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born again


Is there any mention of marriage or long hours of coitional orgies in the above Scripture? Sheath your jihadism and allow the spirit of ‘live and let live;' after all, Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace. Another reason people were killed in Israel for disobeying God’s injunctive Scriptures is simply because Israel was a theocratic State, under the divine hegemony of Jehovah, run by Mosaic legalism. After the death of Jesus Christ, on the day of Pentecost, that theocracy was suspended. No country is run on Theocratic Government. If there is anything of that governance, it will be strictly be that of the Christian Nation – without the Mosaic legalistic rod – and by Christianity I do not mean church goers; a Christian is a born again child of God. Amen.Read More


Honestly, I do not have any problem with Islamic jihadism as long as it remains in their thought realms and stays unimplemented. You say you have a God, called by the Arabic Allah. The Hindu has Brahman as the name of their deity. Tao runs the spiritual lives of Taoism. The teachings of Buddha remain the constant spurring spiritual elixir to the Buddhists. The chants of Ifá oracle (of Yoruba prominence) enliven the spirits of its worshippers. Mention the name of Jesus Christ and the soul of the redeemed Christian, child of the Almighty Jehovah, who cannot afford to forget the saving grace of his Saviour, will go into the effusion of the glossolalia, concluding with the unmistakable shout of, “Hallelujah!” Not so when the wake-up call of, “Allahu Akbar!” grips the ears of the staunch Moslem, true and faithful Muslims get injections of galvanism to wage jihadic wars against non-Islamic adherents. Why is Muhammadanism of Islam different?Read More


2Peter 1:19 “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:” where ‘Day Star’ is phōsphoros (foce-for’-os) meaning: ‘light bringing, giving light, the planet Venus, the morning star, day star, metaphorically is Christ.’ It is the same expectancy in the heart of every Christian that Apostle Peter is reminding us of, who are the born again, children of the Most High. Of course I do know that its ascription to Venus is done by idolatrous illuminism of Satanism – in the demonic bid to hoist the deity of Lucifer. The Devil may be unquestionably the god of this cosmos – i.e. the satanic arrangement –, but we also know that if Adam had not fallen, there is no conceivable way of an apotheotic stance of Luciferian thrust on Adamic earth. God does not share in His glory (Isaiah 42:8) therefore, Christ, as the Second Member of the Godhead, will never share the Divinity of His effulgent glory with an unworthy Lucifer. Amen. Read More


I do not know whether any right thinking Godly person would like to be a recipient of a fallen star of Lucifer. Those who would contend for the evil spirit of Lucifer, the Devil himself, must inevitably be the baptized members of the arcane society of Satanism. The Devil cannot, in any conceivable way, be of the divinity known of the Morning Star. Those who believe that Lucifer is the Morning Star do miss a crucial point. He, the Devil, is described as the ‘son of the morning'. His sonship makes him an object of creationism, ergo, he cannot be the True Light or Morning Star. There are no beings that stand in equality with the Creator. Only the Members of the Godhead stand in equality. When objects of creation tend to bear certain cognominal semblance with the Creator it is only a depiction of the affinity of Divine sufferance. Amen! Read More


This Light is not a created Being; this is the One John calls the True Light. This Light is the One to whom the accreditation of the fullness of Godhead bodily dwells; of who also is the eternal repository of all the treasures of the knowledge and wisdom of God. Without Him was not anything made that was an entity of creationism. There must be the divine presence of the Light before anything could come into existence. This Light created the angelic beings of celestial abode of the Majesty, no wonder it is said in Scripture, “And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him” (Hebrews 1:6). Who is worshipped, if not the Creator? Morning stars, being many, are the works of the creative hands of God, hence, sons of God. Like their Maker, they exude light to prove the handiwork of who brought them to physical actuality.Read More


David would ask, “Should I go up?” and to find out whether God is interested in his desire or not he will come up with the next question bordering on his success, “Wilt thou deliver them into my hands,” because it is just not a matter of going out to do something; whatever does not translate into a successful end is a useless venture. To each Davidic probing discourse God did give a definite answer to David’s audibility. At another time, God, the tactical Man of war, told David how the war would be won. Two things are learnt here, God did speak into the hearing faculty of an Adamic creature; number two, it proved that God was the true winner of that war; and is still the winning influence in all Adamic ventures. Samuel was only a small boy when the LORD GOD made him a channel to vaticinate the intent of His Divinity. Indeed, God is not a respecter of persons; meaning that God does not allow the physiognomical fame of your person before deciding to use or reject you. All you need is to be ready for Him, and you are counted as God’s ministerial tool of immense value. The jejunity of Samuel is so evident in the way he ran to Eli, saying, “Here am I; for thou didst call me,” three whole times!Read More


