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Jesus Christ

Conjugal Gist (7)

"Upon this rock I will build my church;" Jesus told Peter whose name is defined as 'a piece of rock,' in its Greek rendition of petros. 'Rock,' in the same verse, is 'petra,' which is a boulder –a rock as huge as the rock of Gibraltar. Jesus is the 'Rock of ages.' Peter, like any other Christian, is a stone, used in the building of the glorious Church. The Church is strictly God's business. Will God allow Lucifer to prevail against His business, the Church? Certainly not! This is what the conjugal gist is all about.Read More

Conjugal Gist (6)

Marriage is a serious business. God used it to trap Lucifer for a divine judgment in the Garden of Eden. Sacrificial lambs were killed to save the first couple all because the bride of Christ will be saved. The fruit of the womb that came from the demeritorious union of the fallen angels and women of the earth was sheer wickedness, intended not only to mock God’s institution, but to block the coming of the Lord Jesus by polluting the earth with satanic Frankenstein of half-angels, half-human freaks of mischief. God, in His own wisdom, had no choice but to annihilate the destructive plot against His bride. For the actuation of this conjugal gist Christ came to woo His Bride. Finding her unsuitable for celestial citizenry He had to succumb to the substitutionary, gory death of the cross of Calvary. He rose up for the rejuvenation of the holy bride. Eve’s evil deed was undone. Amen! He ascended to heaven, paving the way for our elevation above the angels of God’s celestial assizes. At His session, we were provided a seat at the right side of the Majesty. Today the bride of Jesus, the Church, is the mystical body of Him on earth. Jesus left His body on earth to engender His holy presence and worship. Amen!Read More

Conjugal Gist (5)

Commit your life to her pleasure: that is what Jesus did. Have regard for your wife. Try not to forget that she is a weaker vessel. Give your wife things. Do things for her pleasure. She is not your slave or your servant just because you paid money called bride price to her parents. She has equal standing with you before Almighty God. What if she has wilfully decided to make things worse for you, her husband? Forgive her: for she knows not what she is doing. Jesus forgave those who despitefully used and consequently murdered Him! Take the disobedient matter to Jesus, the Head of your spousal designation. One of the things your husband cannot do is the introduction of another deity worship. He cannot tell you not to go to Church. If he should tell you to act in a way that is antipodal to God’s express word, you have every right, before His Almightiness, to repudiate his instruction. He cannot tell you not to pray. He has no right to cheat on you by engaging in an illicit extramarital affairs. The Bible has a name for this act: adultery. It is idolatrous.Read More

Conjugal Gist (4)

A “Deeper Life Christian Church” member friend of mine teaches that the husband is like the President, and the wife actually, is the Prime Minister (of a parliamentary system of government) in the home. The husband, according to my friend’s understanding, is only the presidential figure head in the family. The wife is the executive power wielding Prime Minister! How can anybody teach this in the scriptural face of 1Corinthians 11:8-10? It is, whether anyone likes it or not, a man’s world, and this is not the thinking of chauvinism. Let the man run the family. Assist him spiritually. Jesus is more than ready to help you Mrs. Adam. This is a reason why I have always asseverated that marriage is designed only for Christians. Amen. The woman cannot take the role of the man, in the marriage. It is tantamount to a coup d'état. It takes the family back to the evil machination of satanic intrusion. Jesus, as we all know, is a man. HIS human representation in that family is the husband. It says, “submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." The adverb ‘as’ is: hos (hoce) meaning: ‘which how, i.e. in that manner (very variously used, as follows).’ As the Church submits, spiritually, to Christ, so is she to submit to her own husband’s decisions.Read More

Conjugal Gist (3)

