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Jesus Christ


Ephesians 5:21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” This Pauline verse teaches humility among children of God. This submission finds itself in the locational sphere of reverence to the word of God. It is not borne out of guileful pleasing art. Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.” Two things, I have always maintained, are the solutions to a successful marriage. The husband must love his wife; and the wife is scripturally expected to submit to her husband. ‘Submit’ in Greek is hupotasso (hï-po-tas'-sō): ‘1. to subordinate. 2. (reflexively) to obey.’ This Greek word comes from two roots of hupo (hï-po') prep. ‘1. under. 2. (of place, genitive) beneath;’ and tasso (tas'-sō): ‘to arrange in an orderly manner.’ When you put hupotasso together what it says to the wife is: ‘package yourself very well and place it under your husband.’ The husband is the head of the family. The Greek for ‘head’ is kephale (ke-fa-lee'), meaning ‘the head (as the part most readily taken hold of); origin and source.’Read More


Satan the Devil knew what he was aiming at when he goaded the woman to be the first to oppugn God’s word. Lucifer knew that by sowing views of divergency his anarchical intent would fructify. The minute a divergent view becomes a belief, the heart of its containerization puffs, having received the yeast of pollutive spread. Hagar suddenly found herself wearing the same sandals as her mistress the very moment she was given the legitimacy of sleeping with the lord and husband of her mistress. Sooner than later she hit the social jackpot. She was with a child, the child of none other personage than the great Abraham! Hagar saw herself as the mother of Abraham’s heir! She forgot where she was picked from. Hagar forgot the legality of Sarah’s ownership of her person. All that Satanism made her understood was her Gibraltar-like foothold she stood to have in Abraham’s household for giving him the heir Sarah could not produce all those decades of conjugation. Read More


Many pastors, evangelists, born again Christians will lose crowns. Many husbands will have to contend with being under the leadership of their earthly wives or children. Crowns of good works determine the hierarchy of empyreal citizenry. Some pastors, who cannot do without engaging in certain vices like sexual immorality, will serve under their church members. It will not be painful an experience to find one in, but, what is sown is what is reaped. You will not wallow in shame, but, your official celestial status, which is dependent on the good things you do now as a Christian either places you lower or much lower than some people if you allow yourself to be dominated by sensual propensity. None will be plunged into slavery of any kind, but you will be low in the new world to come for all eternity. Imagine what the Creator’s elevation of a born again Christian will amount to in heaven before we come to spend the rest of eternity on earth? No one elects anyone into such celestial offices; none will ever be made to lose that office. It is eternally a bestowal of the Divinity. It will be mind-blowing. Let you be warned of the glory of eternal greatness, found nowhere else but in heaven. Read More


Why would someone say, “Jihadic execution of non-practising Muslims is Allah’s commission to righteous followers of Muhammadanism?” Globally, Jihad kills and continues to assassinate people who will not chant, “Allahu Akbar! And Muhammad is His prophet!” In the hand of Islamic jihadism is a lethal weapon. If he is a free moral agent, then that bestows the power of killing, in the name of Allah, to him.Read More


Many saved souls will be astonished at the score cards of their free moral agency of earthly existence. The actuality of free moral agency tends to push one into a lethargic state of spiritual functionality. Believing that he can get away with some sins – after all Adam and Eve did make it to heaven eventually – man wants to taste of some forbidden fruits. One prayer of forgiveness, that is all he needs, and those spiritual misdemeanours are struck out of his dark accounts. Throwing caution to the winds, children of God begin to cut unscriptural corners of Satanism to book a majestic seat of financial autonomy – counting billions in monetary value aided by the altar of ungodly ritualism –, birthed in the oven of a sworn Mammonite. Promoted by the god of this sinful world, Lucifer, the ill-gotten wealth, however, forms a frown on the holy visage of the Most High; and most despicably, they make themselves to feel satisfied paying tithes on an ill-gotten wealth.Read More


Most times God will not come personally to stop you from the mismanagement of your free moral agency. He created you. He put His fear in you, expecting you to comply with what is right. In every individual’s heart is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The Creator is waiting for you at the end – to face His judgment. Each one of Vladimir Putin, Ibrahim Babangida, Adolf Hitler, Muhammadu Buhari, Idi Amin, Emperor Nero (political leaders), Delilah and Jezebel used his or her endowed free moral agency as he or she deemed fit, albeit, wrongly. After all said and done it will be God’s judgment seat that everyone has to face. Be wise. Be a good moral agent. Read More


