truth is: when we get to heaven, we will know why. Read More


God will never create another species of people better than Christians. We are His peripoesis. What is peripoesis? It is found in 1Peter 2:9, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” The word ‘peculiar’ is the Greek peripoesis, which makes us a purchased property of His Divinity. If God will ever buy anything, would He spend His resources in exchange for a perishable item? As sinful as humans are, no right thinking one among us would want to use our hard earned money on anything that is valueless. Jehovah sits in eternity. If He should love to purchase clothing, for instance, would the ETERNAL One buy raiment that will ever go out of fashion? Would the LORD God give out His bargaining strength for an acquisition that will see and be affected by corruption? Would a fabric that will be torn, as the time goes on, be God’s acquired possession? Peripoesis have definitions of: ‘preservation, safe keeping and a purchased acquisition.’ The preservation of the Christian is the sole preserve of the Trinity. How do I know this? It says in the Scriptures, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” [John 3:16]. Read More


Christianity, from this Petrine Epistle, is a selection reminiscent of God’s sculptural hands, as He picked a piece of clay from among the abundance of its enormous earthly deposit. If the Sculptor’s ingenious acumen had not gone any further, Adam would have remained just a mere masterpiece of sculpture. But the good Lord, Christ, the Second Member of the Godhead, desired more than a piece of clayey work of art. He breathed a personal and physical breath of life into the lifeless mould. “And Adam became a living soul,” so we have in the Mosaic couch of Genesis 2:7; the word 'man’ in this verse is actually ‘Adam’ of the Hebraic 'adam (aw-dawm'): ‘ruddy (from the redness of the colour of the earth) i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.). In sharing life with the Adamic nature, Christianity was ushered into the generational stock of empyreal reality. Adam became Jehovah’s next of kin! Kinsmen of the Godhead. Unbelievable it looked –to an onlooking Lucifer. There is more to being a Christian –regality of sacerdotalism. We are priestly kings –in the order of Melchizedek. It is a spiritual suzerainty that puts divine connectivity solely in the hands of Christianity. There is much more. Christianity, by the blood covenant of atonement, has metamorphosed into a saint, most holy, physically pure, morally blameless and ceremonially consecrated tribe of empyreal order. And what is more? The peculiarity of Christianity is absolutely of the Divinity. Our connection to the soteriological new birth is unto an acquisition of a tribe, eternally precious, a preserve of the Almighty Elohiym. No race –not even Israel—, at any point of historical time, is this elevated. Hallelujah! Read More


Through the children of God, great emperors have heard veracious vaticination of global events. Nebuchadnezzar even became a believer before his death. A most erratic Ahasuerus would give a most favourable attention to the prayer of queen Esther whose true Hebrew name, Hadassah, typifies the Christian. Hadassah is Hebrew for the myrtle tree. How is Hadassah the typicality of the Christian Church? It is 1) a lowly tree. 2) a fragrant shrub. 3) beautiful; and 4) happens to be an evergreen plant. Lowliness of the myrtle makes the Christian of an obedient and humble heart. “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass” (Zechariah 9:9). The Christian Church gives off a pleasant smell to the nostrils of the Divinity. 2Corinthians 2:15 “For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.” Read More


Why do think Cain was stolen from the pristine parents and, what do you think is the reason for goading the first family into sinfulness? The Christian Church! To steal it, kill it, and to get it absolutely destroyed! Satan the Devil’s desiderative crave is to silence the Church –the vehicle of divine afflatus. Amen. Luciferian putsch à la Cain’s treachery resulted in the nascent world's dichotomous life. It is what I call the antediluvian saints –of Adam— and the antediluvian miscreants –led by the falsehood of Cain’s priesthood. Adam and his wife asked for it –by their disobedience. The Christian Church must move on. An antediluvian saint, Enoch, lived such an exemplary life that he spent just a very few three hundred and sixty years, and was taken away from the earth, undying –à la rapture. His own son, Methuselah, lived the longest, of 969 years, saved from the annihilation of the great deluge which took place just after he slept in the Lord, his God. Jesus knows how to take care of His Christian Bride. Read More

Faith Versus Empirical Veridicality [2]

Science and art are the ones crying for relevance; God is not the One who must use science and art for His Divine relevance. The perseity of science and art, from the perspective of the mentality of philosophy is fraught with Adamic errors. Science does not exist outside the scope of creationism. What we need to be theologically relevant is not the rationalism of empirical precision. The gargantuan stature of Goliath could not scare David, his love for the God of Israel made him ventilate the 1Samuel 17:26 query of, “…for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” Faith in the God of Israel was the actuating force that told him to deal, personally, with the excesses of Goliath.Read More


