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He is also the 'light bearer' as his name, Lucifer, means. Lucifer lost his estate when he willed (outside God's dictum) to ascend into heaven, exalt his throne above the stars of God, and to sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north to receive a deified worship. Read More

THE MUSIC STAR (4th part)

Think thrice before you dive into the music world. Lucifer is jealous of your stardom. It must be sanctioned by him. Make sure your pastor constantly counsels you, so that you do not end up being frustrated. Many of the stars of music started singing, just like Lucifer, in the Church.Read More

THE MUSIC STAR (3rd part)

What terminated the life of Elvis Presley, the king of rock and roll? Drugs! Too bad, it was too late for the greatest of them all, Michael Jackson, evidently, in his own right, the king of pop, before he realize that he was dining dangerously with Satan. Lucifer killed Michael JacksonRead More

THE MUSIC STAR (2nd part)

Music celebrities use their riches to live lives of excessive drugs, alcohol and concupiscence. From where do they get this immorality? From the madness Lucifer suffered for rejecting his Creator. Only Jesus counts in spiritual matters.Read More

THE MUSIC STAR (1st part)

Lucifer knew the best of implanted words to panegyrize the High and Lofty One seated on the throne. He led the heavenly host in praise and worship. Ten are the most splendid jewels of his outward physicality, summing up the totality of beauty (Ezekiel 28:12-13); and inside his being are the two musical facilitating instruments.Read More

DEMONISM (part five)

I see no reason why we should not be trenchant in dealing with issues of eternal consequences. The thing we should be asking ourselves is whether Jesus is the One giving the misleading information or the Qur'an. Who is lying here Jesus, Mohammed, Voodoo, Hindu, the Bible or the Qur'an? Is demonism an outright evil or not?Read More

DEMONISM (part four)

You cannot fraternize with demons without first being initiated into the occult. Demons are absolutely unserviceable! It was for this reason Jesus told the disciples to, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:" Matthew 10:8.Read More

DEMONISM (part three)

Spiritists and seers who do not receive the oracular afflatus through the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, are actively working for Satan. They are in league with familiar spirits whose attachment to each clan is an assignment of satanic operation. They can trace your family lineage to Adam easily.Read More

UNBELIEF (3rd part)

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" When we comfort and remind ourselves of these words unbelief will, as the hymn goes, begone. The Hebrew word for 'thing' is dabar (daw-baw') 'a word, speech; by implication a matter (as spoken of) of thing; adverbially a cause'.Read More

UNBELIEF (2nd part)

By ‘Have faith in God’, Jesus means ‘Have the faith of God’. Peter, in Matthew 14:28 asked Jesus, “Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water”. In the next verse Peter did what no man ever did on water. Faith! Read More

UNBELIEF (1st part)

It is the opposite of saving faith, and by this same faith, we understand, God perfected creationism (Hebrews 11:3). God, therefore is the first to exercise faith. If God is love (1John 4:8) it then follows that true faith must be found in ‘Love’ i.e. God. Unbelief is not only the absence of faith, it is an unfortunate rejection of the Lord God of salvation.Read More

THE CHOSEN ONE (2nd part)

"Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see…" . If He has brought us into this same light, we become quite untouchable, too invulnerable for the enemy.Read More

EASTER SUNDAY (2nd part)

In Day One of Genesis 1:3, there was none but Him standing on the terra firma. None helped Him to shine the Light of the truth. None could say, “I was there with Him to share the glory of creationism.” Now that He had to revert to that first day of the week, He is in complete control of true worship. The first day of the week came to be known as the Lord's Day.Read More

Easter Sunday (part 1)

Easter, no doubt, is esoteric. While Sunday is a human tampered fetishism fundamentally, Biblical account of creationism is crystal clear that God created a 24-hour day (of light and darkness), a 7-day week of six working days and the Sabbath day of rest concluding the week. Every day is the LORD's.Read More


Good Friday is not a day of mourning, that is, to see the Saviour, still wriggling in the excruciating pang, on the gory cross of the Calvary event. Is He still on the punitive cross? Will Jesus reminisce on this hour of a seemingly Satanic hour of triumph and feel the pain again spiritually, Read More

LET NOT THE SUN SET… (part one)

"If it were you, what would you do when after counting he should ask you, 'what are you doing with so many twenty-four toes and fingers', please, tell me?". Seeing her implacable stance, I knew that what I thought would not placate her so I told her God's own story.Read More


When He said, "It is finished", in John 19:30, what do think is meant by 'finished'? It is the Greek word teleō (tel-eh'-o) [which comes from the already treated telos]: Strong's Definition: 'to end, that is, complete, execute, conclude, discharge (a debt)'.Read More