The only reason for David to make verbal connectivity with the LORD God is because he knew how that the God of Israel had spoken to His firstborn at Mount Sinai. He had seen how Jehovah had communed with Israel through Samuel, the High Priest, Prophet and Judge of the people of God. David believed in this God, Who had taken care of him in every way. God knows those whose hearts are with Him; and to them He had always been graciously available, to show forth the praises of Him Who has called us out of the darkness of Luciferian Satanism. David’s enquiries were always direct. God never tried to beat about the bush as if He had no knowledge of the desire of the petitioner; God had always been specifically forthright in His conversational rapport. A rapprochement is the resultant effect when God elevated Adam.Read More


God spoke the first four of the Ten Commandments to the aural attention of all the children of Israel who stood around the Sinai Mountain. The first four Commandments taught them how to relate to the LORD, their God. The next six taught them how to live among their human selves. They heard the voice of the LORD God clearly as one human speaks to another. “Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?” This is another proof that God came physically down to earth, was seen by man, and had the rarest privilege to stand face to face in discussion with the Adamic race, during the dispensation of the law. It also took place in the New Testament. Acts 13:2 “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” At this time it was in the dispensation of grace or the Church Age. Note the personal pronoun, “Me” and “I” that the Holy Spirit used in reference to Himself concerning the work of evangelism. God has personal interest in the Adamic race, especially, the regenerate humanity.Read More


The eternal Son must place Himself under the law that He gave to Moses. In order to rewrite the law of 'sin and death,’ the LORD God had to promulgate another law called 'Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' (Romans 8:2). By this new and living way, hitherto unknown, but now fully understood, the spirit of our elevation cries out to the Eternality of the Father, calling Him, “Abba Father!” Jesus being the ‘only begotten Son,’ who says Jehovah has no ‘begotten children’ as well? Whoever voices that has no knowledge of God’s word of Adamic elevation. Adamic elevation calls Jehovah, “My Daddy.”Read More


The splendiferousness that marks celestial pageantry of Adamic elevation is evident in this verse. I have heard it from very famous pastors and evangelical giants that God had shown them their empyrean homes. Are there truly physical, palatial houses of empyreal realm? The words of this scripture will unveil the truth. The Greek word for 'house' in the second verse is oikia (oy-kee'-ah): ‘properly residence (abstractly), but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics).’Read More


Given the Holy Spirit, we are carriers of God. This Adamic elevation is the most incredible reality that adorns the mysterious life of Adamic regenerative facticity. Brought under the divine tutelage of the Holy Spirit, the Bible, God’s abstruse infallibility of verbalism becomes clear as crystal. And all that Adam, in his regeneration, has to do is just open his mouth; and flowing through is the glossolalia, too divinely hot for the wicked enemy of Christianity. Lucifer or any of his malicious cohorts will hear this outburst of seemingly prattle of innocency; but in the spiritual sphere they constitute poisonous darts of warfare – bad business for Satanism. Hallelujah!Read More


And the legality involvement stems from the two breathed lives into Adam. From the Hebraic point of couch, it reads, 'breath of lives' – animal and intellectual lives. Lucifer knew what button of punch manipulability to strike to appeal to the animalistic nature of Adam. The thing is that God created an Adamic entity whom He had decided, long before his creation, to forgive, ergo, Adam must possess an intellectual life, able to reason with his Creator. Breathed into Adam were the soul and spirit; the soul is the seat of his carnal emotionalism while the spirit is Adamic rendezvous with the Holy Spirit. At the fall he died spiritually. God was actually ready for that unfortunate eventuality – the Creator killed animals to sustain his life till the substitutionary death of Golgotha.Read More


Cain, the first born of humanity, decided to act the way he deemed fit. He forsook the instruction of God as passed to him by his father, the progenitor of the entire mankind, Adam. Divine forgiveness is perfected only by blood, so, God told Adam after He Himself had killed two sacrificial animals to save them from death to do the same, periodically. Abel heeded this instruction of blood sacrifice. He came before the LORD God with a sheep, the blood of which God used to cleanse Abel of his sins, just the same way Jesus would come to do a once-and-for-all substitutionary death for all mankind. Abel keyed into the futuristic finished work of the cross of Calvary. He, by his obedience, accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Faith in the word of God and the attendance obedience goes a long way to please God eternally, sometimes without one knowing it.Read More