From this commentary of Qur’an 9:20, is it not so clear that ‘strive,’ as far as the Mohammedan Qur’an is concerned, is nothing but a sanguinary hostility against anyone whose belief runs contrary to Allah’s word (the Qur’an)? That Jihadists are accorded a celestial heroic welcome is a clear indication that you have to kill a non-Muslim to enjoy the bliss of heaven. The amatory reward of 72 virgin wives is an Islamic promise. The prophet of Allah’s one huge wish was to kill as many as his warring arms of jihadism could allow. He would love to be killed in the jihadic cause of Allah’s joy. The Islamic God is called Allah, made of two words: ‘al’ and ‘illah.’ While ‘al’ is ‘the’ definite article, the definition of ‘illah’ is simply ‘god.’ There is definitely nothing special about the term ‘God.’ Anything or anybody, accorded worship, can be god. The name, God, is simply the generic term for any object of veneration. Period. The words of Jehovah, the God of the Bible, says, “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” (Exodus 3:14). ‘I AM THAT I AM’ is the Hebraic YAHWEH i.e. JEHOVAH. Read More


Jesus is not saying that He and the Eternal Father are 'one' Cardinal Person. That will violate Scripture. Each of the Members of the Trinity is a distinct Personage. None sees the Father perfectly; the Son, who is equal with the eternal Father, and the perfect manifestation of Him is the One who does; none else. Dou Mu. She most definitely reminds me of Semiramis. She is the Madonna of Catholicism. There, absolutely, can never be any mother in the celestial Rainbow Administration of the Almighty. Religion will allow a Dou Mu to receive idolatrous adoration. Only the Ones of the throne of the heavenly assizes receive the true worship: The Father, the eternal Son, and the Holy Spirit, represented by the seven eternal conflagration.Read More


The LORD God had earlier warned them, when He said, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" [Genesis 2:17]. They died, and their progenies, all before their thousandth birthdays! God made them free moral agents. They were expected to exercise their free moral agency, contrary to Taoist didacticism. The Bible clearly states in Genesis 2:16, "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:" to debunk the Taoism inability to identify man's will as the root his primordial problem.Read More


Taoism, going by the fact of being a nature worship practice, is a system of religion that deifies and worships natural forces and phenomena. The Adamic sinful fall of Eden is the harbinger of religions. The subtle vocalism that rose from the chords of Satanism was "hath God said?" – for anything can be god. Lucifer had employed the foxy pad and the sly of ophidian creep to stage a meandering putsch in order to pilfer the domination of the earth. If Lucifer had asked, "Has the LORD God said?" –for only Jehovah is the LORD God– he would have agreed with the Eden first family that Jehovah alone be worshipped. There was no controversy as to who should be worshipped. 'God' in Hebrew, 'ĕlôhı̂ym (el-o-heem'), means: 'gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates.' 'Ĕlôhı̂ym, ergo, can be any man or deity.Read More


Buddhism has no answer to the hereafter. The simple reason is that, it has no architectural part in the hereafter design. The Author of creationism has already blessed us with the asseveration of John 14:18, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." A wise person, therefore, will get Jesus involved. 'Comfortless' is an interesting Greek orphanos (or-fan-os'): 'bereaved ("orphan"), that is, parentless.' It also includes those bereft of a (teacher, guide, guardian). You want to know why Jesus used orphanos? The oracular afflatus of Isaiah 9:6 unravels the divinity of this Enigma when it prophetically gives one of His sobriquets as ‘The Everlasting Father!’ The Jews thought father Abraham was the biggest paternal shot until Jesus told them, "Before Abraham was, I am!" Amen! Read More


The sin question: that is what needs to be addressed first. One must come to the realisation of his spiritual cadaveric stand before God. Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" ushers one into the cadaverous reality. The genesis of man's misery is this, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" [Romans 5:12]. You do not have to kill anyone or spread lies to receive the spiritual tag of sinfulness. Adam passed it to his progeny: mankind. It is a spiritual phenomenon. Misusing his moral agency, Adam gave the world away to the evil one, Lucifer. Jesus came to address the sin question. He is the One of the soteriological focus.Read More
Is Krishna Jesus Christ?


