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Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (VII)

He is both God and man: the son of man and the Son of God. Theologically it is called the hypostatic union. This is where God and man merge, forming an unprecedented compound of Jesus Christ. As a man, He is limited in wisdom, knowledge and power. As Christ, He is the Almighty, the wonderful everlasting Father. In Revelation 1:8 He calls Himself 'Almighty,' which is pantokratōr (pan-tok-rat'-ore) in Greek and it means: 'the all ruling, that is, God (as absolute and universal sovereign).' Isaiah announced Him as 'Wonderful' in chapter 9 verse 6. It is the Hebrew pele' (peh'-leh): 'a miracle.'Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (V)

How could their (Jehovah's Witnesses) imperviousness allow them to believe that standing before them was the Personage of the prophetic afflatus, "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save" [Isaiah 63:1]? There is only one Jehovah made visibly known to those who truly seek Him – He’s Jesus. Are these Jehovah's Witness people of an errant Charles Taze Russell truly witnessing the true kerygma? Selah.Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (IV)

Ask yourself why He should throw at His disciples, the conundrum of John 14:10, "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?" The phrase 'I am' is, interestingly the Greek egō (eg-o') esti (es-tee'). Esti is the third person singular of eime. Eime speaks more of 'existence' than of 'being.' Egō eime is exactly what the Septuagint explains God's response to Moses' question of Exodus 3:1, "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?" Why would Jesus arrogate I AM THAT I AM to Himself; when this epithet is the same as Jehovah!Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (III)

Too stubborn to give in to a superior argument based on scriptural fact the avowed disciples of Charles Taze Russell contend still with Proverbs 8:22 to prove that Christ was definitely an entity of creationism. "The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old" [Proverbs 8:22]. Qânâh (kaw-naw') is the Hebrew word for 'possess' and it means: 'to erect, that is, create; by extension to procure, especially by purchase (causatively sell); by implication to own.' Is the possession wisdom? If the LORD had to possess wisdom before embarking upon all His creative works, therefore, an urgent need to create wisdom for Himself arose, can these people not see the implications of the portentous blasphemy? It portends the lack of wisdom on God's part before creating anything. One who is deficient in wisdom is indubitably dumb. Is this what Jehovah God is?Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (II)

If this Light is the Author of life how different is He from the One of whom it is said in Acts 17:28 "For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring?" There is no difference. The two are the one and the same Jehovah. The One, Father, sits eternally in heaven and the Other, His express image, is Jesus Christ. Amen. Cannot we just see that without God there is no life and that if it is lucidly understood that Jesus is the true Light then man's search for the deity of Jesus is over. Amen.Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (II)

If this Light is the Author of life how different is He from the One of whom it is said in Acts 17:28 "For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring?" There is no difference. The two are the one and the same Jehovah. The One, Father, sits eternally in heaven and the Other, His express image, is Jesus Christ. Amen. Cannot we just see that without God there is no life and that if it is lucidly understood that Jesus is the true Light then man's search for the deity of Jesus is over. Amen.Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Myopic View Of Jesus (I)

Simple logic should inform anyone that whatever or whoever exists before creation is indubitably as eternal as Jehovah! 'Word' in the Greek is logos (log'-os): 'something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (that is, Christ).' Logos is the totality of God's mind, thought, word and being. Did God have to create the Word before creationism? That will be tantamount to His Divine dumbness ere creation. So, the correct answer will be a resounding, "No! He wasn't dumb."Read More


The acceptable Judaism which Jehovah allowed through Moses had, in the days of Jesus, been stained with religion, causing it to assume the four superstitious headed sects of the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and the Zealots. Religion is an atypicality. It is a breeding sty of freethinkers. The seat of man's thought becomes the architectural workshop of the construction of the relationship between God and mortal man. God has to put in place a most accepted relationship between an errant man and Himself. Christianity.Read More


The Church, figuratively, is a woman, the bride of Christ. Adam’s woman was the consummation of the first church and Christ did fellowship with them every day. Christ, in the midst of the first human couple, every cool of the day, is the assemblage of first Church on earth.Read More


God, no doubt, made sure none kept the record of the exact date. It was His Divine incarnation. If He has no beginning and no ending why should the parturition of His humanity receive a public knowledge? It would not surprise me if Jesus was born on a Sunday. Creationism commenced on day one. It ended on day six. On the seventh day, the Sabbath, He rested.Read More


It is a well-known fact that Job was, personally, guiltless of the predicament he found himself. He faced his trials with a certain equanimity. Tribulations are good for us. They teach us how to wear the fitting robe of patience. It is getting worse these days after six thousand years of Adam's unfortunate act that has plunged man into this quaggy state of depravity.Read More


God’s true splendor cannot be captured by these billions of gods. So, what is going to happen is that each blessed one will have to change from one colour to another effulgence of divine brilliance, and each hue will not look really like others, simply because this is what God truly is. Unfathomable! As we depict HIS glory, so we will be falling down in worship of the Most High in Spirit and in truthfulness of it. This is a unique phenomenon!Read More

An Ambassador (For Christ or Lucifer) -5th part.

Joseph, with the words, "...because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" [Genesis 39:9], refused the ambassadorial post of Satan in Egypt. His refusal made him an ambassador for Christ. Amen.Read More