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Doctrinal issue

The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil (2)

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is to test Adamic obedience. I sincerely believe that if the pristine family had victoriously ostracized the cursed tree and, especially, lived to one thousand years of their existence, the LORD God, Who walked in the Garden every cool of the day would have brought for them, clothes to further prove their lordship over the cosmos. God wants to see the true Christ-like lifestyle in the Adamic elevation. It takes true obedience to love the LORD God with all the heart, mind, thought and strength. It does require from an individual, true obedience, to adhere strictly to, “Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left” (Deuteronomy 5:32). The word ‘observe’ is shâmar (shaw-mar’): 'to keep, guard, give heed, have charge of, keep watch and ward, protect, save life.’ The first ever instructions God gave to Adam on his day of creation is, “to dress it and to keep it” (Genesis 2:15); where ‘dress’ is ‛âbad (aw-bad'): ‘to work, serve, to labour, till;' and ‘keep’ is shâmar (shaw-mar’) the same as ‘observe’ of Deuteronomy 5:22. Disappointingly, Adam failed to protect his Eden residence, which is truly God’s house. He failed to guard against the incursion of Satanism, which can only be possible by his inability to use the Word of God. Disobedience to the Word of God is definitely a yielding to the entrapment of Satanism. Read More

The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil (1)

So, God had to warn them not to be associated with disobedience, fitly, the representation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In sincere veridicality, the eating of the fruit is not as wrongful as the disobedient act of “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:” instructional warning from the Divine lips of the LORD God. The grave essence of disobedience to the word of God is simply in the contention with the desire of God. It means you have no iota of respect for the Most High, the Creator. It means that you detest the instruction of God. In other words, you are more knowledgeable than God. God’s law will never become otiose. No philosophy, creed, change of events and time or power can successfully render the law of God obsolete. Going against the express word of God is a direct confrontation to Jehovah. Before God makes any law, He goes from eternity past, to the present time of this age, right through eternity to come, making sure it will stand the times of all existence; then He puts the law into words. It is sacrilegious to show disobedience to the word of God. The Word of God is Himself! When Adam took the fruit from his wife and ate it, he rebelled, like Lucifer, against the Supreme Being. How can one be stupid enough to rebel against the One who is altogether Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent? The one must be wallowing in state of egregious dummkopf. Is the LORD God not the Being of eternality? Anyone stupid enough to go against Him is guilty of eternality of damnation, no doubt. Read More


We need to understand the alpha and omega of probation. It is to bring intelligent beings of God’s creation in alignment with His interest. Devoid of any scintilla of coercion, God wants us to use our free moral agency to do His will absolutely and never doubting the LORD God. Probation of the intelligent beings of creation is actually a blessing in disguise in that those who pass the trials have not only judged Lucifer for failing the obedience test, they stand to enjoy the glorious crowning culmination of the quiddity of divine probation. They will sit beside the Creator in the throne room of the Rainbow Administration of the celestial assizes. This had been the desideration of Lucifer, which he thought could be acquired with cunning forcefulness. He failed woefully trying to earn it. What he lost, God would give to those who satisfy Divine gaze into human probation free of charge.Read More


Let us do some exegetical exercise on the Man, Jesus. He started his life in the matrix of Mary, the wife of Joseph, as a Man of Adam. The theological ascendency of his relevance is the quiddity of his vessel serving as vehicular actuation of the Incarnation. Inside Jesus Christ is the duality of Jehovah and man. Now, if the humanity of the Christ, Jesus, had committed one smidgeon of a sin, the entire soteriological concept would have been awfully defeated, absolutely. As the Last Adam, Jesus never got tired of getting led by the omniscience of Christ in him for every step of earthly endeavours, the LORD of creation, and the Christ continued to expect him not to falter spiritually. For thirty-three years and six months of the Incarnational tread upon the terra firma, Jesus Christ lived to turn as many as would desire to partake in the celestial citizenry from the course of hellish destination of every sinner. In the wilderness, Lucifer failed to derail the course of the Last Adam.Read More


David’s unwavering love for the things of his God made him the best choice to reign when Israel must have her own king. God had been watching him and knew he would be a good king. The judge, prophet and high priest of Israel, Samuel, after he had anointed him as the next king, the good LORD was so pleased with the teenage David who would not allow any smidgeon of bumptiousness towards the members of his family but humbly went back to his duty as the shepherd of the few sheep. To prove to all that David had truly gone through a successful probation, he could not help asking even of the gargantuan fiendishness of Goliath, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God” (1Samuel 17:26)? His probational days had built strong faith in him, knowing fully well that the LORD God is more than able. King Saul sought to kill David several times. Thrice David had the opportunity on platter of gold to eliminate his deadly pursuer; three times, like what is thought of a fool, David rejected the convictive words of his soldiers to kill King Saul. David’s knowledge of the word of God enabled him to make his way prosperous; leading to: “and then thou shalt have good success.”Read More


