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THE GAME IS UP!!! (part two)

I have often told Satan that I will expose him. Just get born again and throw, in faith, the word of scripture in his face. Lucifer has no solution to it now and forever! The Bible says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" [James 4:7]. The word 'submit' is hupotassō (hoop-ot-as'-so): 'to subordinate; reflexively to obey.'Read More

THE GAME IS UP!!! (Part one)

In his exhilarating fashion of catechism, the ebullient teacher of the Bible, Rev Chris Okotie, in his exegesis of Genesis 1:14 submitted that, "There's no third light. The Antichrist is not a light." Ponderous a manna for human cogitation. "Jesus," he said, "is the greater sun light while Adam is the lesser moon light," in conclusion, “you are the stars,” addressing the Household Of God Church born again congregation. Very truthfully apropos, I do agree.Read More

The Mystery Of Wedlock (2nd part)

This mystical wedlock does not come to any termination. 2Corinthians 5:17 states that, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Old things are the natural sinful you. All things that 'are become new' speaks of your new spiritual existence. Verse twenty-one makes it crystal clear who owns the newness and whose righteousness you are wrapped in.Read More

The Mystery Of Wedlock (1st part)

The exclusiveness of the erection of a female for the man's use highlights the legality of the union. The word 'made', in Hebrew, is bânâh (baw-naw') in the book of Genesis 2:22 "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Bânâh is an architectural term which means: 'to build, rebuild, establish, cause to continue, to build a house (i.e., establish a family).' Remember Jesus' divine promise of Matthew 16:18, "....I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The woman is God's own building. She is God's property; an institution created for the portrayal of God's faithfulness.Read More

Tenability Of Global Peace

1Thessalonians 5:3 reads, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." This is the prophetic revelation uncovering the event of the second three and half years of the seven, satanic years rule of Satan's son. An unprecedented evil will be unleashed upon the people of the entire earth. The tenability of global serenity will continue to exist as a mirage until the true Governor of the nations comes to rule. Read More


If you think you can actually counsel God then you have not understood scripture according to Job 36:23, which says “Who hath enjoined him his way? or who can say, Thou hast wrought iniquity?” Let us study the key words involved. ‘Enjoined’ is paqad (paw-kad'), meaning: ‘1. to visit (with friendly or hostile intent) 2. (by analogy) to oversee, muster, charge, care for, miss, deposit.’ Read More


Isaiah 40:13-14 read, 13) "Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him? 14) With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?" An earlier Old Testament saint, Job went rhetorical in Job 21:22, "Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing he judgeth those that are high."Read More

I am born again. What next? (2)

The good things you did before you got born again will earn you only earthly rewards. They do not enter into the celestial record of righteousness. You start to work for God only after you go through spiritual rebirth. This is when you can be said to be laying treasures in heaven.Read More

I am born again. What next? (1)

The militarized disposition of the born again person is purely spiritual. He is not expected to take up guns and bombs in the expansion of Christianity as was brutally waged by the Pope's Catholicism, led by Ignatius Loyola. Neither is it to take the semblance of the known Islamist jihads led by Mohammad. Read More

How To Get Born Again (part five)

Only Jesus, who had been before the beginning of creation, God's protocol, mighty God, the power, wisdom and righteousness of God can take us to heaven. Jesus is the only one who can bring your spiritual rejuvenation into a reality. He said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”Read More

How To Get Born Again (part four)

It is either that Mohammed knew that it is the finished work of Jesus or, no heaven, or worse still, that he is totally oblivious of the Truth: the Lord Jesus. He called Jesus by His title ‘Christ’ eleven times in the Qur’an, which he attributed to none else. The Christ is the Saviour! Amen! I do see the possibility of Mohammed’s Islamic mission of deceit.Read More

How To Get Born Again (part three)

The prompting psychological energy for every act of man must have an ignition from the Holy Spirit in order to be garbed in the divinely decreed righteousness found only in the accomplished work of Christ. Imagine all the sweat that goes into all the triumphal news coverage of your philanthropic exploits being judged as 'filthy rags' when tended as the winning evidences before the Almighty Judge: all because Jesus Christ is not involved?Read More

How To Get Born Again (part two)

Mere mouthing the sinners' prayer does not bring one into the spiritual regeneration process. Many have got it wrong by thinking that mere ritualistic recitation of the sinners’ prayer had got them born again. It must necessitate faith in the finished work of the cross.Read More

How To Get Born Again (part one)

At the resurrection of Jesus Christ He is the sole legal tender Lamb of the salvation of mankind. The Bible says in Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" signifying that man is in need of salvation. It also reminds one of Ezekiel 18:4, "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die." Man has been plunged into an untold spiritual quagmire.Read More


This is the hypostatic union! God and man fused together in one Personage called Jesus Christ. He is 'the second man' because a third evil personified Antichrist is expected. As 'the last Adam' (1Corinthians 15:45) He is the Saviour. If HE is the Saviour that makes Him Jehovah: a salvaging covenant name, which cannot be appreciably understood by human philosophy save through the agency of faith.Read More


Jehovah does not mean, 'one who comes into existence' for 'to come' will give an impression of chronological timing. It is anti-theology to equate God with time. It gives an illogical opinion of the Divinity. It is an insult to place God and time side by side as equals.Read More

The Glossolalia (3rd Part)

Christians do not realize the kind of power they have been fortified with. The Holy Spirit came like a dove at the baptism of Jesus, simply because, as John’s name (the grace of God) is defined, Jesus came to broker peace between God and man. On the day of Pentecost, HE came as fire, to consume the nefarious machinations of the enemy. Read More

The Glossolalia (2nd Part)

"For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful" (1Corinthians 14:14). That the understanding is not fruitful does not serve as an estoppage of this gift. If my spirit prays, it is doubtlessly the fact that the Holy Spirit is the Giver of the celestial utterance.Read More

The Glossolalia (1st Part)

The perfection of Christ's reign has not taken place yet, or has it? Another argument stems from the fact that at the Pentecost the Holy Spirit gave them utterances of known languages and not this gibbering nonsense. This was no doubt, a reversal of Babel, when God confused the Nimrod (Antichrist) led building for Satan. Here, at Pentecost, Jesus had built His Church!Read More