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I Will Build My Church (One)

The New Testamentary Church of the living God commenced with official Apostolic headship that nurtured the nascency of the Church into adulthood. At the death the Apostles, pastors e.g. Timothy and Titus began to head each local assembly. The Devil relentlessly perfected his pollution pursuit of the Church. Under the Apostolic care of John, the last of the Apostles, Satan raised Cerintus to pollute the scriptural heart of Church members with his Docetism. Docetic catechizing of Cerintus targeted the debauchment of Christological quiddity. He taught people of the Church that the Christ is just a consciousness, with no real life. That the concept of Christ merely sits on a person and after it has achieved its usefulness leaves. He taught that the Christ came upon Jesus at the Jordan baptism and left him when He went to the cross. Reverend Chris Okotie, very careful not to dabble into faux pas of eisegetical anomaly, will tell you when teaching the Bible, “I cannot give you an Eleventh Commandment.” In one of the General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, W. F. Kumuyi’s teaching on spiritual understanding of wearing earrings, he said, “They knew that those earrings had become like a god, demigod, goddess,” referring to Genesis 35:4. Pastor Kumuyi also taught, saying, “The wearing of mustache and beard could become gods.” Male members of Deeper Life Bible Ministry, headed by W.F. Kumuyi, for this reason, will not allow any jut of beard or the upper lip hair to show.Read More

The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil (1)

So, God had to warn them not to be associated with disobedience, fitly, the representation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In sincere veridicality, the eating of the fruit is not as wrongful as the disobedient act of “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:” instructional warning from the Divine lips of the LORD God. The grave essence of disobedience to the word of God is simply in the contention with the desire of God. It means you have no iota of respect for the Most High, the Creator. It means that you detest the instruction of God. In other words, you are more knowledgeable than God. God’s law will never become otiose. No philosophy, creed, change of events and time or power can successfully render the law of God obsolete. Going against the express word of God is a direct confrontation to Jehovah. Before God makes any law, He goes from eternity past, to the present time of this age, right through eternity to come, making sure it will stand the times of all existence; then He puts the law into words. It is sacrilegious to show disobedience to the word of God. The Word of God is Himself! When Adam took the fruit from his wife and ate it, he rebelled, like Lucifer, against the Supreme Being. How can one be stupid enough to rebel against the One who is altogether Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent? The one must be wallowing in state of egregious dummkopf. Is the LORD God not the Being of eternality? Anyone stupid enough to go against Him is guilty of eternality of damnation, no doubt. Read More


Jesus Christ as the Creator, Governor and the Preserver of the redeemed, fills perfectly and completely the entire universe even to overflowing. This fact has the corroboration of Colossians 3:11. The problem with Lucifer is that he cannot, like all intelligent beings of the creationism, produce a physical manifestation of himself in more than one place. How does the sworn enemy of Jehovah make dubious multiple manifestation of himself? Demons – there are billions of them – show up in different places of Satanism and even communicate with the worshippers of idolatry, who believe the true God of heaven has spoken, not knowing that shenanigan of Satanism is at work. The LORD God of the Bible is quite different. The Father sitting in the heavenly assizes sees all, knows all and does all. His physical manifestation to His creation is the Truth, in the Person of Christ, the eternal Word. Jesus, the True Light, knows all and just like the Father, sees and does all. The energizing Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit of both the Father and the Son, takes a dwelling in man. In the Old Testamentary order He sits on the head of individuals to direct their divine missions. Read More

ADAM (3)

If by one man God’s word was successfully put to work and got truly protected, Adam, the man, would have brought to perfection, Christ’s soteriological role. She, who willfully sinned, would have been gathered together with the spirit behind the stealthy meandering evil who asked, “Hath God said 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” to hell, I believe, putting an end to Satanism. Adam, if you had just done that you would have been our champion, pristine father and the grand teacher of the express Word of God. Jesus Christ would not have had to go through the gruesome Golgotha crucifixion to save the world. Adam, the whole world would be cheering you as the king of earthly kings. The gold you could not lay your fallen nature on would be extracted with no sweat at all. Other rich minerals of the earth would be at our disposal for the good of all. Would there have been the mad rush for the selfish mining of the earth’s rich resources? I think not. The Adamic elevation of God’s intent would have commenced much quicker. Eden, the cradle of Adamic birth would be the capital of the entire globe. Your obedience to Jehovah would have banished Lucifer and his foul disembodied spirits from the world. Read More

ADAM (1)

That instructions from Lucifer is pollutive knowledge; a contamination of divine funtionality to the existence of any created being. There was no way you could have handled it successfully. You were not yet ready to undo the pollution he spread by his chicanery. Only the derailment of the lost ones toy with this satanic knowledge of good and of evil; it polluted Lucifer and turned him into a freak: the Devil. Amen. You should have not allowed your fallen woman to pollute your heart with the weakness that led to your compromising stance. You should have given her a flinty warning to, "Stay away from me!" You should have told Adam the female, "By going against the word of my mouth, you have cut yourself away from the LORD God." Adam, theologically, stood as the oracle of the LORD God. He was the Eden creature vested with the afflatus of divine protocol. Just like the Israelites who craved for an earthly royalty, the Eden woman rejected the LORD God when she ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil as against the instruction of her husband. Your stupid stunt, Madam Adam, only exacerbated Adamic humiliation. Your act was jeopardous to our existence. Read More


