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Alpha and Omega is the ‘the all in all,’ without Whom nothing will come into existence. He calls Himself “the Almighty”. To be Almighty expresses His Omnipotence, Omniscience and the unfathomable Omnipresence. Everything has its source in the Almighty Alpha and Omega. Muhammadan Islam will not make mention of this essence of Christ simply because it will defeat Muhammad’s denial of Christ’s divinity. Revelation 3:14, “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;” John quotes the Visitant to his Island of Patmos confinement. The Greek for ‘Amen’ is amen (a-meen'): ‘1. (properly) firm. 2. (figuratively) trustworthy. 3. (adverbially) surely. 4. (often as interjection) so be it.’ It comes from the Hebraic 'âmên (aw-mane'): ‘1. sure. 2. (abstract) faithfulness. 3. (adverb) truly; 4. so be it, truth.’ There is no way that Jesus would be the ‘AMEN; and He would not be God: for only God can be the personification of Truthfulness. Every uttered “Amen” is an invocation of the Son of God for speedy answer to prayers. Did Muhammad ever vocalize “’Āmīn?” If he did, as several times he said it, he called on the Son of God to agree with his petition before the Father, probably without knowing it! 2Corinthians 1:20 “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” Through Jesus Christ God made every promise. Without Jesus, the Logos, God does not say anything. Christ is the totality of God’s mind, will and purpose. Amen. Read More


With the exception of Muhammad all other mentioned prophets (All Jewish) in the Qur’an did vaticinate saying, “Thus saith Jehovah”; Allah had no mentioning in their mouths throughout centuries of their Bible missionary vaticination. Millennia permanency of the Bible makes it the authentic scriptural relevance of theology. The Holy Bible furnishes its reader with historical dates, names, events and locations; all of which pass the tests of archeological and other researches. What else does one expect from the Bible, is it not the book of God’s Authorship? Without any scintilla of equivocation, I strongly believe that Muhammad should never have mentioned the stories, characters and events of the Bible to the establishment of his Islamic Qur’an. Prophet Muhammad should have limited himself to the twenty-five percent Islamic availability of the religion’s didacticism. But unfortunately, his dabble into the theological intricacies of the Christian divine protocolary exposes his stark ignorance or demonic assisted religious domination.Read More


The ‘whosoever’ is in reference to anyone who would believe the gospel of salvation through Christ Jesus, Whose mission to the world was to bring the light of salvation to the world, sacrifice Himself substitutionally, thereby providing the new and the living way: of eternal consequence. In all occurrences of phenomenality, the Fatherhood of the Son and the Spirit is the most astounding conundrum. John 3:16 is the sole, Divine solution to the sin question. Muhammad’s Allah says he has no ‘son’; the LORD God of the Bible says, “This is My beloved Son in Whom I Am well pleased.” Which one of Allah and Jehovah is the true God? Muhammad taught in An-Nisa’ 4:157 “…“Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it…. And they did not kill him, for certain.” What does one make of the asseveration of Jesus in John 10:17-18 “Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18) No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.” The Lord Jesus prognosticated His Golgotha death according to the will of God the Father. And what does it connote by the fact that He has both the power to lay down His life – in death – and to take it back – coming back to life? Jesus simply tells us that He has the power of Divinity! Which of the Christian God – Jehovah – and the Islamic God – Allah – is to be believed? Selah! Jesus, indeed, died to save the world. Praise the LORD! Read More


Genesis 22:12 “And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.” It was important for Abraham to be made to give up his son, Isaac, the second of the three patriarchs, giving God the legality of giving up also the Second Member of the Godhead for the salvation of man. Mark 12:6-7 “Having yet therefore one son, his wellbeloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son. 7) But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be our’s.” This parable Jesus told His audience in an intimation of His substitutionary death. To provide the soteriology its eternal feet of legality, it was necessitous, the day before the Passion Week, to enter the legalistic chambers of Mosaic script and make amendment suitable for the Church Age of the grace dispensation, when He said, “This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you” (Luke 22:20).Read More


