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Doctrinal issue


Buddhism has no answer to the hereafter. The simple reason is that, it has no architectural part in the hereafter design. The Author of creationism has already blessed us with the asseveration of John 14:18, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." A wise person, therefore, will get Jesus involved. 'Comfortless' is an interesting Greek orphanos (or-fan-os'): 'bereaved ("orphan"), that is, parentless.' It also includes those bereft of a (teacher, guide, guardian). You want to know why Jesus used orphanos? The oracular afflatus of Isaiah 9:6 unravels the divinity of this Enigma when it prophetically gives one of His sobriquets as ‘The Everlasting Father!’ The Jews thought father Abraham was the biggest paternal shot until Jesus told them, "Before Abraham was, I am!" Amen! Read More


The sin question: that is what needs to be addressed first. One must come to the realisation of his spiritual cadaveric stand before God. Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" ushers one into the cadaverous reality. The genesis of man's misery is this, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" [Romans 5:12]. You do not have to kill anyone or spread lies to receive the spiritual tag of sinfulness. Adam passed it to his progeny: mankind. It is a spiritual phenomenon. Misusing his moral agency, Adam gave the world away to the evil one, Lucifer. Jesus came to address the sin question. He is the One of the soteriological focus.Read More
Is Krishna Jesus Christ?


Krishna, does it not sound like Christ? Krishna manifests as Vishnu, the Hindu Second Member of the Trinity, just like Jesus. Krishna made an incarnate promise to fellowship with adherents: just like Jesus. He is believed to have reincarnated twelve times and the last time of His incarnation, it was as a twelve years old boy. Everything about him is a duplication of the Christ of the Bible. Hindu must of necessity make the Christo-religious connectivity. But Krishna cannot be our Jesus: for he slept with every woman that came his way, even married women! The Lord Jesus never committed fornication or adultery. Amen! The reason why Jesus would not engage in physical marriage was borne out of the fact that His marriage is a spiritual one: to the redeemed Church.Read More
Moksha of Hinduism


The first member of the Hindu Trinity is Brahma. He (Brahma) has a wife in the heavenly assizes, right? Stories about the concupiscence of Hindu gods abound. We know that Jehovah does not engage in amatory pleasure. You would not even hear of Him (Jehovah) stretching out or lazing about in any celestial chamber. Brahma is definitely not the same person as the God of the Bible. Exodus 20:3 quotes God as commanding, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Psalm 73:25 makes it clear with, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.” God Himself told Moses in Exodus 34:14, ”For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:” There is no doubt, judging from eons of Hindu religion existence, that Mohammedan Qur’an got the formlessness of Allah from Brahma’s incorporeality. I wonder how an asomatous Jehovah would, at creationism, command in Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: ….” God’s anthropomorphic dimension is seen in the word, ‘likeness’ which in Hebrew is dmuwth (dem-ooth') meaning: ‘1. resemblance. 2. (concretely) model, shape. 3. (adverbially) like.’Read More
Jesus died for your sin live for me


There is a good reason why a man will not see Jesus for what He truly is. Man's choice of the dictates of logical reasoning, fuelled by the deceptive spirit of Satanism, has blurred his Godly perception. The needed enabling spirit to appreciate Jesus, the Saviour, satanically, has been brutally defeated. Sadness of pity. A form of Jesus, ergo, is erected in every religion. God is an accepted entity simply because the sobriquet 'God' is an ambiguity. Anything can be an entity of adoration. All you just have to do is mention the divine Lordship of Jesus and all hellish of religious warmongering is let loose! Jesus has too many enemies because He is the Good Shepherd. "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them;" says Jesus in John 10:8. Reading from the first verse of John chapter ten, it is quite clear that His teaching is purely a soteriological issue. It is of a huge concern to every being of terra firma. Heaven is the place of eternal bliss. Jesus makes the asserverative, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh......except...." So, I ask, "Who else, if not Jesus?" Read More

JESUS: The WORD Of God (What does it betoken?) Part 3

(Continued from the 2nd part)                                                                                                                                                                                3)            The grand crescendo of John’s discourse was reached in this 14th verse. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” While ‘Word’ in Greek is Logos...Read More

Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come. [six]

For your scriptural information, “which was,” ho en in Greek takes the age of Jesus to the ‘eternity past.’ If no creature existed in the eternity past, it follows that whoever has his existence from that eternal past has an essence of immutability. Living before time, Jesus is immutable: for time cannot affect Him. He is as old as the Eternal Father! In Proverbs chapter 8, verse 22 speaks of wisdom: “The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.” Verse 23 underscores the “wisdom’s” datelessness, “I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.” Verses 24 to 29 which continue to uphold the eternal existence of Wisdom is essentially Jesus in Colossians 2:3 “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Read More

Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come. [five]

We understand the transcendentalism of the Eternal Father. If the Son appropriates “Which is, and which was, and which is to come,” to Himself, there is no doubt why He is “over all God, blessed forever” of Romans 9:5. The expression ‘which was’ speaks of His immutability. Jesus’ fixity accentuates His agelessness. “Which,” ho in Greek, is simply of definite article ‘the.’ En (ayn) the Greek word for ‘was’ being an imperfect tense of eime (am, be, being), is best defined as ‘One.’Read More

Which Is, And Which Was, And Which Is To Come. [one]

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There are many entities that receive worship in the present days of human existence. These entities of idolatry are imposters. Jehovah is the only One true God whose existence transcends the days of creationism. We all are in existence just because He ‘is.’ The heavenly Father ‘is,’ not as a result of the ratiocination of any other being. He does not emanate from the fantasy of ratiocinatio. Jehovah is the very ‘is’ of existence. Amen. His Being is the cause of our being. ‘Which is,’ from its definition means, ‘The Eternal Being.’Read More



                She should have accorded her husband her infamous serpentine discourse. It never occurred to her where she was plunging the entire human race when she thought within herself, "I've got this." The tempter meant a wicked business! Unbeknown to the woman was a tsunami that had taken the innoxious form of a three minute's foggy drizzle. It, she ominously thought, was just a harmless curiosity that hissed through fanciful fangs devoid of venom of paralysis. She took upon herself, the role that had no existence in the marital code of Eden –God's home.

                She spoke, unconstitutionally, without the authorisation from the authorised Adam. Words, before God, are so important that they must be brought before His adjudication. Armed with an idiotic confidence, unfortunately, she did not know that she was actually working against the will of God. What an ironic event! The one who was created to bait the enemy of God into incarceration is falling prey to a serpentine manipulation!  

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The Christmas Story (Part two)

Herod is the Greek Herodes (hay-ro'-dace) meaning ‘heroic.’ This king is Herod the Great. His heroic greatness is of man, the labour to which greatness is wood, hay and stubble (1Cor. 3:12) which profiteth nothing (John 6:63). Jesus is the true Hero of our miserable life of sinfulness. Herod’s political heroism cannot be compared to the soteriological kerygma of the Lord Jesus which says of Him, “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). The geographical ‘east,’ from where the wise men or Magi came from is anatole (an-at-ol-ay') ‘1. a rising of light 2. (figuratively) dawn 3. (by implication) the east (also in plural).’ Man had been looking esoterically at the sun in the worship of the sun god, Baal or Nimrod. The true Light shone into the cogitations of these astrologers and they decided to seek the Truth even Jesus. They forsook idolatrous Nimro-Semiramic assistance, turned to Jesus, the King of kings, and the Saviour of mankind.Read More

The Christmas Story (Part one)

Professionally they were star and moon gazing astrologers of the Spirit offending Nimro-Semiramic order. It was very apropos to necessitate the visit of the Magi. They represent the spiritual powers of Satanism, which must bow before the LORD God, because it says, “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him:” [Matthew 2:11]. Baby Jesus, the central of attraction, is the nonpareil Adam. The seemingly weakling of His infancy is the humanity of ‘which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. The swaddling-clothed infantility is the Bishop of our dying souls (1Peter 2:25).Read More