What is scripturally clear is that a reading between the lines of God’s protocol will unmask the leader of the first coup d’etat, Satan the Devil, to be the one whose true sobriquet is Lucifer. Like my Pastor, Reverend Chris Okotie, will always say, everything goes back to Genesis; so to Genesis chapter three we start this exegetical trip of exposing Lucifer – I have always told him, “I’m going to expose you!” At the commitment of the original sin, God’s main object of judgement was the nailing of the evil spirit behind the serpentine meandering intrusion of God’s house: Eden. God did not go to Satan directly, He went to Adam who pointed to his wife, who in turn confessed in verse thirteen, “The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.”Read More

Why Was Adam Created Naked? (two)

Lucifer sinned and that was the end of his righteous stand before God. The angels that followed Lucifer tried to populate the earth with their ungodly progenies of half-angels-half-men; and what happened? They have been serving their gaol sentences in Tartarus ever since. There were beings on earth when Lucifer and his fallen angels were cast to it. They were subtly deceived into following the Devil; that, getting them estranged from the holy God, they became demonic entities of disembodied evil spirits. The fall of Adam begat God’s anger; but this fall did not cause the annihilation of his entire progenies. The naked days of his righteous Eden abode engendered the spirit of meekness. From his heart, God saw true repentance. Adam, the lord of Eden, sinned; was washed in the blood of Jesus for his forgiveness; every one of his progenies who heed the call of salvation receives spiritual cleansing, becomes born again; he will be transported to heaven in divine rapture if he or she lives to the time of the revelation of the Antichrist. In heaven, the gentleness of his spiritual disposition places him beside Jesus Christ at the right hand of the celestial Majesty; after that Adam comes back to the earth to inherit it forever, in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Read More

PHILIPPIANS 4:19 (three)

In contrast is the story of rich faithful man of God, Job. The devil was maniacally jealous of Job’s success even in the face of the reign of earthly Satanism. Job went through excruciating trials like none other in biblical accounts; yet he stuck, like the three Hebrew teenagers adamantly defied Nebuchadnezzar, to the LORD his God. After the trials Job was restored, becoming, probably, the richest on earth, where Lucifer prides himself as the god of its system. Job enjoyed his riches with no sorrow. In his majestic days Solomon was unarguably the number one richest person on the surface of the earth. He asked God for wisdom to rule successfully in the land of Israel. His prayer before the LORD God was not only answered, God told him in 1Kings 3:13, “And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days.”Read More


I do not know whether any right thinking Godly person would like to be a recipient of a fallen star of Lucifer. Those who would contend for the evil spirit of Lucifer, the Devil himself, must inevitably be the baptized members of the arcane society of Satanism. The Devil cannot, in any conceivable way, be of the divinity known of the Morning Star. Those who believe that Lucifer is the Morning Star do miss a crucial point. He, the Devil, is described as the ‘son of the morning'. His sonship makes him an object of creationism, ergo, he cannot be the True Light or Morning Star. There are no beings that stand in equality with the Creator. Only the Members of the Godhead stand in equality. When objects of creation tend to bear certain cognominal semblance with the Creator it is only a depiction of the affinity of Divine sufferance. Amen! Read More


This Light is not a created Being; this is the One John calls the True Light. This Light is the One to whom the accreditation of the fullness of Godhead bodily dwells; of who also is the eternal repository of all the treasures of the knowledge and wisdom of God. Without Him was not anything made that was an entity of creationism. There must be the divine presence of the Light before anything could come into existence. This Light created the angelic beings of celestial abode of the Majesty, no wonder it is said in Scripture, “And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him” (Hebrews 1:6). Who is worshipped, if not the Creator? Morning stars, being many, are the works of the creative hands of God, hence, sons of God. Like their Maker, they exude light to prove the handiwork of who brought them to physical actuality.Read More


Many saved souls will be astonished at the score cards of their free moral agency of earthly existence. The actuality of free moral agency tends to push one into a lethargic state of spiritual functionality. Believing that he can get away with some sins – after all Adam and Eve did make it to heaven eventually – man wants to taste of some forbidden fruits. One prayer of forgiveness, that is all he needs, and those spiritual misdemeanours are struck out of his dark accounts. Throwing caution to the winds, children of God begin to cut unscriptural corners of Satanism to book a majestic seat of financial autonomy – counting billions in monetary value aided by the altar of ungodly ritualism –, birthed in the oven of a sworn Mammonite. Promoted by the god of this sinful world, Lucifer, the ill-gotten wealth, however, forms a frown on the holy visage of the Most High; and most despicably, they make themselves to feel satisfied paying tithes on an ill-gotten wealth.Read More