Isaac, the next in the triune patriarchal line after Abraham, received his first probationary baptism when his father obeyed the instructions of God to sacrifice him. He was Christ-like in obedience to the purpose of the Creator. His acquiescence paved the legality for the ultimate Golgotha soteriological sanguinolency. God was not done with Isaac, who, at a young age, went through the distressing pangs experienced at the loss of the great woman of faith, Sarah, his dear mother. His marriage to a pulchritudinous and virtuous Rebekah though an exhilarating succour, he had to wade through another probational decades of infecundity of matrix fruitlessness. Holding courageously to the patriarchal baton after the demise of Abraham, his father even the friend of God, he lived to a very old age, a trustworthy saint in his walk with the Most High God. Down, he was found, but not out of alienation of God’s favour. Torturously bruised he felt, but courageously believed in the LORD his God. One of the ultraheavy apophthegm of all times from the philosophical heart of this great man of God is found in Job 23:10 “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” After all said and done, Job, who did lose all to the machinations of Satanism, did strike gold, after God’s rebuke of his unnecessary excessiveness of painful outpour. Read More


Looking for a man to establish His righteousness on earth God chose a dweller of Ur, Abraham, the first of the three patriarchs of Israel, who must go through trials. Thousands and thousands of the earth population get pregnant every month. Not so after decades of his marriage to Sarah. Even when they eventually gave birth to the promised Isaac, God came to Abraham in Genesis 22:2, “And he said, Take now thy son, thine only [son] Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” The fear Abraham had for the Creator was an awesome respect; Abraham did not even as much as question the LORD’s request. Abraham’s probation earned him the title of ‘the friend of God’. If Abraham could release his one and only Isaac for this sacrifice, God should have the legality to decide to love the world so compassionately to give His only begotten Son to a dying world. Amen! Read More


Entities of creationism, no matter how perfect in creation, are still under the sovereignty of the Divinity. The same sovereignty over creation explains God’s right to beam probationary light on the existence of beings. The LORD God does not put anyone on probation because He wants to know the hidden dwelling evil in the heart. He knows and sees beings, living, nonliving, animate or inanimate – all the centillions – at the same time and the intents of all, long before the existence of each one. Nothing, ergo, comes to the Almighty as a surprise. He has decided to probe us so that we will know that He is the LORD. The eternality of God’s juridical office makes the Eternal Father the Judge of all things. The judge is only known to swing into adjudicatory ukase after an act of legal interest is brought before the assizes. God made man a free moral agent, having the right to choose any course of life; the free moral agency does not becloud the mind not to know that there is an ultimate Judge.Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (8)

Do verses 22 and 23 say categorically that Jesus is the Head of the Church and does it reveal that the Church is His mystical body? Did I not explain clearly that the saved soul is the full responsibility of the Godhead? If the Church is His mystical body, does it not behove God to do the Jude verse one needful? “…to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:” (Jude 1:1). The Father “purifies” for salvation. Jesus Christ is the divine refrigerator that continues in “preserving the regenerate Christian from injury, rottenness and loss,” because that is what the Greek word for 'preserved', tēreō (tay-reh’-o) means. Through the inspired energy of the Holy Spirit, the gospel becomes meaningful; the “call” is made and what does the Father-sanctified and Christ-preserved do? Led by the Holy Spirit the utterance of the prayer of salvation is made from the heart, you get born again and the Trinity takes over the purchased life, and your new life becomes the full responsibility of God; how can it be lost? Has God ever lost anything He truly wants for Himself? Selah! Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (7)

The first stance of soteriological existence is the act of faith. It does say somewhere, “faith cometh by hearing;” and when the heard substance is led to the state of digestion, the risen hope transforms into a deeply rooted faith in the rhema of the Logos. The LORD God, seeing this display of sheer intent of the abiding faith, the Godhead takes it up from there: for He alone can bring the objectivity of faith into its destined consummation. It is God’s business transaction, which requires not a less in Divinity of participation. Another Entity of eternality, the Holy Spirit, must, as of divine requirement, serve as the earnest. God the Father did not perfect the payment of regeneration of the Christian with the denarii of the Roman tentacles of nations’ occupation. He did not pay with the British pound sterling to save Europeans; the globally sought after US dollars was not the currency of transaction; neither is the Nigerian naira offered for the redemption of Africans. The tectonic relevancy and divine bourne is the onliest reason why God must use Himself as the down payment for the Church: God’s biggest dream. Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (6)

