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Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (two)

Being a born again Christian is the path that heads straight to the new and the living way established by Jesus Christ when He said, “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:28). Nicodemus went to meet with the very Foundation and the Head of the Church, the pillar and the ground of truth, where Christianity is practised. The new birth is actually midwifed by the Holy Spirit, God from above. ‘Except’ and ‘cannot’ are two strong negating terms showing the impossibility of salvation without going through Christianity founded by Jesus. Encapsulating the entire Bible is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Salvation to all mankind through Jesus, whose atoning blood erases the sin that herds unbelievers into hell, is what John 3 verse 16 makes known to all. Where is this taught? The Christian Church. The eighteenth verse reads, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” You either come to Jesus and be saved, or go elsewhere which seems right in the sin contaminated perception of humanity and perish forever. Christianity awaits all and sundry; “Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden,” Jesus calls out, and concludes with the most reassuring, “and I will give you rest.” Read More

Christianity Is The Only Way To Salvation (one)

Scripturally, whoredom is idolatrous practice. Any one or assemblage that worships not the true God is engaged in spiritual prostitution. There is one God. Serving another spiritually is to have forsaken the true God. The first marriage in the Garden of Eden was not only between God’s children, the LORD God is the Father-in-law of the pristine couple. In the eternal mind of God, He must marry the Church to redeem her. For this theological reason, it is a divine taboo to worship another god. Many so-called churches are institutions of Satanism. Religions that do not worship God in truth and in Spirit – Jesus being the truth, and the Holy Spirit being the Spirit of Truth – do so in fruitless vain. Jesus died, like Adam (before the emergence of the Eden woman), for the Church, established for the preservation of saved souls. The Holy Spirit, after the death, resurrection, ascension and His session on the right hand of the celestial Majesty, continues to nurture the Church: providing the Church with pastors, evangelists, prophets and the enabling power to go marching on, till the day of the rapture. Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (5)

Cain’s decision to dishonour God’s Fatherly advice led him to the first Adamic murder charge and guilt. Consequently Cain became the first Antichrist: for the LORD God of his encounter is the Christ in His pre-Incarnational manifestation. What happened to those who turned deaf ears to the one hundred and twenty years of Noachian evangelism? Did they all not suffer annihilation save eight, Noah and his immediate household? David made the ungentlemanly mistake of not taking his eyes off the nakedness of the bathing Bathsheba. What was the end result? Lust, adultery and deceitful cover-up which culminated in David’s guilt of treacherous murder of Uriah, Bathshba’s husband, were the eventual results. Could David have really done that evil? Better not make this mistake. Above all, the most nefarious commitment of sin is to live throughout your lifetime refusing to do John 3 verse 3, which reads, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Why should a man be born again? “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23); what brought sin to the world is found in Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Man was born a sinner, from the womb of motherhood. Spiritual progeny, midwifed by the Holy Spirit is what born again is about. Getting born again requires unequivocal faith in the finished work of the cross: believing that Jesus is the Son of God; that He died for your sin; that He arose from the dead; you must believe in His Lordship, on account of which, you have decided to receive Him as Lord and Saviour. Getting born again is a conscious effort on the part of an individual – to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. You cannot afford to make the mistake of remaining unregenerate spiritually. John 3:18 says, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” Selah! Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (4)

Does God not know that mistakes will be committed? Why does He not stop them, after all He is a very responsible Jehovah? God knew there will be commitment of mistakes; it is for this reason He gave mankind His laws. Being the Alpha and the Omega, the Almighty, He had to give us laws to warn intelligent beings not to make mistakes of sinfulness. Your argument is, “So, if He knew I will commit this blunder and I do everything to make sure the mistake never happens, do I not prove the Almighty Omniscience wrong?” And still ruminating through your mind, “Also, looking at it from the angle of inevitability, if the LORD God has seen it coming, what can one do to avert the ineluctable futurism of divine establishment?” This thinking is sheer determinism. The doctrine of the Bible does not operate on fatalistic tendencies. God made us free moral agents. He does not create anybody to populate the number of insanity. Forces of darkness initiate evil eventualities more often; the good Lord sees it and expects you to activate your free moral agent dynamism. It is so amazing that the Book of Genesis holds the origination of all Adamic eventuation. Creating the first Eden Garden couple intelligent beings, God gave them the responsibility of free moral agency. Being beings of creationism, they did not possess the faculty of the Omniscience, ergo, prone to acts of gaucherie. To protect them from solecistic goad of evil Lucifer, God instructed Adam, concerning Eden, “to dress it and to keep it.” The two active dress and keep definitely, put Adam in responsible charge of the Garden, God’s House.Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (3)