Is it not very interesting to note that this humongous space of the universe excludes the very third heaven abode of Divine Majesty? The minutest of evil, the size of the least of the fraction of an office pin poke cannot find its containerising incursion into the Holy One of Israel. It is quite germane to quote Scriptures to betoken theological didacticism. Isaiah 7:14-15 reads “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 15) Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.” Read More


He should have forgiven the pristine parents of Eden and used that occasion to shame the Devil. Should He not have manifestly appear in Person to warn the Antedeluvian Age of the impending annihilation? If He had shown that magnanimity He would not need come down to meet the Nimrod ruled world to remind them of what their grandparents told them about the deluge and its destruction. So many questions make man think he is or could be smarter than God. Why, ergo, would God choose the path of unforgiveness?Read More


"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" [Romans 10:10]. The noun 'righteousness' is the Greek dikaiosunē (dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay): 'a feminine noun which speaks specifically of (Christian) justification.’ The feminity stance makes our justification a proper Bride of the Righteous Lamb, who has sworn the oath of "I will never leave nor forsake thee." Most definitely, our life, as His mystical body on terra firma, has its locale majestically in Christ, the Second Member of the Godhead. "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory," so says the word of God in Colossians 3:4, where 'life' is zoe, 'God's kind of life.' The life of this new species cannot be lost, having its location in Christ, who continually takes care of it: for it is His own life! Amen!Read More


If it is pertaining to soteriological theme, and we all understand that God alone can save, then this Son is the incarnation of the holy One of Israel, and most absolutely, the LORD God who did form Adam and his woman in the Garden of Eden. He had come to retrieve that which Adam lost. "And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world" [1John 4:14]. If Jesus is the Saviour, with a capital 'S' then one of my favourite verses, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" [John 1:3], is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Amen. Read More


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Divine methodology regarding the marital machinery places the woman of the conjugal relationship in the state of hupotassō under her husband. How would she learn and love, with all her heart, to submit to him if she does not ask for his oracular guidance very often? If the man you intend to marry is definitely beneath your spiritual maturity, reconsider your conjugal intention because this spiritual disequilibrium can cast a spiritual spell of stagnation. It can be a disaffecting constant vexation of your heart. It will be a harrowing experience of an excruciating degree finding out an impossibility to maximise your spiritual potentials. Marriage is a very serious business! The spiritual inequilibrium is the bane of divorcement!Read More


Love is not a feeling. It is a commitment. A great man of God defines love saying, "A love called out of the heart of the lover on account of the value placed on the object of his love." For believing the finished work of salvation by Jesus, God places a huge value upon the regenerate soul. The husband, understanding the love of Jesus, goes to do likewise to his wife. The 'love' expressed is the Greek agape, 'an unconditional affection.' There is, therefore, no excuse for not loving the wife. None whatsoever. Ephesians 5:22 tells the woman, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." What is the Greek word for 'submit'? It is hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): 'to arrange under, to subordinate, obey.' Hupotassō comes from hupo (under) and tasso (arrange properly).Read More


Ascension of Mary, where in the Old or the New Testament does it boast of a biblical record? It is merely of unscriptural Catholicism. Did Joseph, her husband, go through the same physical ascension as well? I guess not! Selah! Creationism embroidered in every intelligent being, a heart of adoratory predisposition. Docility, engendered by the original sin, man would prostrate in worship of what ignites his religious fancy. Catholicism, laden with speciosity of Scripture, has successfully wrapped her adherents in the straitjacket of religion. Honestly, no sophistry is required to inculcate John 3:3. You want to know what establishes the enforcement of Mariolatry? This is it. In the eighth century, the second council of Nicea decreed that the image of God was as proper an object of worship as God Himself. If you truly love God, will you obey or disobey His express mand? Selah! Read More


In the year 1198, Catholicism gave Mary the titles: co-redemptrix, advocate, auxiliatrix, adjutrix, mediatrix, believing that as the mother of Christ, she should share in His official responsibilities. I have a question? Who decides who shares in divine attributes, man or the Divinity? Do we call this ecumenical decision an acute scriptural indigence on the part of Catholicism or a blatant gibe at Scripture? Do we not know whose job it is to distribute ecumenical offices in Acts 13:2 “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them?”Read More