Why free moral agency? It is never God’s intention to create robots as people who would represent Him – whether in heaven or on the terra firma. A robot has no intention of his; it has no soul; it is devoid of spiritual intelligence, and it is too mechanical to appreciate the awesome wonderment that strikes an intelligent being of creationism, and leading to the sense of venerable appeal that eventually engenders the knee-bent latria in the presence of the Creator. A robot will kneel in worship simply because it has been so programmed, and never out of genuine reverential appeal. The LORD God has a sense of feeling; His intelligent creation must have an endowment of sensation as well. The Creator perceives intelligently; if the intelligent beings of creation must have the “likeness and the image” of their Creator, then their perceptive abilities must not possess the mechanical programming of computerized objects.Read More


Scriptural veridicality as revealed in God’s enjoinment of Genesis 2, verse 17 underscores God’s preeminent sovereignty over His creation. When you merge Jehovah’s authorship of creationism with His adjudicatory ultimacy, what you must be in awareness of is His Almighty Godhood over all phenomenality. Does His Almightiness not come in the way of His dealings with man so that He must of necessity force people to do His divine will all the time, making a whole lot of nonsense of this free moral agency?Read More


The strength of the Christian belief which is of Scriptural facticity is that “the saving of the soul” is based on the substitutionary death of the Golgotha cross which purchased the redeemed. The cost of this redemption is too expensive to make an availability of a repurchase of the redeemed soul of the Christian – it is absolutely God’s property –; also because God will not change His mind concerning the intent of His divine pronouncement. In this purchase, the good thing about it is its eternality – “that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. The reason why we, the true Christians, cannot ‘draw back’ is the eternality of the purchase. The cost of this redemption is too high to allow the object of this salvation to be lost. Love without measure. What is the cost? God Himself! Acts 20:28 “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” The active word ‘purchase’ is peripoieomai (pe-riy-poi-ye'-o-mai): ‘to make around oneself, i.e. acquire (buy).’ Read More


Where it says, “If God be for us, who can be against us” is, by all odds, a most cheering news. ‘For' is huper (hoop-er'), meaning: ‘in behalf of; for the sake of; over;' while 'against' is kata (kat-ah): ‘down in (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case [genitive, dative or accusative] with which it is joined).’ The 31st verse paints a picture of God taking the stance of protagonism over us; not pleading for the maintenance of our glorification, but hoisting the eternal flag of redemption for our sake. Can anyone or anything come down in opposition to God’s absolute desire: of which He had sworn to prevent from decay? Selah!Read More


Amazing Grace did not only foreknow the born again Christian, the grace of God predestined me for salvation knowing fully well that I would accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Having said Romans 10:9-10 in the prayer that concludes the soteriological ritual, God did what none can ever bring to perfection. He 'conformed’ me – a born again – to the image of Himself': for is it not understood that “he that seeth Him – Jesus – hath seen the Father” (John 14:9)? Now, that brings one closer to understanding why it says, “Ye are gods”. God looks at me, a Christian, and who does He see? He sees the Christ in me. What does He call me? He will adorably intone, “My dear son in whom I’m well pleased!” Amen.Read More


When the contentious question of “Can a Christian lose his salvation?” is raised, I do not waste time in pointing to John 3:16 as one of the Scriptural solutions to this contention which several Christians will treat with heated acidity of negation. The famous verse begins with “For God so loved” and nobody seems to ask, “At what point in time did God shower the world with this love?” Trace the chronological reality of this beneficence and you may have to travel way back into the realm of eternality. A plan of an architectural edifice, as we all are aware, has always been with the commencement of an uninhabitability of the project. In like manner, God, the Architect of the universal creation, sat down long before He brought anything into creationism in the eternity past, and had decided that, this creature of humanity, who will sin against Me, must be given a second chance to acquire my zoë type of life-eternal. When God dwells on a course of action, He has always thought it through – nothing to amend; so it can be said of Him, “I am the LORD I change not.”Read More


When relationships go awry the targeted realm of botheration is the mind. To the Christ-less individuals, they feel like being swallowed up by a gaping ground; life, to them, has come to a termination. But, never is it so – to the Christ initiated people. They show, in prayer, the unbearable cardiac situation to God in the precious name of Jesus and what happens? The LORD God who had long before then watched over His children showers them with the Excellency of heart soothing peace. His words of protection flood their minds. The angels of the LORD sentinel the activities of His children, ensuring that the destructive arrows of jilt do not overwhelm our mental stability. The heart of a born again Christian belongs to Jesus; and He is the custodian of the hearts of the redeemed souls. When a man or a woman says, “I don’t love you anymore; this is the end of the road;” the eternal love of Jesus stands: a pillar of strength, loving you more than you can ever imagine. Amen! Read More


