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Apostle James exhorts, reminding us not to forget: “So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty” [James 2:12]. A Peterine precautionary attempt to dissuade people from viewing the deity of Jesus in the light of theogonic Hellenism, will serve as the conclusion. “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty” [2Peter 1:16]. Jesus is the consummate truth. He is the Tranquilizer. Unlike the other fabricated gods of Hellenistic theogony, the Lord Jesus is not a myth. Making it crystal to the wide-eared listening Jews, “Before –the historical— Abraham was,” Jesus, concluding His asseveration, said, “I Am.” Amen! Read More


To his chagrin Jesus dropped the empyreal bombshell in the next verse: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven” [John 3:13]. Voilà! This must be the most awaited Messiah! “If this is the Personage who has descended from heaven,” the mind of Nicodemus raced, and continued with, “and the same, in whose presence I, Nicodemus sits, is at this moment having His physical presence in heaven, this is the Visitant that father Abraham spoke with, face to face, when Isaac, our forefather was promised by the same LORD God!” And Nicodemus believed. How do I know this?Read More


Remember what the Spirit led Paul to write in Romans 8:15, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Grace has successfully ushered us into a most enviable status of divine progeny. Thank God for Christianity; it enables a room for an adoption, even by the Divinity. What a fabulous favour! What happens to be abhorrence to Islam, for lack of the knowledge of theology, the Lord has bequeathed to His faith wielding born again Christians, most privileged to address the Most High as, “Father!” Hallelujah! Many times when we go into the Spirit inspired glossolalia, we attract divine influence, calling the Most High, “Dear Daddy!” In the light of this revelatory truth, the phenomenal rhetorical enquiry is, “If the Almighty God be our empyrean Father, who can be against us?” Selah!Read More


Scriptural documentations clearly state that it is because God does not want to carry out an absolute annihilation of Adam and his progenies that His divine kindness poured a comforting torrential salvaging grace to remove the impending death upon the disobedient souls of men. Does not the magisterial sentence of the Most High decree, “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die” [Ezekiel 18:4]? In His indefectible righteousness God should have destroyed every object of sin; however, His infinitive mercy offered Adam the mercy-treatment. The grace of God is so invaluable an experience that, once it becomes a spiritual application, the highly favoured recipient is no longer seen as a sinner. He becomes a spiritual superman, divinely vested with the power to place sin under his dominion. Who is the Author of grace? Jesus Christ of Nazareth, He is the Grand-designer.Read More


Phenomenal facticity, deeply stemmed in incontrovertible reality is termed ‘the truth.’ You, most definitely, do not have to believe the prevalent elementality of the subject to enhance its credibility. Whether there is an agreement or not the inalienable toga of the truth cannot be vitiated. There are truths and there is another particular incontrovertible truth. This particular truth is eternal. Biblical couch reads, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” [John 14:6]. The word 'truth' is the Greek aletheia (a-lee'-thei-a), defined as ‘verity; figuratively reality.’ Jesus, according to this verse, is the physical reality of the Almighty. His being is the actuality of the Divinity. Everyone who follows Jesus comes to the very essence of eternal righteousness of Jehovah. Amen!Read More

Faith Versus Empirical Veridicality [2]

Science and art are the ones crying for relevance; God is not the One who must use science and art for His Divine relevance. The perseity of science and art, from the perspective of the mentality of philosophy is fraught with Adamic errors. Science does not exist outside the scope of creationism. What we need to be theologically relevant is not the rationalism of empirical precision. The gargantuan stature of Goliath could not scare David, his love for the God of Israel made him ventilate the 1Samuel 17:26 query of, “…for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” Faith in the God of Israel was the actuating force that told him to deal, personally, with the excesses of Goliath.Read More

Faith Versus Empirical Veridicality [1]

The very second you try to rationalize God’s protocol, you, most definitely, call His Divine sapience to question. That is why I view lack of faith as the biggest sin, in that, your faithless proclivity calls Jehovah God “a Liar!” You call, most definitely, His claim of, “But with God nothing shall be impossible” to microscopic scrutiny, asking scientific empiricism to decide on the truth! Do you realize that when you suffer the existential phenomenon of man’s experience to swing your reasoning a la empirical slant in total disregard of faith in the word of God, you have just dropped the ball, hindering your eternal walk with the Creator? Genesis 3:6 quotes the LORD God, telling His story, to Moses: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” The woman pushed faith aside, believing the phenomenality of the calculative pleasantness seen on the cursed fruit!Read More


Once upon the evangelical Activities of the Apostles it says, “And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God” [Acts 13:44]. Believers met for the adoration of the Most High. Exodus 20:8 and Hebrews 10:25: they are mands of ecclesiastical direction of the assemblage. Tell me something here. Whose fault is it that we cannot spend as much time the Holy Spirit directs, or perform the salvific role of Mark 16:15, is it of covid19, the government, the Christians or of God, the Issuer of the fiat? It cannot be the fault of a non-cerebral virus –corona-virus—, which is devoid of intellectualism. God is eternally faultless, not because I am a bigoted freak of religiosity: it is simply on account of the fact that God is eternally sinless. The LORD God is too holy to be found guilty of any offence. He gave the commandment, He definitely will not break it, rather He will, on His divine part, uphold the veracity of His eternal word. Read More


