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Today, as we know, in the United Kingdom where the best Bible version of the King James Version came from, the best teachers of the kerygma in that country are proudly Nigerians! Amen! It is quite apposite that some Nigerians should be versed in biblical exegesis. The impressive dexterity of Rev. Chris Okotie's pedagogical erudition pertaining to exegetical didacticism of Scripture should not be unexpected. It is all about Nigeria's Hamitic eschatological missionary commitment to the coming of Jesus. Ham must of soteriological ground warn the world of the inexorable emergent of the wicked son of perditionable Satanism. Read More


Ham, the meaning of which is 'warm or hot' has Nigeria as the hottest for Christ among the Hamites. As the world inches towards the eschatological era of biblical prophecy it behoves Ham to reach out in propagation of the coming Messiah. It is for this reason Ham received God's benedictive oracle of Genesis 9:1. Noah could not curse Ham: for it was a causeless one, so, the neck of his son, Canaan, got burdened with the execrative pronouncement of Noah's angst. One nation must be at the epical vanguard of this global evangelism of the ecumenism. Nigeria, evidently, is so strategically positioned for this onerous task.Read More


It is of scriptural understanding that Noah did not have an additional child after the flood. Three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth are the receivers of Divine unct to be propagators of the word (the induction of the kerygma), which is the primary work of the Church. Amen. The unction of divine benediction would not even allow Noah, their progenitor, to place a curse on an erratically behaved Ham. His (Ham's) progeny has a date of global evangelism in God's dispensational calendar, involving Nigeria of Africa. So, let us look at how they fared in the Lord's business.Read More

President Muhammadu Buhari Must Not Come Back


Why do I have to bring Buhari under the microscopic lenses of excoriation? He has done all he has to do: show how corrupt the last government was. He should leave, to enable the finesse of governance to another. But his egoistic stance, like his predecessors, would not allow him to understand how important Nigeria is before the eyes of the LORD God.

Only an intellectually indigent presidential aspirant will throw away an opportunity to be participatory in an electoral debate of the presidency. Little wonder our educational retrogression is of a continual abysmal phenomenon!

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The Birth Of Jesus

From its Hebrew origin, David is dâvid or dâvı̂yd (daw-veed') meaning: 'beloved or loving.' The Greek calls it Dabid (dab-eed'). The Incarnation is the product of God’s unfeigned love for the fallen man. So it must involve David. If Jesus is the prophesied King of kings then it is germane that His human ancestors should come from a majestic lineage. Jesus will be the conqueror. His lineage must be of a military conquering David. As David replaced the first king who failed to please God, so must Jesus replace the first Adam whose spiritual inadequacy plunged us all into sin. Jesus is truly about God’s expression of an eternal love. Amen! Read More


To the whole world Nimrod, the first globally accepted Antichrist, spread another deistic falsehood. The great Deluge destruction notwithstanding, satanic hocus-pocus prevailed over the lives of humanity. The evil elementals of idolatrous worship, in conjunction with Nimrodic sun-worship, was firmly established. The unholy chains of esoteric involvement globalised the religion of Satanism. Each State is headed by an esoteric sectary. Religious firm grip runs through the local government to the communities, right into every facet of family lives. Read More


It was a huge masterstroke for Lucifer to goad the woman, emblematic of the body of worshipping congregation, in making a speech that offers a legalistic feet for the fatuity of Satan's religious establishment. Sadly enough, Adam, the male, stupidity acquiesced. They did receive divine pardon, though, thanks to Jesus (it was part of God's plan to trap and bring Lucifer, who has no second chance, to judgment for his misuse of his free moral agency). Adam's transition into this risk, lamentably, did engender an aphonic proclivity in his characterisation, for the rest of his recorded, scriptural life. Read More


His religion must be clandestinely enwombed in covens. Esotericism must be the order of the game. Codes of hidden denotations are involved. Having suffered a complete dissociation from the eternal Light, it is left with the sole choice of being clothed in ominous nocturnality. Its globalisation caps its perfection of aping Jehovah's worship. Religion remains an option that Lucifer intentionally offers the unsuspecting spiritual ignoramus.Read More


Come to think of it, could Islamic argument that if God did command Israel to annihilate many nations, what would be wrong with Mohammedan jihadism, not be tenable? God did not tell Moses, Joshua or Israel to present any religion. Mosaic Judaism could not address eternal soteriology. The true Lamb of God was not in the picture! Christ, the holy Truth, had not come! This happens to be the difference. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! When Jesus ate the last supper with them, He laid the foundation of an everlasting covenant with the world. He said, “Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you:this do in remembrance of me.”(1Corinthians 11:24) ”This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.” (1Corinthians 11:25). Only Christians partake in this communion with the Truth of all truths. Amen.Read More



            Who is the Shepherd of the 23rd psalm? The Psalm calls Him LORD (in capitals). This is Jehovah! Study Psalm 80 contextually and you will find out that the Shepherd of Israel is none other than Jehovah! The 'I am' of John 14:11 is ego eime in the Greek. Mohammedan Quran's inability to see Jesus in His truthful light most definitely makes him a thief and a robber. Mohammed of Allah is a desecration of the scriptural Sonship of Jesus.

                There is something readers of the Bible hardly see in John 13:13 which reads, "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am." It is quite impossible to phantom why God will decide to delve into certain matters: for the untutored mind. Two truths worth mentioning here are the virtue of humility and that of deity. Contextually, a prima facie act of humility of Jesus is unravelled. Jesus made it clear that He was not just their master but, in sincerity, their Lord as well.