The Trinity is truly involved in this salvation: the Father shows His abundant love by the appearance of Jesus, our Saviour. Our sinful gene got renewed by the Holy Spirit for the consummation of righteousness that makes us eternal heirs of the Divinity. Does Islam believe in Adamic heirship of the Divinity? Muhammad hates the idea of Jehovah having children. Al-Isra’ is the 17th chapter of the Qur’an, verse 111 reads, “And say, “Praise to Allah, who has not taken a son and has had no partner in [His] dominion and has no [need of a] protector out of weakness; and glorify Him with [great] glorification.”” The Christian heirship is borne out of the fact of Romans 8:15 “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Of Scriptural truth, our filial propinquity is well captured in Ephesians 1:3-6. The love of God is responsible for His beneficence towards the sending of Jesus Christ to be the propitiation for our sin. Our good deeds are nothing short of Isaiah 64:6 ‘filthy rags’ where the first word, ‛êd (ayd) is: ‘menstrual flux’, and the second beged (behg’-ed) is: ‘garment, clothing (used indiscriminately)'. Our moral righteousness cannot save us. It is the love of God, flowing from the beneficence of His grace is what saves our souls from eternal damnation. Islamic theological belief shares no correlative understanding verse when you look at Sahih al-Bukhari, Hajj (Pilgrimage); Book 25, Hadith 7 Read More


John chapter three verse sixteen is the entire Bible compacted in one single verse. God’s intent and will bespeak its theological posture. God’s responsible stance is seen in His divine care for His creation. His beneficence is the gift of eternal life through the Author of creationism. God’s grand gift to the fallen Adamic creature is the soteriology. Most definitely, all that the LORD God is trying to communicate to mankind is none other than Jesus Christ. One classic Qur’anic chapter of Christ’s divine Sonship vitiation is the 112th, titled Al-Ikhlas of which all the verses of 1-4 reads: “Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One, 2) Allah, the Eternal Refuge. 3) He neither begets nor is born, 4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent.” For this Muhammadan recitation, nothing changes the minds of true Moslems. However, the Bible is the finality of God’s dealings with humanity. The love of God is most evident with the birth of Jesus Christ. Can anyone bring more pronounced peace other than that of the birth of Jesus; is He not the Prince of peace of Isaiah 9:6? God showered His divine love of eternality on creatures of Adam. What else can one expect from the LORD God who has a simple definition of “LOVE”? Read More

Why Callest Thou Me Good? (3)

From Hebraic etymological understanding shaddai stands for mountain or breast, hence, Shaddai is ‘the many breasted One’, very rich in substances and possessing the capability to feed, sustain and meet all desires of every need and want. Almighty has ten occurrences in the New Testament. Seven times as “Almighty;” once as “the Almighty;” once as “of Almighty,” and once as “omnipotent.” All the New Testamentary occurrences point to God alone. Why would the risen Jesus, “whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting;” apply to Himself “the Almighty” epithet of Divinity? It is simply because He has the same divine essence of His Father and of the Holy Spirit. Is Jesus Christ not the “Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace, on whose shoulder holds the eternality of universal government? In all realms of time: past, present and future He who is Almighty has the capability to take care of all He created both ex nihilo (without existing material) and those He created from existing materials. How can God the Father be good and Jesus, His eternal, express ‘Word', will not be good? Selah!Read More

Why Callest Thou Me Good? (2)

Who was involved in the Day one to Day six creation? The Lord Jesus was the One directly in physical connection with creationism. The outcome of Day one was “And God saw the light, that it was good.” One day two when the Creator took a look at the earth, the firmament and the seas, the Bible says, “…and God saw that it was good.” For the plants and their fruitfulness, “God saw that it was good.” On the fourth day of the lights, “and God saw that it was good;” was the verdict of the LORD God. “And God saw that it was good” when the animals came into being on day five. “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day” (Genesis 1:31). Everything He made was good; the outcome of Day six was very good. If the Author of creationism does good things, it is simply because He is the Good God; He is the Good Shepherd. He must be good to be our Saviour as well.Read More


We need to understand the alpha and omega of probation. It is to bring intelligent beings of God’s creation in alignment with His interest. Devoid of any scintilla of coercion, God wants us to use our free moral agency to do His will absolutely and never doubting the LORD God. Probation of the intelligent beings of creation is actually a blessing in disguise in that those who pass the trials have not only judged Lucifer for failing the obedience test, they stand to enjoy the glorious crowning culmination of the quiddity of divine probation. They will sit beside the Creator in the throne room of the Rainbow Administration of the celestial assizes. This had been the desideration of Lucifer, which he thought could be acquired with cunning forcefulness. He failed woefully trying to earn it. What he lost, God would give to those who satisfy Divine gaze into human probation free of charge.Read More


Let us do some exegetical exercise on the Man, Jesus. He started his life in the matrix of Mary, the wife of Joseph, as a Man of Adam. The theological ascendency of his relevance is the quiddity of his vessel serving as vehicular actuation of the Incarnation. Inside Jesus Christ is the duality of Jehovah and man. Now, if the humanity of the Christ, Jesus, had committed one smidgeon of a sin, the entire soteriological concept would have been awfully defeated, absolutely. As the Last Adam, Jesus never got tired of getting led by the omniscience of Christ in him for every step of earthly endeavours, the LORD of creation, and the Christ continued to expect him not to falter spiritually. For thirty-three years and six months of the Incarnational tread upon the terra firma, Jesus Christ lived to turn as many as would desire to partake in the celestial citizenry from the course of hellish destination of every sinner. In the wilderness, Lucifer failed to derail the course of the Last Adam.Read More