Why should they be the ones to tell the Church what the duration of the holy service of assemblage should be? Why should the number of the worshippers of Jehovah be pruned? You, I believe, do not have the slightest idea the subtle design of this Satanism! “Fifty percent of the total capacity is what the State allows for every local assembly of the Church,” happens to be the covid19 edict. Right? Fifty comprises five and ten. Five speaks of grace of God. Ten is of trials. The idea of percentage is a fractionization attempt. Fifty, ergo, throws the Church into the trial which Satan uses as a springboard to rob God’s people of His divine grace. Exemption of children and Christians of over sixty years is definitely a fractionation, intended to cut the head and the tail of the Church off. The satanic subtle encryption, in seeing through covid19 fallacy, is easy to decipher. Read More


Covid19 has not only robbed us of the gregariousness that God’s creatures are to enjoy, it has made it an impossibility to evangelize the salvific word of Jesus according to the mand of the great commission. God is gregarious: for He is surrounded by a mammoth host of angelic intelligent beings. Corona-virus has made it an anathema to go from house to house and from street to another street to teach the gospel of regeneration. Did God not know that this pandemic will come before He spoke? Is it a possibility for the Devil to spring a heinous surprise at the Eternal Author of creationism? Selah.Read More


Covid19 has not only robbed us of the gregariousness that God’s creatures are to enjoy, it has made it an impossibility to evangelize the salvific word of Jesus according to the mand of the great commission. God is gregarious: for He is surrounded by a mammoth host of angelic intelligent beings. Corona-virus has made it an anathema to go from house to house and from street to another street to teach the gospel of regeneration. Did God not know that this pandemic will come before He spoke? Is it a possibility for the Devil to spring a heinous surprise at the Eternal Author of creationism? Selah. Read More


God’s instruction told Israel, “Keep the Sabbath day holy,” and for this grace dispensation, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,” is the ritualism for the holy Church of the Almighty. But the government orders, “Keep away from the Church,” they also state categorically, “older ones of age sixty must stay at home,” and the children, when the church is reopened after the first wave? “Let them stay at home.” In addition, “Church services,” they maintain, “cannot exceed one hour!” Now, it is quite pellucid that it is the Holy Spirit who by Himself appoints one into the Church service. The Holy Spirit is the Director of Church affairs, not the spiritually insensitive political leadership. The government wants older people, medically believed to be more susceptible to covid19 attack, to stay at home. What if the head of God’s covenanted assemblage is over sixty? Are they saying that that Pastor is no longer qualified to perform his ecclesiastical functions, for which God Himself ordained His own man? Call me a Christian bigot, no wahala –problem (in Yoruba language)! Is the cosmic government of Satanism not giving corona-virus a pre-eminence over God’s instruction? Should a pandemic stop God’s child from Christian assemblage? God said, “Attend congregational service.” The government declines. His protocol warns, “…and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” The rulers command, “Shorten your time with your God.” Who should I believe covid-19 or Jehovah? So, what stops the governments from advertising a life debilitating Covid-19 vaccine, knowing fully well that strings pulling juggernauts are the actual rulers of the world? And I expect the people to go for it the same way they will ask to receive the 666 mark of the Beast. Read More


Will it be God, the Creator, unleashing this virus to punish the disobedience of Adamic populace? I, categorically, will not accept it: for a scriptural reason. Who, then, is responsible for covid19 pandemic? In Ephesians chapter two, Paul makes a comparison between regenerated souls of Christianity and those who are still dwelling in the disobedience of Adamic sinfulness. Verse two is a reminder of an entity of immense manipulative power over the affairs of Adamic existentiality. This verse is a proof of the fact that the said entity is authorised by the Eternal God, to engage in atmospheric acts of pestiferousness. Why is this entity so authorised? Adamic progeny sold his authority to the spirit of the ophidian meander of Eden Garden. “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” [Ephesians 2:2]. Read More


An asseverative Scripture vindicates the veracity of Christ’s claim in 1Corinthians 15:45-47, “And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46) Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. 47) The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.” Who else is like Jesus? There is none who is born into this world. Neither is there any that is of creationism. If it says, "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them" (John 10:8); does it not make an illative inclusion of those who come after Him? Krishna did his coming before the incarnation of Jesus Christ. His claim of an avatar of the Most High Jehovah is sham. Mohammad came after Jesus had perfected the soteriological event, ergo, another sham. The word ‘thieves’ is kleptes (klep'-tace) ‘a stealer, a thief.’ In the Greek ‘robbers’ is lestes (lay"-stace') ‘1. a robber, bandit, armed thief 2. one who steals by use or threat of violence or by use of fear 3. (i.e.) the moneychangers in the temple robbed the people using the fear of God's disapproval.’ What does Islam do to increase adherents? It gives an option of the ‘sword’ or the ‘Islamic religion.’ Jihadism of Mohammedan Islamism is a robbery of souls. Period! Read More



                The question Mohammed should answer is, whether God will destroy the One who is both His Word and Spirit, as revealed in the hadith: Sahih al-Bukhari, Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh)) Book 65, Hadith 4516. Mohammed, most definitely, had no iota of understanding, whatsoever, what it entails to be the Christ. It is the Hebraic mashiyach (maw-shee'-akh) meaning: 1. Anointed 2. usually a consecrated person (as a king, priest, or saint) 3. (specifically) the Messiah, the Anointed One.’