One great Bible teacher defines agapē thus: “A love called out of the heart of the lover, on account of the value the lover has placed on the object of his love.” Quite ponderous, I believe. This is the love of Divine display towards Christianity: for God saw the Christ-value on those who would accept Jesus, the Author of salvation, and bestowed agapē on His object of love. Amen. This love is not a feeling per se, it is a commitment. This love will not say, “I love her, because of her hair, legs, face, intelligence, beauty, fame or wealth.” The agapē love stems from his commitment to the success of God’s institution: marriage. The word ‘submit’ is the Greek hupotassō (hoop-ot-as’-so): 'to arrange under, to subordinate, put in subjection, obey.’ The wife is expected, by the Institutor of marriage, to package herself and place herself under the instructions of her husband. The thing is, if you do not see this man as intelligent enough to place your being under him, just do not make the mistake of getting confined to him in marriage. Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (2)

Is one night stand not fashionably accepted way of ‘catching fun'? You call it ‘one night stand', I tell you the truth, it is actually ‘one wicked night with Satan, the dark lord of evil’. Has it not resulted in millions of blackmailed victims? You think your manhood is free to traverse the fleshly privacy of all femininity you come across? Kings, military generals, teachers, pastors, evangelists, politicians, great men and women of industries have fallen under the corruption of sex. You do not even know how demonic your illicit sex partner is. One sex can invoke demons into the destruction of your person. You think you are making money out of sex, but do you know that you could actually be dining with demonic principalities? The man had rubbed fetish substances of demonism on his penis. His entrance makes way for the destructive elementals to feed mercilessly on you. Your home becomes the playground for evil occupation just because you had sex with that beautiful, innocent looking, young girl. You did not know that she was on an annihilating mission.Read More

Better Not Make The Mistake (1)

If the Word of God is strictly “marriage before sex” and you think you can circumvent that divine clause, do have a second thought; and if you happen to be a person of impervious heart, then take yourself through to the tenth thought: better not make this stupidity of mistake. The stupid alibi I have always heard from illicit coition is the protectiveness of, “…we had a consensual sex.” The LORD God, the Creator, hates fornication – sex before marriage. What is outlawry? It is simply lawlessness! Fornicators are outlaws. How many fornicators are expecting pregnancy? Negligible few, I believe, are in this business of Satanism. The logicality of pregnancy pricks not the impervious conscience of fornicators. Pregnancies have scuttled or destroyed educational pursuits; and what about shame? It has brought untold stories of obloquy. Okay, you want protection from unwanted baby. But the pills can either do chemical damage or just fail to yield the desired result! Oh, you want to opt for the condom? Is it not possible for the rubber to have a faulty tear or hole? It is better not to commit this error.Read More

ADAM (3)

If by one man God’s word was successfully put to work and got truly protected, Adam, the man, would have brought to perfection, Christ’s soteriological role. She, who willfully sinned, would have been gathered together with the spirit behind the stealthy meandering evil who asked, “Hath God said 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” to hell, I believe, putting an end to Satanism. Adam, if you had just done that you would have been our champion, pristine father and the grand teacher of the express Word of God. Jesus Christ would not have had to go through the gruesome Golgotha crucifixion to save the world. Adam, the whole world would be cheering you as the king of earthly kings. The gold you could not lay your fallen nature on would be extracted with no sweat at all. Other rich minerals of the earth would be at our disposal for the good of all. Would there have been the mad rush for the selfish mining of the earth’s rich resources? I think not. The Adamic elevation of God’s intent would have commenced much quicker. Eden, the cradle of Adamic birth would be the capital of the entire globe. Your obedience to Jehovah would have banished Lucifer and his foul disembodied spirits from the world. Read More

