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Christian Doctrine


From the scriptural narrative, the scenario of this verse was not a vision of somnambulism. A slaughtered calf dressed and served was the sumptuous meal before the physical Visitants. It was in the course of whatever course of the meal that the LORD Jesus, in His pre-incarnate manifestation, brought forth the Divine query of Genesis 18:17-21Read More


The Light, Jesus Christ, is the only One among the Trinity, whose physical existence is not concealed from human ocular experience. If He was there at the beginning of creation, it follows, ergo, that the birth of His humanity by the Virgin Mary was not the first time of His existence. Jesus’ humanity came into being right there inside the procreative matrix of the Virgin Mary. But of Christ, seven centuries before His Incarnation, Prophet Micah pronounced in the 5th chapter of the 2nd verse of his vatic book, “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.”Read More


The Johannine revelation used an imperfect tense 'was’, classifying the existence of the Logos as an eternal one in the past –that came to no ceasing— that is, before creationism. His existence never came to an end from eternity past even through the creationism. The eternal life essence of Jesus shared zoe with God the Father. Simply put, zoe means 'God's kind of life.’ Now, as the Logos, Christ is: ‘the totality of God’s mind, will and thought.’ How can any entity be thus and exist in the classification of an object of creationism? Verse three in its unequivocalness, categorically says “all things were made by him.” If it says, “and without him was not anything made that was made,” does the spirit of limpidity not pour forth the revelatory facticity that nothing, absolutely, did create this enigmatic Personage, Jesus Christ? Read More


Is the One who gave you that employment not the Eternal LORD God? You failed, Lucifer, to understand that the elevation given to you was a gift to a mere object of creationism. You shunned the divine gesture of eternality for a vainglorious apotheosis. You asked for it! That, Lucifer, was absolute stupidity. Is it not the mind of egregious stupidity that dreams of retirement from Jehovah’s business? Jehovah is eternal. You did not want to continue in the use of the tabrets to beat the pulsating drums that sends the empyreal host in spiritual frenzy of stomping dance before the LORD God in worship. You were tired of playing the musical wind instruments of the pipes before the thrice holy God. Loss. Your eternal loss.Read More


What the ingenuity of Jehovah’s creationism brought into existence was a state of conduciveness. The evil perpetration of yours, Lucifer, brought the judgment of the cataclysmic indistinguishable ruin of tôhû bôhû. Christ created you, Lucifer, in perfection: for verse 15 says, “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” God did not plant iniquity in your being, it was you, Lucifer, who thought yourself into the embarkation of the profanity of the nobility of your free moral agency. How could you ever believe that you stood any chance, at all, in going solo without the support of the Divinity of the Logos, continue to remain a mind boggling inconvenience.Read More


There is a Scriptural antidote to this roaring beast and his devouring crave. It is found in the book of James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The word 'submit’ is the Greek hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): ‘to arrange under, to subordinate, put in subjection; obey.’ The true submission of one’s self is to be ‘born again.’ As God’s child, when the evil maniac shows up in whatever form, do the needful, 'resist' his advances. Read More


Should you not have remained the first glorious intelligent being of creation and remain a phenomenal angel of greatness? How could you please yourself with vain glory? It is truly an uncomfortable fascination, dwelling on the reason for your celestial disobedience. How could you not be satisfied with being the number one intelligent being of creationism? Lucifer, you made your heinous, criminal choice. To think that your rule of Satanism lasts only a very short time makes you the biggest fool before the thrice holy God. Amen.Read More


If the creation of Adam (made from an unconscious gathering of dust) came with the bestowal package of righteousness, which he did nothing to earn, it should follow that the righteousness of his progenies of regeneration, through the sacrificial Lamb of God, cannot be earned as well. In the Eden he fell as the lord of the earth, because he could not save himself, cutting his supposedly immortality short. As a born again Christian, Adam is no longer his own lord, the eternal LORD saved him, bringing him into the eternality of his Divinity and righteous Lordship. Amen.Read More


God, as a Businessman, will never lose His capital. He always makes sure of that. He knew that, unlike the progenitor of the antediluvian miscreants, some of the Adamic stock would come to Him for salvation. Those ones would ignite the soteriological gene in them, and make their way to the Saviour, Jesus Christ. They will see the Light, after having believed the word of the saving grace. To them is the reservation of celestial regeneration midwifed by God, the Holy Spirit. Amen. Romans 1:17 “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”Read More


Everyone is born into sin. “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me” [Psalm 51:5]. So, when the prayer of salvation is said with all of one’s heart, God goes back to the Garden of Eden to resuscitate the life of a born again. To get born again, the Holy Spirit returns into the purified spirit –to remain there eternally. The existential righteousness known of the created Adam is what returns to the regenerated soul. This is the reason why you cannot be afraid to lose the spirit of soteriological regeneration. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!Read More