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The epithetic stance of 'I am' stems from its definition. It is the Septuagint rendition of ego eime, which is the same as the revelation of God's name -I AM or Jehovah. This is the facticity of the person of Jesus -the ‘I AM’ of the New Testament. It will be a usurpative act on His part to institute a new covenant had He not been the Initiator of the new: "For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" [Matthew 26:28].Read More



                Romans 6:21says, What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. The end result of Christlessness is the doom of death. It is definitely a thing of eternal shame to step into the celestial realm without Jesus. It is a fruitless venture to be devoid of the Truth of all truths: Jesus. There are countless philosophies, religious dogmas, ethnic habitude and personal conceptions that do not actuate the Christological truism. It will be a thing of utter shame to bring these before the throne of the LORD God.

                For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself(Galatians 6:3). Remove the truth and there will be a flourishing business for deceit. The height of egregious stupidity is the commiserable deceit of oneself.     

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Tsô'âh (tso-aw') is the Hebrew for 'filthiness' and it is defined as: 'excrement; generally dirt; figuratively pollution.' About 90% of Indians would rather be plunged into the Ganges for purification than come to the saving grace of Jesus, the Way, Truth and the Life. Sadducean perspective, the purity of Pharisaicalness and especially the monastic shun of the world of sin stance of the Essenes, all of which are devoid of the sacrificial Lamb of God, amount to nothing!Read More


The Truth does not run into any spasmodic jittery at the thought of being discovered. The Truth will remain seated, awaiting the crowd just as Jesus sat, to feed them who responded to the evangelism of the woman at the well of Sychar. One huge importance of truthfulness is to bring soberness into the mind inebriated with falsehood. At Sychar He taught a ‘must’ when He said, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth," in John 4:24. It was quite germane for Him to teach the Truth in 'Sychar,' which has the definition of 'liar or drunkard.'Read More

Conspiratorial Satanism (2)

Anytime you find yourself walking diametrically against God’s will, what you are actually doing is an arrogant act: pride goes ere fall. The meaning of the Hebrew word for ‘offered,’ `alah, (aw-law') is: ‘to ascend, intransitively (be high) or actively (mount).’ The king gave his ears to an enemy, an arrogant enemy who did lose out with God and was condemned to be and forever remain an outcast. It was so apropos that Lucifer would mount Saul on a high horse that will spell ‘egotism.’Read More

Conspiratorial Satanism (1)

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The king of God's own Israel chose the entertainment of fear to solve his predicament. We are the architect of our own falseheartedness. The words of scripture are meant to engender the spirit of faith, serving as the galvanisation of our resolve to wait on the LORD. All Satan has to do is just show the carnality of our eyes a frightening negativity. The first thing Lucifer projected into the unsuspecting being of Saul was: "The Philistines will come down now upon me to Gilgal," and the very second the evil one is certain of your capitulation, he takes you on the ride to self-destructive conclusive steps.Read More


Remember the things Ezekiel 28:15 told us? He was ‘perfect’ at his creation. God did not make an evil being. He decided to be so, against God’s design. This is why he had successfully deceived billions of intelligent beings. He exhibits fallacy of ‘perfection.’ Satan’s ‘ways’ are no longer God’s ways. He has suffered a spiritual derailment. Anyone who follows him runs into derailment. He has been able to chart a lifestyle of delusion for his followers. He has kept them in the gulag of his religions.Read More


Jehovah is eternal. When Lucifer's errancy goaded him to the execution of the first putsch, it was before the Eternal Judge, the LORD God, that he committed the felonious cruelty. Christ and the Holy Spirit were not the only Eternal Witnesses to the satanic antipathy, myriads of the two-thirds counterinsurgent angels, led by Michael are witnesses to Lucifer's criminality in the court of celestial jurisprudence. In fact Lucifer himself will stand to depose his nefariousness. An eternal judgment is due, ergo, to a sinfulness before the Eternal Jehovah. Lucifer, I believe, knew what he was into. He tried to play a psychological game with God.Read More


Adam renamed the woman to ensure the continuity of the marriage. It must take after God's vision of: once married, is eternally married: where divorce is a spiritual illogicality which has no locus standi in the heavenly assizes. A proof of the fact that a member of the Church is eternally born again. ".....I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" [Matthew 16:18]. God had put all necessary ingredients of marital success into the crafting of Adam. He was God's disseminator of the oracular afflatus. God cannot lose. He must have His own desire. Jesus, therefore, got back His bride in Eve, the mother of the living. After the temptation, Adam's wife was able to distinguish between faithfulness of the LORD God and the shenanigan device of the Devil, having been fed with his beguilement. She had learnt her lessons. Eve made her wise choice.Read More


The magnetic pulchritude that the femininity of this newly created one, in God's hand, created an electrifying effect that turned Adam, the man, into the first rap artiste. He could not hide the euphoric ecstasy as he rapped, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man" of Genesis 2:23. 'Bone,' in this verse is ‛etsem (eh'tsem): 'a bone (as strong); by extension the body; figuratively the substance, that is, (as pronoun) selfsame; essence.' Adam saw an essential part of him in this oomph of an extraordinary being. 'Flesh' is: bâśâr (baw-sawr'): 'flesh (from its freshness); by extension body, person; also (by euphemism) the pudenda of a man.' Adam saw himself afresh in this woman, which brings us to 2Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" where 'new' means fresh. She prefigured the Christian vessel of redemption.Read More