ADAM (2)

Methinks your Eden paradise was blessed with superabundant edible crops where every herb and fruit is not only charged with salubrity, it is laced with luscious twang. Why, on earth, would you want to be blindfolded with what was repulsive to the mind of the Creator? Your unexpected deed brought the elevation course of humanity on its knees. Satanism enthroned, demonism became the goading spirits of abject sinfulness. There is not a smidgeon of doubt in the reasoning disposition of my being: that you did not know what you were plodding headlong into when you reached out to take the forbidden fruit from your derailed wife. The faculty of your reasoning failed to capture the full extent of your capitulation and the resultant impending, calamitous world. Probably learning, for the first time, of the fall of Adam in Bible Knowledge class, my young sister, of age seven or so, came home from school and could not help soliloquizing, “Oh Adam did not do well at all. You plunged the whole world into this mess!” I shook my head and inwardly I said, “Welcome to reality,” to the very young Oyeronke, now Pastor (Mrs.) E.O. Atiba, now a grandmother and a Director of Nursing of the LAUTECH University Hospital, Ogbomoso. Adam, you disappointed the LORD God and humanity. Read More

ADAM (1)

That instructions from Lucifer is pollutive knowledge; a contamination of divine funtionality to the existence of any created being. There was no way you could have handled it successfully. You were not yet ready to undo the pollution he spread by his chicanery. Only the derailment of the lost ones toy with this satanic knowledge of good and of evil; it polluted Lucifer and turned him into a freak: the Devil. Amen. You should have not allowed your fallen woman to pollute your heart with the weakness that led to your compromising stance. You should have given her a flinty warning to, "Stay away from me!" You should have told Adam the female, "By going against the word of my mouth, you have cut yourself away from the LORD God." Adam, theologically, stood as the oracle of the LORD God. He was the Eden creature vested with the afflatus of divine protocol. Just like the Israelites who craved for an earthly royalty, the Eden woman rejected the LORD God when she ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil as against the instruction of her husband. Your stupid stunt, Madam Adam, only exacerbated Adamic humiliation. Your act was jeopardous to our existence. Read More


The Word of God clearly states in Matthew 26:28, “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Exegetical explanation of this verse is the Pauline, “For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second” (Hebrews 8:7). Sin robs one of all hopes, even the ones that stand good chances of activation. Adam behaved in this similitude, because Scripture did not report his plead for the original sin. Unlike Lucifer, whom I believe the LORD knew that he would not change at all, Adam, today, continues to walk to the Christian Church altar, praying the prayer of salvation. Lucifer could not envisage the future role of his crave. How could he, when he is not omniscient? Could he have seen what goes on everywhere simultaneously? He has not the faculty of the Omnipresence. Lucifer secretly, without permission, tampered with the knowledge of good and evil, and to his chagrin he lacked the enhancement of omnipotence to navigate through omniscience to traverse the labyrinth of the knowledge of good and evil. Lucifer, you failed. Amen. Read More


He did not even realize what the mere contemplation had caused: a stupid oozing drool from his lips. The beclouding stupidity of his bizarre desideration failed to point out the fact that each of the Beings of the Divinity is the Almighty, an uncreated Entity of eternality. Lucifer forgot that his existence came from the creative – bârâ’ –lips of his Creator. Son of the Morning, how could you be detached from the perfection of your making, and from the fact that you did not, like Jehovah, come into being by your own power? Your angelic sonship to the LORD God is not biological; it is not capable of rendering your son-placing a cultural equality with the Eternal Father, as it is obtained traditionally. It is the LORD’s call to create equality with Him, not ever yours – an object of creationism. Out of nothing, Satan the Devil, you came from; how could you not remember your bârâ’ nativity? Your stupidity has sentenced you back into nothingness. An entity of creationism cannot aspire to the status of worshipped God – it is a spiritual aberration. You must have the unparalleled qualifications of the three O’s – Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence – to receive the latria due to the ‘Ělôhı̂ym. The omniscience of the Godhead will not advance into the entertainment of hereticism. The Godhead, with Lucifer as a member, will, no doubt, mar Divinity with a freakish clown.Read More