Scriptural veridicality as revealed in God’s enjoinment of Genesis 2, verse 17 underscores God’s preeminent sovereignty over His creation. When you merge Jehovah’s authorship of creationism with His adjudicatory ultimacy, what you must be in awareness of is His Almighty Godhood over all phenomenality. Does His Almightiness not come in the way of His dealings with man so that He must of necessity force people to do His divine will all the time, making a whole lot of nonsense of this free moral agency?Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (3)

The Creator did not even bother to acknowledge the physical presence of Lucifer, the real spirit behind the serpentine shenanigan. What does this tell me? Lucifer is a persona non grata. Uselessness is the order of his evil being. Adam’s wife gave her precious time and ears to a being of perdition. Methinks Lucifer had all the answers for spiritual ascendancy. Where art thou, Lucifer, when the LORD God stood to judge evil. Lucifer, the liar, and the father of it, could not be heard again. Of truth it is, that the light of God’s word which Adam made available to his wife, did shine but the darkness of Satanism that hung around the woman did not allow the woman to 'comprehend' it. The Greek for 'comprehend' (found in John 1:5) is katalambanō (kat-al-am-ban'-o): ‘to lay hold of so as to make one's own, to obtain, attain to, to make one's own, to take into one's self, appropriate'. Now that the physical presence of the Truth stood to judge, the persona non grata stance of Lucifer is revealed. Though, unfortunately, he had caused an unforgettable havoc on the Adamic race.Read More

Lucifer’s Smoothness of Shenanigan (1)

Definition 2 (resemblance) which best fits, in this context, makes Adam the creature who has the endowment of his Creator’s resemblance. The 3rd definition of ‘a representative figure’ makes Adam God’s viceroy on earth. As the head of the Eden family he is also the priest of the world. Overcome by jealousy, Lucifer swore to employ every plot of Satanism to engender the reversal of the Eden status quo towards his own insane apotheosis. He knew that he could not just walk up to Adam and tell him, “Give me your hegemonic political and sacerdotal roles, I am in need of them.” Since direct confrontation stood an abortive chance, prevaricating machinations, therefore, should see him through to victory if he could get to make the Woman to speak weakly for her husband, lord and priest – Adam the male. Circumvention of Satanism, unfortunately did pay off.Read More


To challenge the Author of creationism, Lucifer who knew that a true deity must be the Creator, must break another law of deification –bypassing the needed credential of creatorship— by appealing to the free moral agency of the empyrean citizenry. Most definitely, he could not approach the Divinity with his illegal desideration, knowing fully well that the LORD God is the God of legality. How could Lucifer have passed the interview to an apotheotic official status? A worshipped entity must be in possession of all God’s divine credentials. God, seated on His exalted throne, would probably have made the first question to be, “Lucifer, are you omnipotent?”Read More


Is the One who gave you that employment not the Eternal LORD God? You failed, Lucifer, to understand that the elevation given to you was a gift to a mere object of creationism. You shunned the divine gesture of eternality for a vainglorious apotheosis. You asked for it! That, Lucifer, was absolute stupidity. Is it not the mind of egregious stupidity that dreams of retirement from Jehovah’s business? Jehovah is eternal. You did not want to continue in the use of the tabrets to beat the pulsating drums that sends the empyreal host in spiritual frenzy of stomping dance before the LORD God in worship. You were tired of playing the musical wind instruments of the pipes before the thrice holy God. Loss. Your eternal loss.Read More


What the ingenuity of Jehovah’s creationism brought into existence was a state of conduciveness. The evil perpetration of yours, Lucifer, brought the judgment of the cataclysmic indistinguishable ruin of tôhû bôhû. Christ created you, Lucifer, in perfection: for verse 15 says, “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” God did not plant iniquity in your being, it was you, Lucifer, who thought yourself into the embarkation of the profanity of the nobility of your free moral agency. How could you ever believe that you stood any chance, at all, in going solo without the support of the Divinity of the Logos, continue to remain a mind boggling inconvenience.Read More


There is a Scriptural antidote to this roaring beast and his devouring crave. It is found in the book of James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The word 'submit’ is the Greek hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): ‘to arrange under, to subordinate, put in subjection; obey.’ The true submission of one’s self is to be ‘born again.’ As God’s child, when the evil maniac shows up in whatever form, do the needful, 'resist' his advances. Read More


Should you not have remained the first glorious intelligent being of creation and remain a phenomenal angel of greatness? How could you please yourself with vain glory? It is truly an uncomfortable fascination, dwelling on the reason for your celestial disobedience. How could you not be satisfied with being the number one intelligent being of creationism? Lucifer, you made your heinous, criminal choice. To think that your rule of Satanism lasts only a very short time makes you the biggest fool before the thrice holy God. Amen.Read More


For four gruelling days of mental discomfort, the family of the deceased Lazarus continued to ask, “Why us; where is Jesus, the supposedly Friend of our dear brother?” Questions that refused to supply some meaningful answers. God must do things in style. When He eventually showed up –God always shows up to people of faith—, Jesus told them what they never knew of Him, “I am the resurrection, and the life.” Verse 40 reads, “Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” The Author of soteriology took them back to the day of old, the day when as the Visitant He ask of Abraham’s understanding, "Is any thing too hard for the LORD" [Genesis 18:14]?Read More