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"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" [Romans 10:10]. The noun 'righteousness' is the Greek dikaiosunē (dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay): 'a feminine noun which speaks specifically of (Christian) justification.’ The feminity stance makes our justification a proper Bride of the Righteous Lamb, who has sworn the oath of "I will never leave nor forsake thee." Most definitely, our life, as His mystical body on terra firma, has its locale majestically in Christ, the Second Member of the Godhead. "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory," so says the word of God in Colossians 3:4, where 'life' is zoe, 'God's kind of life.' The life of this new species cannot be lost, having its location in Christ, who continually takes care of it: for it is His own life! Amen!Read More


The germination of Jesus bore fruits. They are called Christians -the new species of the creativity of Jehovah. Is there any crop that builds a silo for itself? Is it not the farmer who puts the valuable fruitfulness into the preserving silo? Jesus is the vine -the true vine. God the Father is the Husbandman who places the regenerated new species of creation into Christ, the Eternal Son, in whom is life -life eternal. As no man can save himself, no man can, as well, maintain this newness of spiritual life in Christ Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of the saving faith. Amen! Read More


In conclusion, Satan's fall was before an eternal 'Ĕlôhı̂ym, so, expectedly, his doom must, as adjudication should have it, be eternal. Dolorously, Lucifer has no second chance to latch on to. No angel has that spiritual luxury bestowed on him at creationism. Lucifer behaved like no true son of Jehovah. Bastardy. How could he walk before God, capped in sheer expropriatory audacity? Usurpation. To even think he could, with the third angelic host, expugn heaven is crazy. Procacious! Lucifer, you cannot be worshipped as God. You do not go by the epithetic, "who was, who is, and is to come." Jesus is truly so: for "And he is before all things, and by him all things consist" [Colossians 1:17].Read More


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Jehovah is eternal. When Lucifer's errancy goaded him to the execution of the first putsch, it was before the Eternal Judge, the LORD God, that he committed the felonious cruelty. Christ and the Holy Spirit were not the only eternal Witnesses to the satanic antipathy, myriads of the two-thirds counterinsurgent angels, led by Michael are witnesses to Lucifer's criminality in the court of celestial jurisprudence. In fact Lucifer himself will stand to depose his nefariousness. An eternal judgment is due, ergo, to a sinfulness before the Eternal Jehovah. Lucifer, I believe, knew what he was into. He tried to play a psychological game with God. Read More


Jehovah is eternal. When Lucifer's errancy goaded him to the execution of the first putsch, it was before the Eternal Judge, the LORD God, that he committed the felonious cruelty. Christ and the Holy Spirit were not the only eternal Witnesses to the satanic antipathy, myriads of the two-thirds counterinsurgent angels, led by Michael are witnesses to Lucifer's criminality in the court of celestial jurisprudence. In fact Lucifer himself will stand to depose his nefariousness. An eternal judgment is due, ergo, to a sinfulness before the Eternal Jehovah. Lucifer, I believe, knew what he was into. He tried to play a psychological game with God. Read More


Jesus, as the Prince of peace, is the potentate ruler of absolute peace. Only God can sit as the Governor of perfect peace. The Isaiah 9:6 title of 'Prince,' śar (sar) is: 'a head person (of any rank or class).' 'Peace' is shâlôm (shaw-lome'): 'safe, that is, (figuratively) well, happy, friendly; also (abstractly) welfare, that is, health, prosperity, peace.' A halcyon millennium rule of true tranquillity over the entire globe falls within His capability as the overall God, blessed forever. Amen. His Lordship is over the elements, circumstances, men and even the brutish animals. Read More


The epithets of this Gift to humanity are absolutely of the Divinity. The first of the given Son's name is 'Wonderful' and it is pele' (peh'-leh) in the Hebrew, meaning: 'miracle, marvel, wonder (extraordinary, hard to understand thing), wonder (of God's acts of judgment and redemption).' While other works of wonderment are of magical orientation, Jehovah alone performs miracles. Does history know of anyone who performed or performs more miracles than Jesus? He, it was, who went about doing good things, I mean, good things beyond human endowed capabilities. Read More