What is scripturally clear is that a reading between the lines of God’s protocol will unmask the leader of the first coup d’etat, Satan the Devil, to be the one whose true sobriquet is Lucifer. Like my Pastor, Reverend Chris Okotie, will always say, everything goes back to Genesis; so to Genesis chapter three we start this exegetical trip of exposing Lucifer – I have always told him, “I’m going to expose you!” At the commitment of the original sin, God’s main object of judgement was the nailing of the evil spirit behind the serpentine meandering intrusion of God’s house: Eden. God did not go to Satan directly, He went to Adam who pointed to his wife, who in turn confessed in verse thirteen, “The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.”Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (four)

Soteriology is not an afterthought, on the part of the Godhead; the established conclusion of it had been an eternality of His design. If after the creation of intelligent beings, God decided, to save or destroy souls in hell, as Calvinistic lapsarianism erroneously see it – in its ludicrous egregiousness –, does it not portray Jehovah’s established omniscient faculty fact as a mere ruse, an absolute mirage! Before the creation of time, no doubt, the Members of the Godhead had decided what to do, having by foreknowledge faculty of their omniscience, seen what would unfold, had made up their minds on what should be obtained. The Godhead had fixed the T&C pertaining to salvation. They were not toying with the intended free will of the creationism proposed intelligent beings. It will definitely be quiet sadistic on the part of the eternally sinless Godhead to fashion, intentionally, intelligent beings out of the creationism just for hellish cast. If God should commit one smidgeon of sin, He becomes eternally a disciple of Satanism. The goodness of the Fashioner of creationism will not afford it. Even if He decided to sin, He could easily purge Himself, but the eternality of truthfulness maintains that the LORD GOD will not let it happen for goodness' sake! Amen.Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (three)

When God limited the direct progenies of Noah to three sons, it was Israel, in Shem; Europe, residing in Japheth; and in an end time publication of the gospel of the evangelism of salvation finding its conclusion in Africa (specifically of Nigeria, I believe) of Ham. Three is the Divine number of perfect manifestation: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” (1John 5:7). God’s counsel must prevail; hence, three must branch out of Noah – God’s rest. He would not allow a fourth child, and because four stands for creation, man must not be given the right to create from the depth of sinfulness, being accorded the legality to create. Man’s fallen nature will never lack the manipulations of Satanism.Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (two)

Spiritual Israel is quite different from Israel after the order of carnality. I have two scriptures to buttress this fact. 1Corinthians 10:18 “Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?” If the Word of God does see some as Israel of carnality, definitely, there must be spiritual Israel. There was a divine need to enter Adamic depravity into a new testamentary order. Does it not asseverate, “For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second” (Hebrews 8:7). Soteriology is the perfection of true salvation. The first testament took away sin temporarily; the second testament is the soteriology – eternal design of the Divinity; meant only for as many as are led by the Spirit to become Christians who walk with God. Galatians 6:16 reads, “And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.” Israel of God is the true Israel, the called, ready to forsake all, washed in the blood of Jesus clean; and be called the children of the Most High. Romans 9:6 “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:” because in the new dispensation of Adamic elevation, you must be born again. Israel in the flesh is the present day geographical State of backslidden Jews. Many of them do not still believe in the Golgotha atonement. God must always have His own people so it became necessary to birth the spiritual Israel, each individual of this mystical body having the eternal seed of fruitful Godliness in his soul. Without this species of people, God will destroy the earth. To keep the earth from destruction, His special people must have their dwelling on earth. How unsearchable is God’s wisdom, and His ways past finding out. Hallelujah! Read More

Soteriology: Eternal Design Of Divinity (one)