At the Eden Garden fall, did man not try to get himself equitably garbed? His foliated garb was absolutely an unprepossessing falsehood. Probably a pool of still waters helped to mirror the insane design of his chosen apparel. As the unmistakable voice of His Holiness pierced through the atmospheric serenity of the Garden of Eden, unrighteous instinct told them to run for cover. Right-standing impaired!Read More


1)            The connectivity that exists between unrighteousness and its inseparable sinfulness throws up horrendous acridity of funk in God’s holy physiognomy. It is such a revulsion to the Divinity that Ezekiel’s vatic office declared his Master’s divine decree of “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of...Read More

Death [5]

Let us make an observation of the born again Christian. At the cessation of earthly life, he inevitably drops his cadaverous body, leaving the terra firma not two, but three. His soul and spirit plus the indwelling Holy Spirit of the Divinity make him three. He has a Witness, God the Holy Spirit, the Third Member of the Godhead is the Witness that the unregenerate cannot present before the thrice holy God. Jesus, seeing the Holy Spirit is very ready to be his Mediator: for Jesus is the only recognised Mediator between God and men. The Eternal Father beholds those coming before Him having His Spirit dwelling in them and immediately welcomes them, “Welcome, my heirs, into my Kingdom of your abode.” Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you are not truly born again.Read More

Death [4]

Paradise people got born again, but candidates of hell rejected the Lordship of Jesus. There is no in-between, sitting on the fence. As a matter of scriptural fact, there is no absolute death, in the sense that immediately one breathes the very earthly breath –in the least of a fraction of a second— one is transported either to heaven –if born again— or to hades, where the rich man of Lazarus’ (Luke 16:19-31) story was led to. Read More

Death [3]

This story is not of the parabolic ordonnance of the great Teacher’s didacticism of God’s Kingdom. Lazarus, the beggar, had a true existence. If not, the story would not be told of the historical Abraham, the father of Israel. From the region of the wicked dead ones, the rich man did not only see Abraham, he recognised him, and called out to him, “Father Abraham”, appropriately. He dwelt in the place of torment. Hellish death, ergo, is real!Read More

Death [2]

It says in unequivocal terms in Ephesians 4:9-10, "(Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? [10] He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)" He went to the same place where Lazarus found himself –Abraham's bosom. God would not allow the argument of the wicked-dead 'rich man', borne out of Satanism, to thrive: by sending him back to earth –even if Abraham could.Read More

Death [1]

Adam, when he committed the disobedient, original sin of the Eden Garden, he died, not physically but spiritually. His spirit realm, sin-stained, failed to enter into the erstwhile sacred fellowship with the Creator. This is the truth about death. It was when he saw the sacrificial animals, one for him and the other for his wife that the gravity of the mark he had missed struck him. Dead animal friends of the pristine family told him: death was imminent. Every birth of Adamic progeny, as a result, became the accouchement of a walking cadaver. Death!Read More


Have they been laughing at you: calling you a failure; wretched poor; barren witch; useless idiot and even challenging your Jesus to do something about your predicament? Let the delay strengthen your faith. You will laugh last. Joy cometh in the morning. Jehovah’s delay is not a denial of your happiness. Amen. Have you been told that you can never be a million naira rich? Have faith in the workability of divine operations. They that used their mouths to rubbish your future will have to queue up to receive monetary donations from your hands when the LORD God eventually makes you a billionaire, not in Nigerian naira but in the USA dollars. With God nothing shall be impossible. “And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren”, the Bible reveals. The word 'honourable' is the Hebraic kâbad (kaw-bad'): ‘to be heavy; be weighty; be rich'. Jabez became a heavyweight financial controller. Are you still reeling in poverty? God’s delay is not denial.Read More


At this time, David was thirty years old, so, for thirteen whole, long years all he had was the anointing but not the emblematic crown of the majestic office of God’s word concerning his kingship. The good Lord who delayed David’s coronation did not deny him of the promised throne. At another time: 2Samuel 5:3, “So all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the LORD: and they anointed David king over Israel.” God eventually made good His word.Read More


For four gruelling days of mental discomfort, the family of the deceased Lazarus continued to ask, “Why us; where is Jesus, the supposedly Friend of our dear brother?” Questions that refused to supply some meaningful answers. God must do things in style. When He eventually showed up –God always shows up to people of faith—, Jesus told them what they never knew of Him, “I am the resurrection, and the life.” Verse 40 reads, “Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” The Author of soteriology took them back to the day of old, the day when as the Visitant He ask of Abraham’s understanding, "Is any thing too hard for the LORD" [Genesis 18:14]?Read More