Krishna, does it not sound like Christ? Krishna manifests as Vishnu, the Hindu Second Member of the Trinity, just like Jesus. Krishna made an incarnate promise to fellowship with adherents: just like Jesus. He is believed to have reincarnated twelve times and the last time of His incarnation, it was as a twelve years old boy. Everything about him is a duplication of the Christ of the Bible. Hindu must of necessity make the Christo-religious connectivity. But Krishna cannot be our Jesus: for he slept with every woman that came his way, even married women! The Lord Jesus never committed fornication or adultery. Amen! The reason why Jesus would not engage in physical marriage was borne out of the fact that His marriage is a spiritual one: to the redeemed Church.Read More
Moksha of Hinduism


The first member of the Hindu Trinity is Brahma. He (Brahma) has a wife in the heavenly assizes, right? Stories about the concupiscence of Hindu gods abound. We know that Jehovah does not engage in amatory pleasure. You would not even hear of Him (Jehovah) stretching out or lazing about in any celestial chamber. Brahma is definitely not the same person as the God of the Bible. Exodus 20:3 quotes God as commanding, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Psalm 73:25 makes it clear with, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.” God Himself told Moses in Exodus 34:14, ”For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:” There is no doubt, judging from eons of Hindu religion existence, that Mohammedan Qur’an got the formlessness of Allah from Brahma’s incorporeality. I wonder how an asomatous Jehovah would, at creationism, command in Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: ….” God’s anthropomorphic dimension is seen in the word, ‘likeness’ which in Hebrew is dmuwth (dem-ooth') meaning: ‘1. resemblance. 2. (concretely) model, shape. 3. (adverbially) like.’Read More


Who says good works take anyone to heaven? That teacher wallows in dearth of the knowledge of Scripture. He, most definitely, has never come under the prophetic pedagogy of Isaiah. "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away." The needle-sharp words of the prophet pierced through the hearts of his Jewish audience who thought the good works of their hands were more than enough to keep their righteous stand before the thrice holy God, in the 6th verse of the 64th chapter of his Book. Many people read this verse without knowing that the Hebrew word for 'filthy' is ‛êd (ayd) meaning: 'menstrual flux.' If what Hindu religion calls dharma is the saving grace, how blind are they in not seeing that what they are taught by their gurus as righteousness is actually the sanguinary mess of a woman's cloth of monthly flow? Read More
Jesus died for your sin live for me


There is a good reason why a man will not see Jesus for what He truly is. Man's choice of the dictates of logical reasoning, fuelled by the deceptive spirit of Satanism, has blurred his Godly perception. The needed enabling spirit to appreciate Jesus, the Saviour, satanically, has been brutally defeated. Sadness of pity. A form of Jesus, ergo, is erected in every religion. God is an accepted entity simply because the sobriquet 'God' is an ambiguity. Anything can be an entity of adoration. All you just have to do is mention the divine Lordship of Jesus and all hellish of religious warmongering is let loose! Jesus has too many enemies because He is the Good Shepherd. "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them;" says Jesus in John 10:8. Reading from the first verse of John chapter ten, it is quite clear that His teaching is purely a soteriological issue. It is of a huge concern to every being of terra firma. Heaven is the place of eternal bliss. Jesus makes the asserverative, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh......except...." So, I ask, "Who else, if not Jesus?" Read More

Is Christmas Of Idolatry? (1)

By 350 A.D. Christ Mass celebration had received global institutionalisation. The initial paganism slant of Christmas, ergo, is a facticity. It is a scriptural truism that an echt worshipper of Jehovah will come to his Creator with the sincerity of the heart. Those who approach the Lord on a Christmas day in truth and in Spirit will definitely be received of the Lord. I do understand that that particular day of sol invictus is the spiritual disgust many churches shrink from. The question now is does the sun god own any day of the week, month or year? Was it not the proclivity of religiosity that goaded humans to give up that 25th for the worship of the sun god?Read More

JESUS: The WORD Of God (What does it betoken?) Part 5

Of what benefit this eternal Word is to us is couched here in Colossians 3:4 “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” Is Christ eternal? What happens to whoever finds himself in Him? He most certainly lives eternally as his Divine Host, is it not? Certainly so! Amen! Jesus knows that our life is hid in Him, ergo, He made the transpicuous statements of John 14:1 and John 6:40. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me” [John 14:1]. “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day” [John 6:40]. Christ is the Eternity of God’s thought, will, strength and verbalism. And that is ineffably ponderous!Read More

JESUS: The WORD Of God (What does it betoken?) Part 3

(Continued from the 2nd part)                                                                                                                                                                                3)            The grand crescendo of John’s discourse was reached in this 14th verse. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” While ‘Word’ in Greek is Logos...Read More