                The Messiah is the expected Saviour of the world. If Mohammed refuses the saving grace of the Christ, he, Mohammed is doomed and forever. Christ Jesus is the only link to the Divinity to all mankind. Speaking of this most enigmatic personage to tread the surface of the terra firma, John 1:9 reveals of Jesus, That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.Satan knows who and what Jesus is, ergo, no mentioning of the truth concerning Him should be allowed! Jesus is the truth that sets one free from satanic hegemony.

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This is exactly what Lucifer had desiderated, all these eons. He had his mind absolutely beclouded with a psychopathological crave for deification. He must bring intelligent beings together in the worship of Lucifer. He tried it when the whole world came under the first king of the earth, Nimrod, the Baal, the sun god. All that the Devil had to do is feed this religious coadunation of his satanic crave into the warped minds of these New Agers. They love it, having been lost spiritually. In the final analysis, the Antichrist will succeed in the grand unification of all religions. But, as the good Lord will have it, all born again Christians would have gone with the promised rapture to eternal bliss of heaven.Read More


Take a good look at John 1:1, there are two that are of the Deity. How can there be two, each of Whom is God, in verse one? Simple! We have to go back to Genesis. Chapter one of verse one reads: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The sobriquet ‘God’ in Hebrew is 'Elohiym (el-o-heem'): ‘1. gods in the ordinary sense 2. but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God 3. occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates 4. and sometimes as a superlative.’ If it is plural, then the Trinity was involved in creationism. Is there a singular form of the Hebraic 'Elohiym? Yes, it is 'Elowahh (el-o'-ah; rarely (shortened) >eloahh {el-o'-ah}) ‘a deity or the Deity.’ 'Elowahh appears 56 times in the Old Testament, 51 of it are in reference to Jehovah God.Read More


Who is Helena Blavatsky? An occultist. What about Emanuel Swedenborg, was he not a satanic medium? The New Agers do not accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ. They do not believe that He is the Messiah. The Bible says something about them in 1John 4:3 “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” John the divine was warning against anyone wanting to have any spiritual bonding with the likes of Cerinthus and his Gnosticism. They would rather, like Cain, go with Satanism. The Holy Spirit had not taken them through spiritual parturition. To them he has these verses as well, “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 19) They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” [1John 2:18-19].Read More


Is it not quite interesting to note that centuries before the advent of Islam the persuasive John 3:16 was all that Christians needed to populate the Kingdom of God, spiritually? Suddenly, God decided to start killing the unbelieving people with the sword of Prophet Muhammad, such that, "Paradise has one hundred grades which Allah has reserved for the Mujahidun who fight in His Cause," is all a die-hard Muslim needs to understand, and he is ready to destroy unbelieving lives. Isis of Syria, Boko Haram of Nigeria and the globally infamy: Al-Qaeda of Osama bin-Laden etc. thrive on verses like this to inflict the mayhem of terrorism on those who want nothing to do with Islamism. They will be beheading a victim as they all chorus, "Allahu akbar!" Why not? Is it not the gateway to Mohammedan Paradise? The core of Islamism is definitely jihadic. It is so crucial to Mohammedanism that he himself said with so much gusto that: "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is! I would love to be martyred in Allah's Cause and then come back to life, and then get martyred and then come back to life again, and then get martyred and then come back to life again, and then get martyred." [Sahih Al-Bukhari, 4/2797 (O.P.54)]. Jihadists are the true Muslims! Most certainly! They do the striking strives very religiously and to the utmost joy of Allah! Read More


From this commentary of Qur’an 9:20, is it not so clear that ‘strive,’ as far as the Mohammedan Qur’an is concerned, is nothing but a sanguinary hostility against anyone whose belief runs contrary to Allah’s word (the Qur’an)? That Jihadists are accorded a celestial heroic welcome is a clear indication that you have to kill a non-Muslim to enjoy the bliss of heaven. The amatory reward of 72 virgin wives is an Islamic promise. The prophet of Allah’s one huge wish was to kill as many as his warring arms of jihadism could allow. He would love to be killed in the jihadic cause of Allah’s joy. The Islamic God is called Allah, made of two words: ‘al’ and ‘illah.’ While ‘al’ is ‘the’ definite article, the definition of ‘illah’ is simply ‘god.’ There is definitely nothing special about the term ‘God.’ Anything or anybody, accorded worship, can be god. The name, God, is simply the generic term for any object of veneration. Period. The words of Jehovah, the God of the Bible, says, “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” (Exodus 3:14). ‘I AM THAT I AM’ is the Hebraic YAHWEH i.e. JEHOVAH. Read More