'Love' is the Greek agapaō (ag-ap-ah'-o) 'to love (in a social or moral sense).' Agapaō is the verbal construction of the famous agapē (ag-ah'-pay) kind of love. Agapē is defined by one man of God as: "A love called out of the heart of a lover on account of the value he has placed on the object of his love." The love of the husband towards his wife is that of sheer commitment. Love is not a feeling. It is a committed state of being. A long time ago when I heard Pastor W. F. Kumuyi of Deeper Life Christian Church, taught that: "even if your wife is a witch, you must love your wife," I shook my head with a vigorous objection, followed by a resounding, "No!! How can?" Now that I have known the Bible so well, I do agree, one hundred and fifty percent, with Pastor Kumuyi. The sons of the man of the Eden Garden have every reason to journey into a reminiscing of the woman's plunging of mankind into sin. He is very likely to think that a love commitment to this wife could derail him.Read More

Conjugal Gist (2)

Marriage is a commitment. It is God's business. The sagacious and matured are the expected ones in this venture, till death do them part. A momentous occasion is the seriousness when the nuptial knots get tied. It is an absolute mockery of God's institutionalised wedlock, when a Christ-less couple decides to marry. Marriage is all about Jesus and His espoused Church. It is for this espousal that He went to the gory cross. It will take only the ones born from above -of the Holy Spirit- to understand the convolutionary vicissitudes targeted at the union by the enemy. 2Corinthians 1:21-22, "Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; 22) Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts."Read More

Conjugal Gist (1)

The marriage institution is God's most guarded secret. Satan did everything to destroy the prognosticative Eden version. His preoccupied fetish was to bring Adam, the female, under his worshipful control. It was the moment of the truth. It was Lucifer's scrimmage for the ownership of Adam's dominion. There was only one woman. The woman did not fall into the machination of Lucifer. God's triumph engendered the physical, bridal Church of Jesus. Today there is only one Jesus and only one Church. The emergent Church came into physical existence only after the death, resurrection, ascension and session of Jesus. Before the woman of Eden came into being the dead Adam had risen from sleep, which is the Hebraic tardêmâh (tar-day-maw'), a type of death in their language.Read More


Adam was not deceived *4**      The Devil could not conceal his devious intention in Luke 4:5-7. 5) “And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6) And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee,...Read More


My imagination has raced me to the state of our pristine dad if he had not received and eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He would have been separated from the woman of sin. It is either God would have to come to her like He did, to save Cain, and be cleansed for a marital reunion, or gone away with Lucifer to build the city of sin, and be populated by the half-man, half-angel giants of the antediluvian age. But for an extant, sinless Adam it would have been a glorious spectacle! 76e74b93e79bd23514a6a0b909dfe09b I see the sinless Adam busily at the business of his Father, and overseeing it. I see him as the unbelievable architect of engineering constructions.Read More


Your peregrination through the valley of the shadow of death, Adam, was beyond your league. How could you deign to plunge into an embarkation of such odyssey? When David, in the 23rd Psalm, penned "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:" it was based on the understanding of: "for the LORD art with me." David was not alone in the trek. Was Jesus alone in the descent into the darkness of the unknown valley of Hades? No! Christ, the uncreated Messiah, was his obbligato accompaniment. Read More


God did put everything in his hands and under his control; it is just sad that the man threw all caution to the winds of carelessness. Adam was created to crush any opposition to the word of God. He should have tied the invading ophidism of Lucifer in knots and flung away. Four is the scriptural number of creation. On the fourth day was the creation of the lights of earthly illumination. Adam was sentiently and intelligently endowed, as the federal head of humanity. So, what happened to him? An unnecessary risk beckoned on him for a ride into obliquity. Stupidly, he decided upon this embarkation. Our pristine dad did not embrace the wisdom of God. He, unexpectedly, played God.Read More


Whoever gets born of His divine Being ceases to be labelled a sinner. The same can commit sins though. When or if he does 1John 1:9 takes care of his demeaning act. This means that it is not only when you prayed for the salvation that you are covered. Jesus continues, as the Advocate you never solicited for, to keep your righteousness intact. Amen! When or if you find yourself being spiritually distracted by a certain gravitational pull towards an untoward sinfulness I recommend you go for a cleansing deliverance.Read More


