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Born again prayer


He, Muhammad, tells them that those who die in the Islamic cause of jihadism should not be distressed because a blissful aljana – Islamic heaven of Allah – awaits them, which includes the houris – fair-eyed wives. Ad-Dukhan [i.e. chapter 44] verse 54 “Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.” The contrary stance of this qur’anic, motivational opium is absolutely not in tandem with biblical facticity, making it a dangerous mirage. Ask yourself, even if there are wives for men in heaven – which is absolutely incorrect – why should it be an outrageous 72 houris per celestial jihadist? Why should Muhammad teach that each man will have an uncanny sexual strength of a hundred men? Is this not a bait of appeal that presses the button of carnal greed of Adamic proclivity? Many times I wonder how many husbands are due to a female jihadist! Who is advertising theological lie, Jesus or Muhammad: for Jesus taught that there would be no marriages in heaven? Read More


God never intended to embark on human sacrifice. He was only testing Abraham and to find the legalism to offer the Second Member of the Godhead in the substitutionary Golgotha crucifixion. The Bible, if you read it well, says that, “And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son” and that wood is the type and shadow of the cross that Jesus would bear to save the world. After the Golgotha experience, there was no need for any sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin – John 3:!6. Islamic annual sacrificial ram, cow and camel – the last (camel) being an Old Testamentary unclean animal – of Muhammad’s Islam proves to be a Janus-faced religion. Muslims will tell you that they believe only the Old Testament of the Bible, fine. But let us read what it makes of Muhammadan cleanness of the camel. Leviticus 11:4 “Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.” Too unclean was the camel even for sacrificial rites. Muhammad loved what Jehovah deemed unclean.Read More


The Adamic pristine couple was not robed in the animal skins just for the thrill and fun of Christmas clothing purchased for the children. It was a grand connectivity with the soteriology. It was purely sacrificial. The Bible does not disclose how many lambs, goats or rams were slaughtered. But it is quite clear that it was for the Eden couple. The number two, being the Scriptural numerology for witness and of testimony, they stood in prognostication of the True Lamb of God – Adam being of His image. As far as God was concerned, salvation had come to mankind, even in his sinfulness. It is on account of this facticity that one Pauline couch reads, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And because it is solely the choice of Divinity, one should understand why it also says, “Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:9). One very good reason that called for the Adamic elevation was the need for God to give Himself the legality to put Lucifer away for good. When you read something like God 'being needy' for whatever it is, it is never in the sense of Divine bankruptcy or shortcoming. Jehovah has all He needs or wants from eternality of the past to the futuristic periods of eternity. In all aspects, God wields absolute perfection. Sitting under Scriptural exegetical didacticism of God’s need for anything simply points to the facticity that pictures the humble stance of Divinity, assuming the status of cognitive operational reality known of Adamic level. Read More


By the expression ‘face to face,’ close proximity is meant. Did Adam not see Him in the Eden Garden? So, why would His face be hidden from ocular exercise? Christ came with the full glory known only of the eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, and to behold that divine visage of eternality is to be scrutinized for absolute sinlessness and be found absolutely guiltless, not even of a smidgeon short of the glory of God. Christ had not settled the Adamic conflict with his Maker; to look at the Creator in the face – an offensive affront – is to be ready for judgment without having the covering of the righteousness of the slain Lamb of God – quite ominous.Read More


Jehovah God and His Word are one and the same. Finding Himself in the likeness of an Adamic creature, Jesus Christ won the heart of humanity as the quintessence of submissiveness in obedience. At age twelve, even though Mary and Joseph made the mistake of not making sure that Jesus was going home with them before embarking on the journey of days, and for the fact that it was made crystal clear that the One they were dealing with is the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, the Bible says, “And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart” (Luke 2:51). Jesus taught the Church submission, Who first brought Himself under subjection.Read More


