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In Zechariah 6:13 the ‘Counsellor’ is at once the King and the Priest after the order of Melchizedek – without a beginning and no ending of His Majestic sacerdotalism due to the fact of His eternality. The ubiquity of Jesus is captured in Luke 21:15. Who can give wisdom to the hearts of several people in diverse locations save the Most High? Jesus containerizes the entire wisdom and knowledge of God, ergo, He knows all things. There is no gainsaying the fact that only an entity of divinity can be made to us: wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption found in 1Corinthians 1:30.Read More


In Matthew 28:18-20, three things: omnipotence, co-equality with the Father and ubiquity are revealed concerning Him. His authority transcends the terra firma of humanity, it includes heaven itself. This means angelic host and the elders whose seats form a semicircle around the celestial throne bow down to Jesus’ authority. The baptism formula evokes the presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and this is the Trinity. As a Member of the Trinity, Jesus Christ is co-equal with the Father in His Divinity. His ubiquity is seen in the fact that wherever the disciples go across the universe, He is with each one of them at the same time.Read More


The ‘holy thing' is first and foremost the foetal creationism of the Holy Spirit, the progeny that births Adam all over again. Sinless Jesus: He is the perfection of the regeneration of fallen Adamic race. Why did the Holy Spirit move upon the waters of darkness in the first chapter of Genesis? Was it not to generate the divine power to actuate this unique incarnation? The darkness of Satanism, throughout the gestational period that led to the eventual accouchement of Jesus Christ, could not stop the parturition of the holy pregnancy. It was an impossibility. The Incarnation was a divine must. Hallelujah! It says in Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” The Hebraic sobriquet of Jesus is Yehôshûa‛ (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah) i.e. Joshua or Jehoshua: meaning ‘Jehovah is salvation'.Read More


‘Salvation’, in Greek, is sōtēria (so-tay-ree'-ah): ‘deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation; deliverance from the molestation of enemies; in an ethical sense, that which concludes to the souls safety or salvation.’ If what the Creator Himself had put in place is the preservation of the soteriological stance – without which the salvation has no conclusion – of the redeemed Christian, how can anyone undo the eternality of salvation which the recipient had no participatory hand in? Salvation is by grace, free and eternal.Read More


Each day the LORD God was there, among them in Eden, it was a latria offering to the Creator. Adam and his wife constitute the number two of the invocation of the presence of JESUS. Amen. You can never find it anywhere in scriptural documentation of God the Father’s vacation of the empyreal throne. He is always seated there: on the throne. So, who is this Entity who walked into the Eden Garden ‘every cool of the day’? Not the Holy Spirit –no one can claim ocular perception of Him— which leaves us with none other than the only perceptible Second Member of the Godhood. Christ, indeed, had always been, just as the Father and Holy Spirit.Read More


Christianity being a creation of Jesus makes Him the Entity of latria. He did not just establish this way of salvation, He is the sustenance and the preserver of the lives of Christians. How could Jesus be physically present wherever two or three are gathered universally, in various places of the earth, in His name if Jesus Christ does not possess the ubiquity of Divinity? Selah! The unveiling facticity is that the One who walked the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:8 is the selfsame Entity who made the asseverations of Matthew 16:18 and 18:20.Read More


God the Father had in His hand of eternality, a scroll. The angelic enunciation was beyond the capability of the angels or the crowned elders, ergo, beyond any being of creation. Only a hand of eternality could approach and also take from the eternal hand of God. This is a very good reason for the Trinitarian reality. Moments of exigencies, as this one, makes the Trinity very inevitable. When God must be seated, and God must be on His eternal feet and still be in the Almighty fashion of Jehovah, an Entity – of Divine equality – must be present for each occasion. The rectitudinous stance of God, seated as Judge, would not befit Him playing the role of the Redeemer-Advocate. Therefore, God the Son, Jesus Christ, the eternal One, Whose goings forth is of old, must be the One to stand on the eternality of feet and to stretch forth His Eternal hand, which has always, from eternal past, been known to the Father’s. God appropriately took it (the scroll) from God. Hallelujah. Amen.Read More