Check out the Pauline Hebrews 4:10, "For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his." All the works of righteousness He had already perfected on our behalf. Note that the entrance into the rest is in the aorist which serves as a voucher to the perfection of the act of rest that the Lord entered on our behalf. The word 'rest' is katapausis (kat-ap'-ow-sis): 'reposing down, that is, (by Hebraism) abode.' Katapausis comes from katapauō (kat-ap-ow'-o): 'to settle down, that is, (literally) to colonize, or (figuratively) to (cause to) desist.' Is there any need for additional work, from a born again child of God, to keep him in this rest engendered by the grace of God, according to scriptural didacticism? Selah!Read More


Our righteousness is of Jesus (Romans 10:4; 1Corinthians 1:29-31; 2Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 2:16). This Jesus has been our righteousness since the Old Testamentary days. The Book of Jeremiah 23:6 reads, “In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Romans 10:4 “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” It is lucidly not of carnal works but of a believing faith that makes us truly righteous. Amen. 1Corinthians 1:30-31, “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 31) That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.”Read More


‘Be’ of the 12th verse is an interesting einai (ei`-nai). It means ‘to exist.’ It is not of becoming; it is a being that is galvanized by God’s own life. It comes from eime, the AM part of I AM i.e. Jehovah. You are divinely covered in safety. Your existence is ensured by God’s effective safe-keeping. Amen. The word ‘trusted’ of verse 12 proelpizo (pro-el-pid'-zo), is ‘to hope in advance of other confirmation.’ Your faith in Jesus saved you. You believed the gospel, with no strings attached, and were saved. In verse 13, we have ‘believed’ pisteuo (pist-yoo'-o). This word is defined as: ‘1. to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit 2. (by implication) to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ).’Read More


My Prince looks so good so much that you cannot believe that he is three scores years old. Your pulchritude, my dear Pastor, is a divine beneficence. Your modish sense is Solomonic exemplum. Indeed, only a man full of sapient ingenuity like Pastor Chris Okotie luxuriates in triumphal accomplishments. You fear the Lord, you love the LORD God, no wonder you are like David, the one HE has seen to lead in paths of righteousness that exalts a nation. If Moses, Samuel, David and Solomon all held spiritual and political posts concurrently in their respective days, what, I ask is wrong with Rev. Chris Okotie's intention to run for the political Presidency of Nigeria, his dear country? I just love your swag. Thank you for being my pastor!Read More


The Reverend taught us that there are two ways of studying the Bible. One is: 'reading out of the Bible,' and the other being 'reading into the Bible.' Reading into the Bible means adding of your personal ideas to God's word. This is the practice of too many readership of God's protocol. The bane of scriptural adulteration. Reading out of the Bible is the appropriation of the raw, undiluted word of God. Few do take the Word for what it says. This is why the Hebrew and the Greek interpretations are so germane. Amen!Read More


I have my own testimony. Four times in two years I had slumped. Several people slumped not more than once and they were just dead! Three times it happened at home, once in church, of all places and moreover on an Easter Sunday. I truly sensed the attack the fourth time. And I remember telling the Lord, "I don't want to slump! I mustn't!" The Devil had his way but he lost the battle and the war. Praise the Lord.Read More


The Pastor of Household of God is of the understanding that whatever you bring to church is unto the Lord and if HE has acknowledged your pious gesture, then it is settled. When the altar call is consummated, the Reverend will tell the nascent converts among other things, "If you like our Church, we invite you to be part of what we are doing; but if for any reason you cannot come here, talk to Jesus and He'll lead you to another Church where you'll be comfortable, but you must go to Church." I do not know how many pastors will continue to say this to every Sunday and Wednesday new converts. Very few you will say this, if there is any. Their perceptive stance drums it too loudly and clearly into the core of their beings that the church is their personal investment. Definitely not the Okotie, my Pastor that I have seen for decades.Read More


The ebullience of Rev. Chris Okotie has continued to unravel the mystery of the Lord Jesus Christ, using God's own protocol, the Bible. At the diamond age of sixty, this June 16th of 2018, he is still waxing strong in the pedagogical dissemination of scriptural veracity. This, none can take away from the one who goes by the sobriquet, 'My Prince' or 'My Pastor' by Householders i.e. Church members.Read More