If it is pertaining to soteriological theme, and we all understand that God alone can save, then this Son is the incarnation of the holy One of Israel, and most absolutely, the LORD God who did form Adam and his woman in the Garden of Eden. He had come to retrieve that which Adam lost. "And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world" [1John 4:14]. If Jesus is the Saviour, with a capital 'S' then one of my favourite verses, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" [John 1:3], is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Amen. Read More


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Divine methodology regarding the marital machinery places the woman of the conjugal relationship in the state of hupotassō under her husband. How would she learn and love, with all her heart, to submit to him if she does not ask for his oracular guidance very often? If the man you intend to marry is definitely beneath your spiritual maturity, reconsider your conjugal intention because this spiritual disequilibrium can cast a spiritual spell of stagnation. It can be a disaffecting constant vexation of your heart. It will be a harrowing experience of an excruciating degree finding out an impossibility to maximise your spiritual potentials. Marriage is a very serious business! The spiritual inequilibrium is the bane of divorcement!Read More


Love is not a feeling. It is a commitment. A great man of God defines love saying, "A love called out of the heart of the lover on account of the value placed on the object of his love." For believing the finished work of salvation by Jesus, God places a huge value upon the regenerate soul. The husband, understanding the love of Jesus, goes to do likewise to his wife. The 'love' expressed is the Greek agape, 'an unconditional affection.' There is, therefore, no excuse for not loving the wife. None whatsoever. Ephesians 5:22 tells the woman, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." What is the Greek word for 'submit'? It is hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): 'to arrange under, to subordinate, obey.' Hupotassō comes from hupo (under) and tasso (arrange properly).Read More


It dawned on Satan that it is not only the earth Adam is getting. "He's being offered the celestial assizes as well!" What the species of angelic beings could not be, making it impossible for them to enter into marriage with the LORD God, is what the LORD God is giving away, just like that, to a clayey Adam. "If I could just make the woman mar this marriage I'll get the Church. I'll get the worship of my craving." Lucifer destroyed the first Adam's marriage. But, that was not the end of the story. (Tell yourself "It's not the end of my unpalatable story). The last Adam rebuilt. He said, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" [Matthew 16:18]. That which the Rock of Ages built was an eternal structure. This wife -the Church- lives in paradisaic eternity. Read More


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If, as it has been grossly misconstrued, the alone is about loneliness, then it will be an adjective or an adverb. How could a newly created Adam of less than a day of twenty-four hours of a single day be pining in loneliness? The beauty of Eden garden alone, of which I strongly doubt whether Hollywood can truly afford –in its all ramifications– to display in cinematography, will take Adam about a whole 356 days of a year to come over it. What about the grandeur of the hills, mountains and breathtaking plains; the gregarious proclivities of animalistic life? The twinkles of the heavenly bodies in conjunction with luminous glare of the lunar orb was something to look forward to every now and then! Where is the gaol of loneliness?Read More


Ascension of Mary, where in the Old or the New Testament does it boast of a biblical record? It is merely of unscriptural Catholicism. Did Joseph, her husband, go through the same physical ascension as well? I guess not! Selah! Creationism embroidered in every intelligent being, a heart of adoratory predisposition. Docility, engendered by the original sin, man would prostrate in worship of what ignites his religious fancy. Catholicism, laden with speciosity of Scripture, has successfully wrapped her adherents in the straitjacket of religion. Honestly, no sophistry is required to inculcate John 3:3. You want to know what establishes the enforcement of Mariolatry? This is it. In the eighth century, the second council of Nicea decreed that the image of God was as proper an object of worship as God Himself. If you truly love God, will you obey or disobey His express mand? Selah! Read More


"Hail Mary" apotheosizes a humble, Jesus worshipping Mary! "Hail Mary" is a 'Systematic Theotokos' contraption of Catholicism: an unbiblical Mariology. Its sole bourne is Mariolatry! Truth be told, Mariolatry is anthropolatry! If Catholics should argue that Mariology is not Mariolatry, then why do the Catholic faithfuls kneel before the statue of Mary in prayer? A billion and two hundred million die-hard adherence fail to see the intrinsic shame of Mariology when we understand that the Church happens to be the pillar and the ground of Jesus' truth! Selah!Read More