There are three distinct LORDS in the heavenly assizes: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. If the first LORD is the Eternal Father, and the second Lord is the Second Member of the Godhead, Christ, then Jesus Christ is indeed the Lord from heaven (John 3:13). That Jesus Christ has Sovereignty of celestial Lordship means that angels have always worshipped Him. Angels, as we understand, will not worship any other save the Lord God. The Second Member of the Godhead is, without doubt, essentially God.Read More


Directly involved in creation is the Second Member of the Godhead. The first time of Mosaic use of the name, “LORD God,” through the inspiration of the Creator, was in reference to the Second Member of the Godhead. At the creation of the first woman the Lord God said, “Very good”. Why? The Church had just been founded. Lucifer needed a church, ergo, the Church to actualize his dream of apotheosis. The personification of the Church (Adam’s wife) would not divorce her spiritual Husband (Christ) and neither would she part ways with her earthly husband (Adam) –big problem for the apotheotic thirst of Satanism. The proof of the aberration of Satanism became visible when Lucifer used Cain as the personification of his own church when it was evident that the female Adam would not be part of the church of Satanism.Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (4)

Lucifer goads man into sinning. Sin is actually the prodding device. The enabling strength of the effectiveness comes from the canonical laws of the Bible. The Bible – of our determined shun – is the very volume of protocol that Satan had always used to paint us in the ominous guilt before the throne of celestial assizes. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is the crescendo of the matter of satanic shenanigan.Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (3)

The Creator did not even bother to acknowledge the physical presence of Lucifer, the real spirit behind the serpentine shenanigan. What does this tell me? Lucifer is a persona non grata. Uselessness is the order of his evil being. Adam’s wife gave her precious time and ears to a being of perdition. Methinks Lucifer had all the answers for spiritual ascendancy. Where art thou, Lucifer, when the LORD God stood to judge evil. Lucifer, the liar, and the father of it, could not be heard again. Of truth it is, that the light of God’s word which Adam made available to his wife, did shine but the darkness of Satanism that hung around the woman did not allow the woman to 'comprehend' it. The Greek for 'comprehend' (found in John 1:5) is katalambanō (kat-al-am-ban'-o): ‘to lay hold of so as to make one's own, to obtain, attain to, to make one's own, to take into one's self, appropriate'. Now that the physical presence of the Truth stood to judge, the persona non grata stance of Lucifer is revealed. Though, unfortunately, he had caused an unforgettable havoc on the Adamic race.Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (2)

She should have queried Lucifer’s question with, “What do you want to know?” That way, she would have stood firmly, as a one who had authority over her head. Lucifer would have got himself in a dangerous cul-de-sac. That, probably, would have been the end of his escapades on terra firma. The enemy, as diabolically expected, did something to allow the victim to tighten the noose around her own neck. He played along with the unsuspecting wife of Adam. He added 'not' a negation, to make of none effect, God’s original, “…thou shalt surely die;” making God, in the heart of Adam’s wife, a liar. Having successfully portrayed the Creator as self-conceited, self-loving and someone in absolute disregard for man’s evolution to deified status, the Devil painted himself as the liberating illuminator, who is ready to take mankind to the next level of apotheotic pride. The bait had been taken. The hook had sunk, irreversibly deep, as far as the victim was concerned. Satanism got unfortunately established.Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (1)

Definition 2 (resemblance) which best fits, in this context, makes Adam the creature who has the endowment of his Creator’s resemblance. The 3rd definition of ‘a representative figure’ makes Adam God’s viceroy on earth. As the head of the Eden family he is also the priest of the world. Overcome by jealousy, Lucifer swore to employ every plot of Satanism to engender the reversal of the Eden status quo towards his own insane apotheosis. He knew that he could not just walk up to Adam and tell him, “Give me your hegemonic political and sacerdotal roles, I am in need of them.” Since direct confrontation stood an abortive chance, prevaricating machinations, therefore, should see him through to victory if he could get to make the Woman to speak weakly for her husband, lord and priest – Adam the male. Circumvention of Satanism, unfortunately did pay off.Read More