The eternal Father could not have been taken by surprise. He had known this before they were created. Blessedly, God had taken precautions; was ready for this eventuality; definitely, knew He was not going to lose either of these two Adamic prototypes. The first term of conditionality intrinsically designed for his – Adam’s – survival was admittance of guilt. If Adam would not flaunt his shortcoming on earth, like Lucifer did in heaven, then the propitiatory lambs were of readiness for their restoration based purely on a T&C of fugacity. Agreeing to the perpetration of ungodly, sinful act is tantamount to asking for divine help. Arrogance will always stand in opposition to seeking divine offer of mercy. Right there in the Garden of Eden, the eternal designs began to take shapes. This revelation I am sharing here makes me appreciate Pastor Chris Okotie’s didactic insistence that Israel has a subtle mention in the Eden fall. Did God not know that Adam would fall into sin? When He walked into Eden, the first thing God did was to call out, “Adam, where art thou?” not to the destruction of the Adamic elevation, but He was on a mission of restoration of Adamic elevation, according to His eternal design. Read More

Why Was Adam Created Naked? (two)

Lucifer sinned and that was the end of his righteous stand before God. The angels that followed Lucifer tried to populate the earth with their ungodly progenies of half-angels-half-men; and what happened? They have been serving their gaol sentences in Tartarus ever since. There were beings on earth when Lucifer and his fallen angels were cast to it. They were subtly deceived into following the Devil; that, getting them estranged from the holy God, they became demonic entities of disembodied evil spirits. The fall of Adam begat God’s anger; but this fall did not cause the annihilation of his entire progenies. The naked days of his righteous Eden abode engendered the spirit of meekness. From his heart, God saw true repentance. Adam, the lord of Eden, sinned; was washed in the blood of Jesus for his forgiveness; every one of his progenies who heed the call of salvation receives spiritual cleansing, becomes born again; he will be transported to heaven in divine rapture if he or she lives to the time of the revelation of the Antichrist. In heaven, the gentleness of his spiritual disposition places him beside Jesus Christ at the right hand of the celestial Majesty; after that Adam comes back to the earth to inherit it forever, in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Read More

Why Was Adam Created Naked? (one)

Adam happens to be God’s cynosure of the creationism. He was created to become the paramount personality among all intelligent beings of creation. Adam would rule as God’s viceroy. For every living entity must experience biological growth, Adam must be made to journey through natural course of the life of intelligence. God’s omniscience does not require probationary discipline of an individual to determine the subject’s eligibility. But the gospel truth is simply that, for the sake of Adamic future suitability, he must be made to face probation. He must experience humility; though he was not a baby, he needed to go through the natural days of humbling infancy. To come forth as gold goes a trial ere it.Read More

No Condemnation (3)

It is the right of the redeemed. God’s purpose and oath guarantees it. The grace of God sustains this zōē. Faith and hope in the gospel give him the right of claim; most certainly the grace of God engenders the principle of eternality in the believing soul. The fullest of its satiation is the earnest of Holy Spirit. The condemnation of Jesus Christ on the cross brings Adamic elevation under the aegis of the Divinity. By the righteousness of Christ, though the redeemed comes before the judgment assizes of the Creator, his acquitment stands as sure as the existence of the LORD God, the ultimate Judge Himself. Whoever believes in Him, Jesus, shall not be condemned but saved, absolutely. Though the original sin, a perpetration of the Adamic pristine parents, which should utterly destroy: for it says, “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4), the New Testamentary initiation of the gratuitous zōē demands a ‘not guilty' acquittal. The blood that speaketh better things than that of Abel has cleansed the soul erstwhile heading straight to hell, and by the indwelling intervention of the Holy Spirit, a volte-face to eternal bliss is the tenor of the act of grace, made a possibility by the declaration of justification passed on the redeemed of the Lord; secured from the irredeemable journey of the second death. All it takes for divine operation of the soteriology is “obey the didacticism of divine utterance” and the resultant effect is “passing from the Adamic dead situation to eternal life.” Hallelujah! Read More