Ephesians 5:21, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” This Pauline verse teaches humility among children of God. This submission finds itself in the locational sphere of reverence to the word of God. It is not borne out of guileful pleasing art. Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.” Two things, I have always maintained, are the solutions to a successful marriage. The husband must love his wife; and the wife is scripturally expected to submit to her husband. ‘Submit’ in Greek is hupotasso (hï-po-tas'-sō): ‘1. to subordinate. 2. (reflexively) to obey.’ This Greek word comes from two roots of hupo (hï-po') prep. ‘1. under. 2. (of place, genitive) beneath;’ and tasso (tas'-sō): ‘to arrange in an orderly manner.’ When you put hupotasso together what it says to the wife is: ‘package yourself very well and place it under your husband.’ The husband is the head of the family. The Greek for ‘head’ is kephale (ke-fa-lee'), meaning ‘the head (as the part most readily taken hold of); origin and source.’Read More


Satan the Devil knew what he was aiming at when he goaded the woman to be the first to oppugn God’s word. Lucifer knew that by sowing views of divergency his anarchical intent would fructify. The minute a divergent view becomes a belief, the heart of its containerization puffs, having received the yeast of pollutive spread. Hagar suddenly found herself wearing the same sandals as her mistress the very moment she was given the legitimacy of sleeping with the lord and husband of her mistress. Sooner than later she hit the social jackpot. She was with a child, the child of none other personage than the great Abraham! Hagar saw herself as the mother of Abraham’s heir! She forgot where she was picked from. Hagar forgot the legality of Sarah’s ownership of her person. All that Satanism made her understood was her Gibraltar-like foothold she stood to have in Abraham’s household for giving him the heir Sarah could not produce all those decades of conjugation. Read More


Why would someone say, “Jihadic execution of non-practising Muslims is Allah’s commission to righteous followers of Muhammadanism?” Globally, Jihad kills and continues to assassinate people who will not chant, “Allahu Akbar! And Muhammad is His prophet!” In the hand of Islamic jihadism is a lethal weapon. If he is a free moral agent, then that bestows the power of killing, in the name of Allah, to him.Read More


Many saved souls will be astonished at the score cards of their free moral agency of earthly existence. The actuality of free moral agency tends to push one into a lethargic state of spiritual functionality. Believing that he can get away with some sins – after all Adam and Eve did make it to heaven eventually – man wants to taste of some forbidden fruits. One prayer of forgiveness, that is all he needs, and those spiritual misdemeanours are struck out of his dark accounts. Throwing caution to the winds, children of God begin to cut unscriptural corners of Satanism to book a majestic seat of financial autonomy – counting billions in monetary value aided by the altar of ungodly ritualism –, birthed in the oven of a sworn Mammonite. Promoted by the god of this sinful world, Lucifer, the ill-gotten wealth, however, forms a frown on the holy visage of the Most High; and most despicably, they make themselves to feel satisfied paying tithes on an ill-gotten wealth.Read More


Most times God will not come personally to stop you from the mismanagement of your free moral agency. He created you. He put His fear in you, expecting you to comply with what is right. In every individual’s heart is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The Creator is waiting for you at the end – to face His judgment. Each one of Vladimir Putin, Ibrahim Babangida, Adolf Hitler, Muhammadu Buhari, Idi Amin, Emperor Nero (political leaders), Delilah and Jezebel used his or her endowed free moral agency as he or she deemed fit, albeit, wrongly. After all said and done it will be God’s judgment seat that everyone has to face. Be wise. Be a good moral agent. Read More


Why free moral agency? It is never God’s intention to create robots as people who would represent Him – whether in heaven or on the terra firma. A robot has no intention of his; it has no soul; it is devoid of spiritual intelligence, and it is too mechanical to appreciate the awesome wonderment that strikes an intelligent being of creationism, and leading to the sense of venerable appeal that eventually engenders the knee-bent latria in the presence of the Creator. A robot will kneel in worship simply because it has been so programmed, and never out of genuine reverential appeal. The LORD God has a sense of feeling; His intelligent creation must have an endowment of sensation as well. The Creator perceives intelligently; if the intelligent beings of creation must have the “likeness and the image” of their Creator, then their perceptive abilities must not possess the mechanical programming of computerized objects.Read More


Scriptural veridicality as revealed in God’s enjoinment of Genesis 2, verse 17 underscores God’s preeminent sovereignty over His creation. When you merge Jehovah’s authorship of creationism with His adjudicatory ultimacy, what you must be in awareness of is His Almighty Godhood over all phenomenality. Does His Almightiness not come in the way of His dealings with man so that He must of necessity force people to do His divine will all the time, making a whole lot of nonsense of this free moral agency?Read More