The saved is in the eternality of, not One, but in the Divine hands of Two Members of the Godhead; in fact the saved soul is held in the eternal hands of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit is actively involved in the soteriology. Theologically, we understand that what is in the hand of the Christ is said to be in the Father’s hand as well. But the seriousness of the Divine Insurance Corporation (headquartered in heaven) enforces me to dwell on the individuality and the distinctiveness of each of the Members of the Godhead. The hand of Christ, from which none can pluck, is a mystical arm of eternality. It is impossible to even come to an approaching distance, not to talk of touching it. If you cannot touch it what possibility, on earth, gives anyone the strength of moving just one finger of eternal existence? Need we dwell on the impossibility of plucking the saved soul out of the hand of the Christ? Now the same saved souls are secured in the Father’s eternal hand. One eternality is much, too much enough to effect security for all eternities; but two hands of the Divinity? Phew! It is the end of the discussion! How it seems too difficult to understand this simple scriptural facticity is disturbing to my theological mind, honestly! Does it not make it explicitly in abundance of clarity in Romans 11:29 that “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance”; where ‘without repentance’ is the Greek ametamelētos (am-et-am-el’-ay-tos) meaning: ‘unregretted or better still, irrevocable’? The predestined quiddity of the born again, which before creation was an issue of Godhead predetermination concerning the Christian, makes his spiritual rebirth unreversible. Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (5)

He says pointedly, ‘a man-faced being of Adamic nature’ cannot be justified save by the faith, faith in the word of God. Any person who comes to Jesus, knowing that he was born in sin and wants to be justified, must get born again, a birth engendered solely by the beneficence of Divinity, maintained and perfected by the same God and which has absolutely nothing to do with man’s moral rectitude is what this new birth of soteriology is all about. “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied” (Jude 1:1-2). God Almighty, the Eternal Father, already knew in the eternal past who will seek to be redeemed. So, what did He do? The Greek word for ‘sanctified’ is hagiazo (ha-ǰiy-a'-zō): ‘1. to make holy, to set apart unto God and apart (alienate) from the world. 2. (ceremonially) to cleanse. 3. (mentally) to reverence.’ What God did was to use His omnipotence to ‘set those who will receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour apart’ unto Himself. Everything that marks the process of salvation is God’s work, therefore, the born again person will continually have the Divine attention of ‘mercy’ (to be forgiven always), ‘peace’ (prosperity in all its ramifications) and ‘love’ (God’s unconditional, protective affection) multiplied unto his soul, simply because this regenerate soul must not be lost. Amen! Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (4)

Have we forgotten that Jesus, the Good Samaritan, took the injured victim to an ‘inn’ that is pandocheion (pan-dokk-i'-on): ‘a public house for the reception of strangers; all receptive.’ Remember also that the victim did not supply anything towards his recuperation. The Good Samaritan provided everything, including the payment for the place of rest. How much did He pay? Two pence; and in those days a penny is regarded as a day’s wage. Theologically, a day in God’s heaven is like a thousand years on our terra firma. According to Rev. Chris Okotie, the two pence is the payment of our rest in the Church, divinely presided by the Holy Spirit, for two thousand years. As long as the Church age functions on earth, the Christian is protected against any evil eventuality. Jesus has not performed His Second Coming, therefore, we must remain divinely protected from falling into any loss of salvation. It is just not possible that what Jesus paid for will suffer spiritual deterioration. The terms and conditions of this salvific transaction are absolutely in the hands of the Members of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit will never accuse the Lord Jesus, the Second Member of the Godhead, of defaulting in payment, and consequently throw out an erring inmate of ‘the Inn’ – the Church of the Living God. The belief in the loss of the salvation brought by Jesus is quite unscriptural.Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (3)

Jesus Christ is indubitably the Rock of Ages – the eternal stability of the souls of regenerate born again children of the Most High, making sure no soul is lost, once saved: for who can pluck Christians out of God’s hand when it is clearly understood that, “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. How could our superintendent pastors not see that the word ‘pluck’ is the Greek harpazō (har-pad'-zo): ‘to seize, carry off by force; to seize on, claim for one's self eagerly; to snatch out or away; to steal (absolutely). How can teachers of the Word not grok that even the practicality of the viciousness of Satanism cannot, and will never remove the saved souls from the hand of the Creator? When John revealed the drama that took place in the heavenly assizes, where the One Who sat on the empyrean throne of the Majesty held the scroll, could any being of creationism approach the throne to take or even accept the scroll? None, save the One Who possessed the kind of hand that held the scroll could stretch the similitude of hand and to take! Only the eternality of the hand of Christ could legally and appropriately be stretched towards the eternal hand of the Father. As long as one has got himself initiated into the soteriology of the Godhead both hands and that of the Holy Spirit are holding that one firmly. Read More

Will You Lose The Genuineness Of Your Salvation? (1)