The antediluvian patriarchs passed the baton of succession of God’s business one to the other, culminating in Noah’s leading humanity through the flood. Why? God wanted to preserve humanity. Noah passed the baton to Shem. Japheth continued on a larger scale. Ham, the supposedly cursed, must complete the soteriological enterprise. How come so? God had blessed him immediately after the great deluge. Abraham passed the baton to Isaac who also did the same to Jacob. Whether Jacob was a ‘supplanting’ schemer or not: the grace of God took care of his spiritual inadequacies. Whether under curse or not, in this end-time proclamation of the coming of Jesus Christ, it is strictly a divine appointment for Ham of Africa to champion it. Amen. Read More


Cain’s treasonable felony against the headship of his father and the family of Adam gave Lucifer all the opportunities he needed to unleash havoc on humanity. Cain means 'javelin'. As the first born in human history, it behoves Cain to use the instrumentality of his name to protect the nascent Eden family. Rather than attack the devilish incursion, Cain joined forces with Lucifer, culminating in Adamic dichotomy. Cain became the progenitor, head and lord of the antediluvian miscreants. Even though mankind had fallen into sinfulness, the sacrificial grace was the atonement availability for sins. God made sure not to create man for annihilation; and what He did to bring man back to Himself was to create man in the Image of Christ. Eternal security. Yes, this points to the secured eternality of the true believer simply because the Image of God is an Eternal Christ. God allowed several salvific opportunities to gracefully pamper us. It is of grace lest any should boast.Read More


Ham, all the while, had been satisfying himself with the worship of variety of gods. Africa busied herself with the myriads of mythical deities. In the expansive drive of Europe, the progeny of Japheth, through seafaring brought the gospel to Africa of Ham, the son of Noah. Ham means 'warm, hot'. The curse must not go directly to Ham. Why? Ham has his own calendar of divine timing for the proclamation of the word of Adamic salvation. Check this out. You will find out that Africa is the hottest in this end of time propagation of the gospel of atonement. Great teachers of the Word abound in the land of Ham. It is the Divine turn of Ham to preach till the rapture experience. Amen. Satan understands these things, so, he must do all he can to make it very difficult and if possible, outright impossible to continue Divine mandate according to God’s calendar in regard to Hamish duty in the business of the heavenly Father.Read More


If God had placed a direct curse on Adam, it would have been ominous in certain ways. A negation of God’s infallibility, pertaining to the Logos, would have stood to challenge the validity of God’s benediction. It would have meant that Jehovah God, either did not think well before blessing them, or did not make use of His foreknowledge; or maybe God did not truly know the future. Jesus would not have had the enablement to subdue death. God’s benediction says: “and subdue it – i.e. the earth. Jesus came to the earth as a man. It must be an indirect curse, so that, one day Enos and the antediluvian saints would have the legality to “call upon the name of the LORD.”Read More


Jesus Christ, the Lord from heaven, an uncreated Being, merely participated in the fleshly nature of Adamic corporeality. Christ wore the humanity of Jesus, the son of Mary, as a man wears his clothing. Christ needed to become a human being to save Adam from the annihilating sinful nature. Remember what it says in John 1:14 that “the WORD was made flesh” and I explained that the ‘made’ is actually ginomai, meaning ‘become’. Peace that passes all understanding is what to expect from the Prince of peace. For an unprecedented whole millennium, the LORD Jesus will sit on His throne of righteousness in administration of perfect peace which none other can give other than 'which is, and which was, and which is to come,' Lord Jesus, the Almighty. Read More


In Zechariah 6:13 the ‘Counsellor’ is at once the King and the Priest after the order of Melchizedek – without a beginning and no ending of His Majestic sacerdotalism due to the fact of His eternality. The ubiquity of Jesus is captured in Luke 21:15. Who can give wisdom to the hearts of several people in diverse locations save the Most High? Jesus containerizes the entire wisdom and knowledge of God, ergo, He knows all things. There is no gainsaying the fact that only an entity of divinity can be made to us: wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption found in 1Corinthians 1:30.Read More


In Matthew 28:18-20, three things: omnipotence, co-equality with the Father and ubiquity are revealed concerning Him. His authority transcends the terra firma of humanity, it includes heaven itself. This means angelic host and the elders whose seats form a semicircle around the celestial throne bow down to Jesus’ authority. The baptism formula evokes the presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and this is the Trinity. As a Member of the Trinity, Jesus Christ is co-equal with the Father in His Divinity. His ubiquity is seen in the fact that wherever the disciples go across the universe, He is with each one of them at the same time.Read More