Samson misused his second chance – he had every opportunity to ask God to spare his life and to be restored as the Judge of Israel. Jonah got a second chance to preach in Nineveh. Even though he found himself inside the gargantuan jail of aquatic hopelessness, Jonah found an opportunity to plead for forgiveness. Jonah was not only forgiven he was restored to his vatic office. Peter, with curses, denied his Lord. He was restored to his apostleship when he came back – ready to serve – to the risen Saviour. Why does the Lord Jesus stand at the door of our hearts, knocking and expecting an opening of the door in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” The LORD God allows opportunity to knock over and over again. Only the ones who refuse or reject to heed His knocking fail to achieve success. Amen!Read More


It is quite understandable that when one allows an apothegm which is foreign to the instructions of the Most High, the ensuing spiritual contamination becomes a stumbling block, separating you from the protection of the Divinity. King Joash had had his mind tampered with idolatrous initiations, causing him to lose spiritual connection with the God of Israel. His wanning state of faith reared its ugly head and he could not defeat his Syrian army for as long as he should.Read More


Each time a sermon invites one to the altar call of spiritual regeneration, it is an opportunity to be born again. Every time a proclaimer of the gospel approaches an individual, offering to lead him in the sinner’s prayer, giving him an opportunity to make a volte-face turn from the impending hell bound of those who do not have the salvific relationship with Jesus, it certainly is another opportunity. Some heard the same call, Church Services after dozens of Christian worship days before they finally decided, “I’m going to do it tonight!” For some others scores of proclaimers had to knock on the door of their homes or met them at different places before genuinely agreeing to say the prayer of salvation. In each of these cases does the philosophy of 'opportunity only knocks once' apply? Each time of a thousand times is actually the second chance, as far as God is concerned, explained Reverend Chris Okotie.Read More

Wisdom Is A Personage [3]

If Jesus Christ is the express image of the unseen Jehovah God, and it says that Adam or mankind was created in the image of God, does it not say that mankind was made, not only in the anthropomorphism of the Lord God, but also in the similitude of the Most High? This shows that man is the apogee and the consummation of the six days of creation on the terra firma. For this reason, when He stepped on the earth, we became the object of His delight. His delight with Adamic rational being of creationism makes Christ to endow man with wisdom. Adam knew what sobriquet best suited every animal brought to him.Read More

Wisdom Is A Personage [2]

When you bring the personal pronoun 'I' into the picture, what is revealed is the Personage of Exodus chapter 3 verse 14. ‘I AM' is the Hebraic hâyâh (haw-yaw): ‘exist’. This ‘I AM’ is Jehovah. Jesus Christ is as eternal as God the Father, ergo, He did not come into being, i.e. created –He has an eternal existence before Abraham was brought into existence. The 'was’ and the 'am’ are, therefore, not the same as erroneously believed by Arians. The Jews who received this address understood Jesus perfectly and for this reason, they decided to stone Him to death in verse 59, for the very reason they sought to do the same in John 5:18, saying that by the asseveration of Jesus, “He makes Himself equal with God.”Read More

Wisdom Is A Personage [1]

If the LORD God had to acquire wisdom to bolster His omniscience for a successful creation, does it not chime the bell of pellucidity that He never had wisdom before its acquisition? If He had to look for an enhancing tool, that tells the logicality of my reasoning faculty –hypothetically so— that what the LORD God looked for was placed there –where He found it— by a certain happenstance or another living entity. This will mean that wisdom is either older than the Creator or that the entity that placed wisdom where it was found is a contemporary of the Most High. It also means that wisdom knows the beginning of the Divinity, ergo, it is either older or boasts of coetaneous eld with the Creator.Read More