So, what Scriptural explanations debunk preachers of “you can lose your salvation”? The very few words of the microcosm of the entire Bible, John 3:16, make indubitable provision for the answer, which reads, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The Greek for ‘everlasting’ is aiōnios (ahee-o’-nee-os): ‘without beginning and end; that which always has been and always will be; without beginning, without end; never to cease.’ And ‘life’, zōē (dzo-ay'): is specifically ‘God’s kind of unending life.’ The question now is that did God ever know that the saved Adamic entity would commit sin after the spiritual regeneration? If His Omniscience knew this fact, why should He bestow a life unending unto the born again knowing fully well that it stood to be lost immediately the individual commits one sin? There is no way God would give an eternal life that stood to be lost. Prove to me that what God, through grace, gave was never eternality of God’s life and I will agree with Oyedepo that “once saved is not always saved.”Read More


Theologically speaking, is it possible for God, the Creator, to have a mother? Mothering Jehovah is an absolute possibility of the deification of Mary. Could she be a ‘Goddess’? Why, for crying out loud, would such an aberrational latria be accorded a good and very humble natured Mary of the Bible, who will definitely deny this Mariolatrous crave of Catholicism? The quiddity of maternity presupposes superiority of age above the object of parturition. If this is a truism, then Mary must be older, biologically, than the pristine Adam the female. Why do I think so? Mary must, of biological necessity, be older than the Incarnation of her parturition, simply because the LORD God is older than the Woman of Eden. Is Mary older than the Christ? Ascribing aeipartheonos to Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a proof of the fact that some theologians are bedevilled with the problem of philosophers, who, suffering from idleness of mind, will, on their own volition, decide to theorize things that cannot be found in the mind of the divine Object of theology: the LORD God. When you seem not to have anything to do, the right thing to do is to read the Bible, not as a literary stuff, but with the aid of the Holy Spirit.Read More


An Entity of anciency whose existence has no beginning cannot be said to be begotten of another, especially by someone whose existence has a historical beginning. The theological hypostatic union of Jesus Christ, as one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man is the clincher. It is the enablement, galvanizing the full legality of Divine participation in the soteriological consummation. Jesus, armed with His free moral agency and in righteous intent to please the Father; and in joint participatory of the Christ, coming from the eternality of eternities, with all the Omnipotence of His Omniscience, boasting of Divine Omnipresence, apprehensive of every evil intent of Satanism and blocking off all its acts, nothing could go wrong with the salvation having made seven times sure that the holy pregnancy could not be terminated. Mary had, absolutely, nothing to do with this intervention of the Godhead. His humanity went through the biological parturition, and of His Deity? It only partook of His humanity. The humanity of Jesus could never have been able to save the world; only God could, can and will ever consummate such soteriological feat. Hebrews 2:16 “For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.” What this verse is teaching is that of a dramatic scene where two people are sinking to the point of drowning; Jesus looked at the first one; it was an angel. He looked at the other one who happened to be a human being; and the Saviour decided that it is the son of Adam that He would save. Read More


This Light is not a created Being; this is the One John calls the True Light. This Light is the One to whom the accreditation of the fullness of Godhead bodily dwells; of who also is the eternal repository of all the treasures of the knowledge and wisdom of God. Without Him was not anything made that was an entity of creationism. There must be the divine presence of the Light before anything could come into existence. This Light created the angelic beings of celestial abode of the Majesty, no wonder it is said in Scripture, “And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him” (Hebrews 1:6). Who is worshipped, if not the Creator? Morning stars, being many, are the works of the creative hands of God, hence, sons of God. Like their Maker, they exude light to prove the handiwork of who brought them to physical actuality.Read More


Many pastors, evangelists, born again Christians will lose crowns. Many husbands will have to contend with being under the leadership of their earthly wives or children. Crowns of good works determine the hierarchy of empyreal citizenry. Some pastors, who cannot do without engaging in certain vices like sexual immorality, will serve under their church members. It will not be painful an experience to find one in, but, what is sown is what is reaped. You will not wallow in shame, but, your official celestial status, which is dependent on the good things you do now as a Christian either places you lower or much lower than some people if you allow yourself to be dominated by sensual propensity. None will be plunged into slavery of any kind, but you will be low in the new world to come for all eternity. Imagine what the Creator’s elevation of a born again Christian will amount to in heaven before we come to spend the rest of eternity on earth? No one elects anyone into such celestial offices; none will ever be made to lose that office. It is eternally a bestowal of the Divinity. It will be mind-blowing. Let you be warned of the glory of eternal greatness, found nowhere else but in heaven. Read More


Why would someone say, “Jihadic execution of non-practising Muslims is Allah’s commission to righteous followers of Muhammadanism?” Globally, Jihad kills and continues to assassinate people who will not chant, “Allahu Akbar! And Muhammad is His prophet!” In the hand of Islamic jihadism is a lethal weapon. If he is a free moral agent, then that bestows the power of killing, in the name of Allah, to him.Read More