Another story says Catholic Mary exposed her breast to Saint Bernard, and shot milk into his eye. Presently, people say, while receiving milk from the heavenly Mother, Saint Bernard was initiated into supreme consciousness and adopted as the son of God and Mary. The more medieval wording was that Mary filled him with all divine graces and purified all his sins. Did Mary have to die to perform such deeds of divinity? There is not one scriptural record of Mary’s power of initiation into any ecumenical assistance. The Jerusalem Church did not pray to the Madonna. Mary did not utter one word of prophecy or an encouragement to the nascent Church during the Upper Room inauguration. It was Peter who spoke, having been reinstated as an Apostle of the expected Church. Where was Mary at the first ever Church Council of Jerusalem, found in The Book of Acts Of Apostles 15:1-21, to iron out the Church doctrine? It was James, the biological brother of Jesus and the pastor of the Jerusalem Church who made the final ecumenical speech. None heard of Mary. Read More


It expressly and categorically states: 'one God;' 'one mediator' and not any other cardinal number. Catholicism fails, in its bid to satiate its unGodly crave, to perceive the dangerous scriptural anomaly this verse makes of the mediatrix didacticism. If the Bible says, one mediator, and Catholicism establishes another mediatrix, is the church of Papal Rome not changing the word of God to read: "...there is one God, and TWO Mediators between God and men,"? Are there any private interpretation of scripture? "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation," of 2Peter 1:20, is the answer. A good look at the paintings sponsored by Catholicism are quite Nimro-Semiramic. Haloes, triangles, Madonna, cupids and most prominently, mother and child. To keep Semiramis, the moon goddess latreutically alive, the baby Jesus of Catholicism must not be weaned!Read More


Will it, in a way, be a ratiocinative superfluity delving into an acquiescence to the 4th century orthodoxy established theotokos (bearer of God) of Mariological title? True rationality will lead to the facticity that Mary's matrix did containerised the physical reality of the Incarnation on our terra firma. On account of this fact, yes, it is, to theotokos. But since it is pellucid enough that that which is being given birth to is actually coming into existence for the first time, the darkness of Mariological beam leading to 'mother of God' insistent hue is a non-issue. An aberrant Mariology. His preincarnate manifestations on the terra firma abound in the annals of the pages of Scripture. Having been before creationism makes Him as eternal as His Father. It is quite impossible to procreate the Self-Existing Jehovah, the Eternal One.Read More


Is there any infinitesimal inference to Marian maternity of God in Simon Peter's Holy Spirit's inspired scriptural transcriptions? A mother will always be older than her progeny even if she dies at age fifty and her son goes on to clock the hundredth year in his own life time. No wonder Goddess Madonna continues to clutch on to Baby God! She is older than the Ancient of days! That, Pope Francis (if you care to know), is the implications of your Christokos! Your false declarations make Mary the mother of the One who has neither beginning nor ending. Had your Madonna been before the beginlessness of the Ancient of days? Does she have the capacity of eternity to containerise the Self-Existing, Eternal, Holy One of Israel? Impossible!Read More


Quite a scatological mind of an individual it will take to disdain the faith and exemplary character of Mary, the mother of Jesus; but when one peruses the Pauline hall of faith (Hebrews chapter eleven), Mary is not accorded a mentioning, neither as the Catholicism engendered 'mother of God.' The Holy Spirit did not even direct Paul to do an insertion of her name somewhere in-between verses 39 & 40 to produce a couching like: "God having provided some better thing for us, through the divine matrix of Madonna of the blessed perpetuity of virginity, that they without us should not be made perfect." Mary, to Catholicism, would have been the co-Perfecter of the faith of Christians if Hebrews eleven has an inclusion of her name. Read More


In the year 1198, Catholicism gave Mary the titles: co-redemptrix, advocate, auxiliatrix, adjutrix, mediatrix, believing that as the mother of Christ, she should share in His official responsibilities. I have a question? Who decides who shares in divine attributes, man or the Divinity? Do we call this ecumenical decision an acute scriptural indigence on the part of Catholicism or a blatant gibe at Scripture? Do we not know whose job it is to distribute ecumenical offices in Acts 13:2 “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them?”Read More