Today the 11th of September, 2023, I have, by the special grace of God been a true member of THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD CHURCH, ebulliently shepherded by the Pauline highbrowed Reverend Chris Okotie.                 It was in 1994, the eleventh of September, a Sunday, when I first attended the service in this church. One sermon, titled “Christian Cult” and I knew, most definitely, “This is my Church.” I cannot forget this day, the day I refer to as my own 9/11 albeit, mine is not a disastrous one.Read More


David’s unwavering love for the things of his God made him the best choice to reign when Israel must have her own king. God had been watching him and knew he would be a good king. The judge, prophet and high priest of Israel, Samuel, after he had anointed him as the next king, the good LORD was so pleased with the teenage David who would not allow any smidgeon of bumptiousness towards the members of his family but humbly went back to his duty as the shepherd of the few sheep. To prove to all that David had truly gone through a successful probation, he could not help asking even of the gargantuan fiendishness of Goliath, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God” (1Samuel 17:26)? His probational days had built strong faith in him, knowing fully well that the LORD God is more than able. King Saul sought to kill David several times. Thrice David had the opportunity on platter of gold to eliminate his deadly pursuer; three times, like what is thought of a fool, David rejected the convictive words of his soldiers to kill King Saul. David’s knowledge of the word of God enabled him to make his way prosperous; leading to: “and then thou shalt have good success.”Read More


Isaac, the next in the triune patriarchal line after Abraham, received his first probationary baptism when his father obeyed the instructions of God to sacrifice him. He was Christ-like in obedience to the purpose of the Creator. His acquiescence paved the legality for the ultimate Golgotha soteriological sanguinolency. God was not done with Isaac, who, at a young age, went through the distressing pangs experienced at the loss of the great woman of faith, Sarah, his dear mother. His marriage to a pulchritudinous and virtuous Rebekah though an exhilarating succour, he had to wade through another probational decades of infecundity of matrix fruitlessness. Holding courageously to the patriarchal baton after the demise of Abraham, his father even the friend of God, he lived to a very old age, a trustworthy saint in his walk with the Most High God. Down, he was found, but not out of alienation of God’s favour. Torturously bruised he felt, but courageously believed in the LORD his God. One of the ultraheavy apophthegm of all times from the philosophical heart of this great man of God is found in Job 23:10 “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” After all said and done, Job, who did lose all to the machinations of Satanism, did strike gold, after God’s rebuke of his unnecessary excessiveness of painful outpour. Read More


Looking for a man to establish His righteousness on earth God chose a dweller of Ur, Abraham, the first of the three patriarchs of Israel, who must go through trials. Thousands and thousands of the earth population get pregnant every month. Not so after decades of his marriage to Sarah. Even when they eventually gave birth to the promised Isaac, God came to Abraham in Genesis 22:2, “And he said, Take now thy son, thine only [son] Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” The fear Abraham had for the Creator was an awesome respect; Abraham did not even as much as question the LORD’s request. Abraham’s probation earned him the title of ‘the friend of God’. If Abraham could release his one and only Isaac for this sacrifice, God should have the legality to decide to love the world so compassionately to give His only begotten Son to a dying world. Amen! Read More


Entities of creationism, no matter how perfect in creation, are still under the sovereignty of the Divinity. The same sovereignty over creation explains God’s right to beam probationary light on the existence of beings. The LORD God does not put anyone on probation because He wants to know the hidden dwelling evil in the heart. He knows and sees beings, living, nonliving, animate or inanimate – all the centillions – at the same time and the intents of all, long before the existence of each one. Nothing, ergo, comes to the Almighty as a surprise. He has decided to probe us so that we will know that He is the LORD. The eternality of God’s juridical office makes the Eternal Father the Judge of all things. The judge is only known to swing into adjudicatory ukase after an act of legal interest is brought before the assizes. God made man a free moral agent, having the right to choose any course of life; the free moral agency does not becloud the mind not to know that there is an ultimate Judge.Read More

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (8)

