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David’s unwavering love for the things of his God made him the best choice to reign when Israel must have her own king. God had been watching him and knew he would be a good king. The judge, prophet and high priest of Israel, Samuel, after he had anointed him as the next king, the good LORD was so pleased with the teenage David who would not allow any smidgeon of bumptiousness towards the members of his family but humbly went back to his duty as the shepherd of the few sheep. To prove to all that David had truly gone through a successful probation, he could not help asking even of the gargantuan fiendishness of Goliath, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God” (1Samuel 17:26)? His probational days had built strong faith in him, knowing fully well that the LORD God is more than able. King Saul sought to kill David several times. Thrice David had the opportunity on platter of gold to eliminate his deadly pursuer; three times, like what is thought of a fool, David rejected the convictive words of his soldiers to kill King Saul. David’s knowledge of the word of God enabled him to make his way prosperous; leading to: “and then thou shalt have good success.”Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (5)

Cain’s decision to dishonour God’s Fatherly advice led him to the first Adamic murder charge and guilt. Consequently Cain became the first Antichrist: for the LORD God of his encounter is the Christ in His pre-Incarnational manifestation. What happened to those who turned deaf ears to the one hundred and twenty years of Noachian evangelism? Did they all not suffer annihilation save eight, Noah and his immediate household? David made the ungentlemanly mistake of not taking his eyes off the nakedness of the bathing Bathsheba. What was the end result? Lust, adultery and deceitful cover-up which culminated in David’s guilt of treacherous murder of Uriah, Bathshba’s husband, were the eventual results. Could David have really done that evil? Better not make this mistake. Above all, the most nefarious commitment of sin is to live throughout your lifetime refusing to do John 3 verse 3, which reads, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Why should a man be born again? “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23); what brought sin to the world is found in Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Man was born a sinner, from the womb of motherhood. Spiritual progeny, midwifed by the Holy Spirit is what born again is about. Getting born again requires unequivocal faith in the finished work of the cross: believing that Jesus is the Son of God; that He died for your sin; that He arose from the dead; you must believe in His Lordship, on account of which, you have decided to receive Him as Lord and Saviour. Getting born again is a conscious effort on the part of an individual – to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. You cannot afford to make the mistake of remaining unregenerate spiritually. John 3:18 says, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” Selah! Read More


The Adamic pristine couple was not robed in the animal skins just for the thrill and fun of Christmas clothing purchased for the children. It was a grand connectivity with the soteriology. It was purely sacrificial. The Bible does not disclose how many lambs, goats or rams were slaughtered. But it is quite clear that it was for the Eden couple. The number two, being the Scriptural numerology for witness and of testimony, they stood in prognostication of the True Lamb of God – Adam being of His image. As far as God was concerned, salvation had come to mankind, even in his sinfulness. It is on account of this facticity that one Pauline couch reads, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And because it is solely the choice of Divinity, one should understand why it also says, “Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:9). One very good reason that called for the Adamic elevation was the need for God to give Himself the legality to put Lucifer away for good. When you read something like God 'being needy' for whatever it is, it is never in the sense of Divine bankruptcy or shortcoming. Jehovah has all He needs or wants from eternality of the past to the futuristic periods of eternity. In all aspects, God wields absolute perfection. Sitting under Scriptural exegetical didacticism of God’s need for anything simply points to the facticity that pictures the humble stance of Divinity, assuming the status of cognitive operational reality known of Adamic level. Read More


David would ask, “Should I go up?” and to find out whether God is interested in his desire or not he will come up with the next question bordering on his success, “Wilt thou deliver them into my hands,” because it is just not a matter of going out to do something; whatever does not translate into a successful end is a useless venture. To each Davidic probing discourse God did give a definite answer to David’s audibility. At another time, God, the tactical Man of war, told David how the war would be won. Two things are learnt here, God did speak into the hearing faculty of an Adamic creature; number two, it proved that God was the true winner of that war; and is still the winning influence in all Adamic ventures. Samuel was only a small boy when the LORD GOD made him a channel to vaticinate the intent of His Divinity. Indeed, God is not a respecter of persons; meaning that God does not allow the physiognomical fame of your person before deciding to use or reject you. All you need is to be ready for Him, and you are counted as God’s ministerial tool of immense value. The jejunity of Samuel is so evident in the way he ran to Eli, saying, “Here am I; for thou didst call me,” three whole times!Read More