Now, the significance of teleioō is the accomplishment of a set goal. The consummation of this bourne is the death, burial and most importantly, the ultimate resurrection. This divine substitutionary death of the cross attracted divine legitimacy of Christ’s Authorship of the soteriological cause. Jesus Christ, therefore, is the sole cause of eternal salvation. Disobedience to the finished work of the cross leads, ultimately, to the eternality of hellish death. If the Bible says, “For all have sinned”, it does include every living intelligent being on the terra firma. If Jesus obeyed the set rules of salvation, those who wish to partake of this spiritual salvageability must show obedience as well. Hebrews 11:8, “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.” Imagine if father Abraham had not obeyed God’s instruction, who would have spoken a word about him? Obedience stood Abraham out. Abraham has the enviable title of ‘Father of faith’ all because he chose to believe and obey the word of God. We should likewise obey God’s word, whether it makes religious, psychological or philosophical sense or not. Read More


Many pastors, evangelists, born again Christians will lose crowns. Many husbands will have to contend with being under the leadership of their earthly wives or children. Crowns of good works determine the hierarchy of empyreal citizenry. Some pastors, who cannot do without engaging in certain vices like sexual immorality, will serve under their church members. It will not be painful an experience to find one in, but, what is sown is what is reaped. You will not wallow in shame, but, your official celestial status, which is dependent on the good things you do now as a Christian either places you lower or much lower than some people if you allow yourself to be dominated by sensual propensity. None will be plunged into slavery of any kind, but you will be low in the new world to come for all eternity. Imagine what the Creator’s elevation of a born again Christian will amount to in heaven before we come to spend the rest of eternity on earth? No one elects anyone into such celestial offices; none will ever be made to lose that office. It is eternally a bestowal of the Divinity. It will be mind-blowing. Let you be warned of the glory of eternal greatness, found nowhere else but in heaven. Read More


The antediluvian patriarchs passed the baton of succession of God’s business one to the other, culminating in Noah’s leading humanity through the flood. Why? God wanted to preserve humanity. Noah passed the baton to Shem. Japheth continued on a larger scale. Ham, the supposedly cursed, must complete the soteriological enterprise. How come so? God had blessed him immediately after the great deluge. Abraham passed the baton to Isaac who also did the same to Jacob. Whether Jacob was a ‘supplanting’ schemer or not: the grace of God took care of his spiritual inadequacies. Whether under curse or not, in this end-time proclamation of the coming of Jesus Christ, it is strictly a divine appointment for Ham of Africa to champion it. Amen. Read More


In Matthew 28:18-20, three things: omnipotence, co-equality with the Father and ubiquity are revealed concerning Him. His authority transcends the terra firma of humanity, it includes heaven itself. This means angelic host and the elders whose seats form a semicircle around the celestial throne bow down to Jesus’ authority. The baptism formula evokes the presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and this is the Trinity. As a Member of the Trinity, Jesus Christ is co-equal with the Father in His Divinity. His ubiquity is seen in the fact that wherever the disciples go across the universe, He is with each one of them at the same time.Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (4)

Lucifer goads man into sinning. Sin is actually the prodding device. The enabling strength of the effectiveness comes from the canonical laws of the Bible. The Bible – of our determined shun – is the very volume of protocol that Satan had always used to paint us in the ominous guilt before the throne of celestial assizes. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is the crescendo of the matter of satanic shenanigan.Read More

Wisdom Is A Personage [1]

If the LORD God had to acquire wisdom to bolster His omniscience for a successful creation, does it not chime the bell of pellucidity that He never had wisdom before its acquisition? If He had to look for an enhancing tool, that tells the logicality of my reasoning faculty –hypothetically so— that what the LORD God looked for was placed there –where He found it— by a certain happenstance or another living entity. This will mean that wisdom is either older than the Creator or that the entity that placed wisdom where it was found is a contemporary of the Most High. It also means that wisdom knows the beginning of the Divinity, ergo, it is either older or boasts of coetaneous eld with the Creator.Read More

Christianity Is Acquittal And Discharge From Sinful Gaol. [3]

Christians cannot be wallowing in the debt of sinfulness and be said to have the righteousness of Christ. One should have been acquitted to don the righteousness of God. Spiritual acquaintance makes unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. If God be for us who can be against us, the elect? Absolutely none can. One of Christ’s characters in this verse is, Everlasting Father. As the offspring of the eternality of His Fatherhood, we live as eternally as Jesus Christ. Amen. Discharged from sin, we stand by the side of our Redeemer.Read More