Channel, virtuously, all the energetic help of your femininity towards the meet of your husband’s desires, as long as those intents of his bourne are not in direct antagonism to the express Word of God. To aid your official role as the help meet for him; submission is the key for the perfection of your uxorial mission. Every one of the disciples was involved in a business or carrier. They forsook all to perfect their walk with the Master – submission. How can any wife claim to be the help meet for the husband without the required submission? Only a Jezebel of a wife jettisons submission. Marriage is a missionary work. It brings heaven down to the earth. In empyrean assizes, bearing witness, there are three in the Godhead; and on earth, representing the unity of the Trinity is the Christian marriage where the twain (male and female created He them) exhibit love and submission according to the will of Jesus, the Grand Groom of the Bride, the Church. If you, the husband, should for one second, hold back the duty of love towards your wife, you are masquerading as a bastard. Try to imagine the resultant effect if Jesus Christ would not bring to consummation, the agapē of the Father’s heart: soteriology would be a mere mirage. The husband who will not adorn his wife with love is definitely an Antichrist. You must love your wife! Honestly, we do not seem to understand that our failure to appreciate the seriousness of marriage is the injection of ignorance by the unrelenting hard work of Satanism. Selah. We hardly remember that two things bring soteriological reality into actuation: the agapē of Jehovah and the heart of submission on the part of the believing born again Christian. Let the husband and the wife ponder seriously on this facticity. Amen. If you are not making money to sustain the family – as the family provider –, something is terribly wrong with you.Read More

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (7)

Your husband cannot tell you not to pray. The Word of God has been in existence before the man, therefore, the husband cannot breathe superiority over the Word of God which categorically says, “Pray without ceasing” (1Thessalonians 5:17. He cannot tell you, “Stop going to Church” because he will be impugning Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;” neither can your husband tell you to stop believing the spiritual headship of Jesus: for He is the great Shepherd of the sheep, that the God of peace brought again from the dead through the blood of the everlasting covenant (Hebrews 13:20). Forbidding us to lie is the Ninth Commandment; he cannot tell you to lie. Your husband cannot decide to have sex with you through your anus. It is not any different from sodomitical lust of Satanism as Paul makes us understand in Romans 1:27. The husband’s authority is within the limits of the Word of God.Read More

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (6)

In like manner the wife’s ‘help meet’ stance is an official role. She holds the office of the other personality of the head of the family. This other person thinks, knows, wills like the husband and supports to actuation all his positive desires towards the service to God, as a family man. She becomes the other head that gives credence to proverbial two heads are better than one. The woman positions herself as the prayer warrior of the home. Her loyalty to her unflinching support to the husband’s aspirations provokes divine accelerated answers to the family’s prayer requests. The true position of the husband and the wife, albeit not three in number, is akin to the close operational quiddity of the Trinity. They must get it right, or else they are mere worthless actors. The wife, ergo, is under Divine spirit of mitzvah to stand as the greatest supporter of the husband’s priestly office. What does the efforts of her official role result to? The husband finds it much less arduous going through the rigours of family business. He is truly blessed, having found the good thing. A whole lot is at stake if couples fail to get it right. Selah! A headless body is a cadaver. Without the contribution of a husband the marriage suffers moribundity. Conversely, bodiless heads are freakish; without the wives' help meet submissions, what are brought before the Author of marriage are episodic proofs of parodic attempts. Read More

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (5)

By definition, the Hebraic ‘ishshâh, that is, “Woman” of Genesis 2:23 does ‘surround’ her around her own husband – when consideration is given to ‘help meet’, ‛êzer (ay’-zer) in Hebrew, meaning ‘one who helps;’ and especially its primitive root, ‛âzar (aw-zar’): ‘to surround, that is, protect or aid.’ God’s intended wife is like what the bark does for the tree; and also like health personnel who remain visible at the beck and call in the surgery room, ready to place every tool needed into the professionally able hand of the surgeon. Every help given by the nurses must meet the call from the doctor. As nurses do not determine what tools are needed so must the wife submit to the husband’s will to run a successful marriage. Her submission is a powerful force, spiritually. The wife, knowing fully well of her husband’s unflinching commitment of love to her, her mind is put at full rest; she is able to inject her best into the marriage fabric. It takes two, really, to tango!Read More

Do You Have To Marry To Prove A Point? (4)

You, as the husband, are the high priest; you are involved in God’s matters as far as the marriage is concerned. The high priest needs a true aid for the actualization of the spiritual role of involvement. The wife’s submission goes a long way to establish the marriage on the Rock of Ages. It is the additional praying tongue that translates to what mathematics cannot explain all because it is the LORD’s doing, culmin ating in marvelous spectacle. What am I saying? When the man of the house says a thing, that is the voice of one praying; when the woman of the man of the house says, “Yes,” to the man’s instruction, she becomes the second person of spiritual contribution that yields more than the expected times two, found in Deuteronomy 32:30 “How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?” Israel had gone the disappointing route of apostasy and the oracular afflatus wondered how one uncircumcised Roman soldier would chase a thousand army of Israel whose Rock is the true God.Read More