The only reason for David to make verbal connectivity with the LORD God is because he knew how that the God of Israel had spoken to His firstborn at Mount Sinai. He had seen how Jehovah had communed with Israel through Samuel, the High Priest, Prophet and Judge of the people of God. David believed in this God, Who had taken care of him in every way. God knows those whose hearts are with Him; and to them He had always been graciously available, to show forth the praises of Him Who has called us out of the darkness of Luciferian Satanism. David’s enquiries were always direct. God never tried to beat about the bush as if He had no knowledge of the desire of the petitioner; God had always been specifically forthright in His conversational rapport. A rapprochement is the resultant effect when God elevated Adam.Read More


David. Even though King Saul was very erratic and deserved to die at the hand of David whom he pursued with the wicked intent of killing without no just cause, David given the opportunity, would do no such thing – this is the difference between the one who fears God and the one who does not. David’s loyalty to the crown and the military head of Israel would not allow him to kill even an enemy who desperately sought after his life. But the more important reason for not wanting to end the life of Saul was the divine ministerial office King Saul held. None can become God’s child unless he gets born again. Soteriological establishment requires obedience to John 3:3 and submission to Romans 10:9-10 culminating in the process of the prayer involved. John 3:3 emphatically asseverates, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Read More


Many saved souls will be astonished at the score cards of their free moral agency of earthly existence. The actuality of free moral agency tends to push one into a lethargic state of spiritual functionality. Believing that he can get away with some sins – after all Adam and Eve did make it to heaven eventually – man wants to taste of some forbidden fruits. One prayer of forgiveness, that is all he needs, and those spiritual misdemeanours are struck out of his dark accounts. Throwing caution to the winds, children of God begin to cut unscriptural corners of Satanism to book a majestic seat of financial autonomy – counting billions in monetary value aided by the altar of ungodly ritualism –, birthed in the oven of a sworn Mammonite. Promoted by the god of this sinful world, Lucifer, the ill-gotten wealth, however, forms a frown on the holy visage of the Most High; and most despicably, they make themselves to feel satisfied paying tithes on an ill-gotten wealth.Read More


Most times God will not come personally to stop you from the mismanagement of your free moral agency. He created you. He put His fear in you, expecting you to comply with what is right. In every individual’s heart is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The Creator is waiting for you at the end – to face His judgment. Each one of Vladimir Putin, Ibrahim Babangida, Adolf Hitler, Muhammadu Buhari, Idi Amin, Emperor Nero (political leaders), Delilah and Jezebel used his or her endowed free moral agency as he or she deemed fit, albeit, wrongly. After all said and done it will be God’s judgment seat that everyone has to face. Be wise. Be a good moral agent. Read More


Have they been laughing at you: calling you a failure; wretched poor; barren witch; useless idiot and even challenging your Jesus to do something about your predicament? Let the delay strengthen your faith. You will laugh last. Joy cometh in the morning. Jehovah’s delay is not a denial of your happiness. Amen. Have you been told that you can never be a million naira rich? Have faith in the workability of divine operations. They that used their mouths to rubbish your future will have to queue up to receive monetary donations from your hands when the LORD God eventually makes you a billionaire, not in Nigerian naira but in the USA dollars. With God nothing shall be impossible. “And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren”, the Bible reveals. The word 'honourable' is the Hebraic kâbad (kaw-bad'): ‘to be heavy; be weighty; be rich'. Jabez became a heavyweight financial controller. Are you still reeling in poverty? God’s delay is not denial.Read More


At this time, David was thirty years old, so, for thirteen whole, long years all he had was the anointing but not the emblematic crown of the majestic office of God’s word concerning his kingship. The good Lord who delayed David’s coronation did not deny him of the promised throne. At another time: 2Samuel 5:3, “So all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the LORD: and they anointed David king over Israel.” God eventually made good His word.Read More