The Jewish tongue does not suffer 'Adonay to be designated to any creature; it is absolutely of Jehovah, the Almighty Jehovah God. The Genesis chapter 18 scenario proves that Christ, in His preincarnate manifestation, showed up in His physical essence and did not only hold a discussion with Abraham and his wife, but was visibly seen by them. This show of physical responsibility by the Divinity underscores the keen interest that the Owner of the world has for the Adamic race. This tells me that the Divinity of Jesus is real; He answers prayers. Humans can rely on Him for divine beneficence.Read More


Moses was not encountering the boastful jingoism of Adamic proclivity when the I AM THAT I AM passed by in the full resplendence of His empyreal essence. The words of His eternal lips weigh trillions of tons in the abstrusity of its incredulity yet quite true. How can the entirety of empyrean corporality be visibly brought to the realm of Adamic sinfulness? Mind boggling of its confusion was the state Moses found himself. It was like, “Moses, Moses, how could you have asked for this too much of too muchness?” Of truth is the Yoruba adage, t'ómodé bá dé'bi èrù, èrù á bàá, interpreted as “when a child gets to a place of fearfulness, he will experience fear.”Read More


The Johannine revelation used an imperfect tense 'was’, classifying the existence of the Logos as an eternal one in the past –that came to no ceasing— that is, before creationism. His existence never came to an end from eternity past even through the creationism. The eternal life essence of Jesus shared zoe with God the Father. Simply put, zoe means 'God's kind of life.’ Now, as the Logos, Christ is: ‘the totality of God’s mind, will and thought.’ How can any entity be thus and exist in the classification of an object of creationism? Verse three in its unequivocalness, categorically says “all things were made by him.” If it says, “and without him was not anything made that was made,” does the spirit of limpidity not pour forth the revelatory facticity that nothing, absolutely, did create this enigmatic Personage, Jesus Christ? Read More


Is the One who gave you that employment not the Eternal LORD God? You failed, Lucifer, to understand that the elevation given to you was a gift to a mere object of creationism. You shunned the divine gesture of eternality for a vainglorious apotheosis. You asked for it! That, Lucifer, was absolute stupidity. Is it not the mind of egregious stupidity that dreams of retirement from Jehovah’s business? Jehovah is eternal. You did not want to continue in the use of the tabrets to beat the pulsating drums that sends the empyreal host in spiritual frenzy of stomping dance before the LORD God in worship. You were tired of playing the musical wind instruments of the pipes before the thrice holy God. Loss. Your eternal loss.Read More


There is a Scriptural antidote to this roaring beast and his devouring crave. It is found in the book of James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The word 'submit’ is the Greek hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): ‘to arrange under, to subordinate, put in subjection; obey.’ The true submission of one’s self is to be ‘born again.’ As God’s child, when the evil maniac shows up in whatever form, do the needful, 'resist' his advances. Read More


If the creation of Adam (made from an unconscious gathering of dust) came with the bestowal package of righteousness, which he did nothing to earn, it should follow that the righteousness of his progenies of regeneration, through the sacrificial Lamb of God, cannot be earned as well. In the Eden he fell as the lord of the earth, because he could not save himself, cutting his supposedly immortality short. As a born again Christian, Adam is no longer his own lord, the eternal LORD saved him, bringing him into the eternality of his Divinity and righteous Lordship. Amen.Read More


God, as a Businessman, will never lose His capital. He always makes sure of that. He knew that, unlike the progenitor of the antediluvian miscreants, some of the Adamic stock would come to Him for salvation. Those ones would ignite the soteriological gene in them, and make their way to the Saviour, Jesus Christ. They will see the Light, after having believed the word of the saving grace. To them is the reservation of celestial regeneration midwifed by God, the Holy Spirit. Amen. Romans 1:17 “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”Read More


Everyone is born into sin. “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me” [Psalm 51:5]. So, when the prayer of salvation is said with all of one’s heart, God goes back to the Garden of Eden to resuscitate the life of a born again. To get born again, the Holy Spirit returns into the purified spirit –to remain there eternally. The existential righteousness known of the created Adam is what returns to the regenerated soul. This is the reason why you cannot be afraid to lose the spirit of soteriological regeneration. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!Read More