Faith Versus Empirical Veridicality [2]

Science and art are the ones crying for relevance; God is not the One who must use science and art for His Divine relevance. The perseity of science and art, from the perspective of the mentality of philosophy is fraught with Adamic errors. Science does not exist outside the scope of creationism. What we need to be theologically relevant is not the rationalism of empirical precision. The gargantuan stature of Goliath could not scare David, his love for the God of Israel made him ventilate the 1Samuel 17:26 query of, “…for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” Faith in the God of Israel was the actuating force that told him to deal, personally, with the excesses of Goliath.Read More


The heart attitude of Judas, which he could not manage, destroyed him. Matthew 26:21-24 "And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me." 22)"And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I? 23) And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. 24) The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born." Read More


Being the One who told Abraham to, "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:" of Genesis 12:1, it then behoves His excellent Divinity to show His Almighty power. God would not allow His covenanted son and friend to lose his wife. The manifestation of His power got Abraham's family protected from Pharaoh's incursion. Why? Satan wanted to scuttle the birth of the next man to receive the baton towards the emergence of the nation of Israel, and ultimately the birth of Jesus. Read More

The Birth Of Jesus

From its Hebrew origin, David is dâvid or dâvı̂yd (daw-veed') meaning: 'beloved or loving.' The Greek calls it Dabid (dab-eed'). The Incarnation is the product of God’s unfeigned love for the fallen man. So it must involve David. If Jesus is the prophesied King of kings then it is germane that His human ancestors should come from a majestic lineage. Jesus will be the conqueror. His lineage must be of a military conquering David. As David replaced the first king who failed to please God, so must Jesus replace the first Adam whose spiritual inadequacy plunged us all into sin. Jesus is truly about God’s expression of an eternal love. Amen! Read More


My Prince looks so good so much that you cannot believe that he is three scores years old. Your pulchritude, my dear Pastor, is a divine beneficence. Your modish sense is Solomonic exemplum. Indeed, only a man full of sapient ingenuity like Pastor Chris Okotie luxuriates in triumphal accomplishments. You fear the Lord, you love the LORD God, no wonder you are like David, the one HE has seen to lead in paths of righteousness that exalts a nation. If Moses, Samuel, David and Solomon all held spiritual and political posts concurrently in their respective days, what, I ask is wrong with Rev. Chris Okotie's intention to run for the political Presidency of Nigeria, his dear country? I just love your swag. Thank you for being my pastor!Read More

Get Jesus Involved (2)

Daniel involved Jesus when he opened the window towards Jerusalem in Daniel 6:10 for he remembered the 1Kings 8:44 supplication of Solomon. He had, from his teenage days, been involving the Christ, when he rejected the king's food of idolatry. And by time he had become an elderly man Daniel's involvement with the LORD was total. He had come to an absolute trust in Jehovah and did not want to depart from Him.Read More


It is a well-known fact that Job was, personally, guiltless of the predicament he found himself. He faced his trials with a certain equanimity. Tribulations are good for us. They teach us how to wear the fitting robe of patience. It is getting worse these days after six thousand years of Adam's unfortunate act that has plunged man into this quaggy state of depravity.Read More


When it came to the lust of the eyes and of the flesh and the heart David did not take his eyes off beautiful Bathsheba. The muscle between his legs i.e. his flesh forced its way into the woman, another man's wife.Read More


Those who know Him are expected to come without delay. The woman with the issue of blood trailed her Destiny, having the prerequisite faith. Faith spurred her on. Destiny is the distance between point A of the commencement of the journey and the eventual point B of your destination.Read More

….FROM THE WORD OF GOD. (Part one)

Christians do not value God's Word at all: for if all children of God place a certain premium on the inherent power of His Word, things will be ordered in a fashion that will place us in the vanguard of every earthly endeavour. A small boy, called David, an Old Testament saint, made the Word of God his fulcrum, culminating in the successful victories all his life.Read More